Who: All Members : New York : Gillibrand, Kirsten

Click below to see the vote description.

Making Government Work for Everyone, Not Just the Rich or PowerfulImmigration Law Reform
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 214. HR 4213. (Unemployment benefits extension) Motion to suspend the Senate’s rules and allow an amendment to be offered that would have added language prohibiting any federal legal action being taken to invalidate Arizona’s newly-passed laws requiring police to check on peoples’ immigration status/On the motion Jul 21, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 316. HR 2847. (Fiscal 2010 Commerce-Justice-State spending) Motion to kill an amendment that would prohibit policing funds from going to police departments that don’t ask people about their immigration status/On agreeing to the amendment Oct 07, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 220. HR 2892. (Fiscal 2010 homeland security spending) DeMint of South Carolina amendment that would require the U.S.-Mexico border fence to prevent pedestrian traffic and be finished by the end of 2010/On agreeing to the amendment Jul 08, 2009. N N L
Roll Call 219. HR 2892. (Fiscal 2010 homeland security spending) Motion to kill an amendment that would make a citizenship verification program permanent/On the motion Jul 08, 2009. Y Y L
All votes listed below this point were cast while this member served in the House of Representatives prior to becoming a senator. These House votes are not included in our calculation of either the member's Crucial Lifetime Progressive score or Overall Lifetime Progressive score in this category; those scores are based only on the votes the member has taken while serving in the Senate.
Roll Call 487. HR 2638. (Fiscal 2008 Homeland Security appropriations), Forbes of Virginia amendment that would prevent the Homeland Security Department from allowing certain immigrants to stay inside the United States beyond the period initially granted/On agreeing to the amendment Jun 15, 2007. N N W