What: All Issues
 Who: All Members : Florida, District 12

To explore a particular member's voting record, click on his or her score of an issue subcategory.

Rubio, Marco
(Sen - R)
Scott, Rick
(Sen - R)
Bilirakis, Gus
(house - R)
All issues 4.22 1.57 5.59
Aid to Less Advantaged People, at Home & Abroad (17 subcategories) 10.96 N/A 7.88
Corporate Subsidies (15 subcategories) 19.05 N/A 4.65
Education, Humanities, & the Arts (3 subcategories) 0.00 N/A 5.81
Environment (16 subcategories) 8.62 N/A 12.30
Fair Taxation (6 subcategories) 15.79 N/A 4.94
Family Planning (2 subcategories) 0.00 N/A 0.00
Government Checks on Corporate Power (35 subcategories) 6.82 N/A 9.00
Health Care (17 subcategories) 6.25 N/A 3.94
Housing (2 subcategories) 0.00 N/A 7.61
Human Rights & Civil Liberties (11 subcategories) 30.00 N/A 3.36
Justice for All: Civil and Criminal (7 subcategories) 0.00 N/A 8.20
Labor Rights (8 subcategories) 2.50 N/A 8.05
Making Government Work for Everyone, Not Just the Rich or Powerful (25 subcategories) 4.44 N/A 8.97
War & Peace (24 subcategories) 28.57 N/A 3.41