What: All Issues : War & Peace : Well-Being of America's Military Personnel
 Who: All Members : Maine : Collins, Susan

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War & PeaceWell-Being of America's Military Personnel
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 113. (H.R. 2055) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment that would have prevented funds provided by a veterans bill from being spent until the Senate passed a budget blueprint bill to set limits on federal government spending in fiscal year 2012 Jul 20, 2011. Y Y W
Roll Call 111. (H.R. 2055) On a motion to waive the Senate’s budget rules, which would effectively allow the chamber to bring up legislation that would provide annual funding for military construction and veterans’ programs in fiscal year 2012 Jul 14, 2011. N Y W
Roll Call 110. (H.R. 2055) Legislation that would provide annual funding for veterans’ programs and military base construction in fiscal year 2012 – On the motion to end debate on the bill Jul 14, 2011. Y Y W
Roll Call 238. S 3454. (Fiscal 2011 Defense Department authorization) Motion to begin debating a bill that would authorize funding for defense-related programs in fiscal 2011, and repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy regarding gays in the military/On the motion Sep 21, 2010. N Y L
Roll Call 235. S 1390. (Fiscal 2010 Defense authorization) Levin of Michigan amendment that would strike $1.75 billion to purchase seven more F-22 aircraft/On agreeing to the amendment Jul 21, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 127. HR 980. (Public safety employees bill) Motion to kill an amendment that would increase military education benefits/On the motion May 14, 2008. Y Y W
Roll Call 360. HR 3222. (Fiscal 2008 Defense appropriations) Motion to kill an amendment that would prevent enlistment in the military by those convicted of certain violent felonies/On agreeing to the amendment Oct 02, 2007. N N L
Roll Call 342. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2008 (H.R. 1585), Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) amendment to express the sense of Congress on the minimum periods between deployment to combat of active-duty troops and reservists/On approving the amendment Sep 19, 2007. Y N W
Roll Call 341. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2008 (H.R. 1585), Sens. Jim Webb (D-Va.) and Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) amendment to specify minimum periods between deployment to combat of active-duty troops and reservists/On approving the amendment Sep 19, 2007. Y Y L
Roll Call 244. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2008 (H.R. 1585), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) amendment to express the sense of Congress on the length of time of and between deployments for members of the armed services/On approving the amendment Jul 11, 2007. N N W
Roll Call 243. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2008 (H.R. 1585), Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) amendment to limit the length of deployment of active-duty troops and reservists/On the amendment Jul 11, 2007. N Y L
Roll Call 241. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2008 (H.R. 1585), Sens. Jim Webb (D-Va.) and Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) amendment to specify minimum periods between deployment to combat of active-duty troops and reservists/Motion to invoke cloture (end debate and put to a vote) Jul 11, 2007. Y Y L
Roll Call 108. HR 1268. Fiscal 2005 Supplemental Appropriations/Vote to Provide and Additional $213 Million for the Procurement of Up-Armored Humvees. Apr 21, 2005. Y Y W
Roll Call 91. HR 1268. Fiscal 2005 Supplemental Appropriations/Vote to Defeat an Amendment To Insure that Federal Workers Who Are Called to Active Duty as National Guardspersons or Reservists Do Not Suffer a Cut in Pay For Their Military Service. Apr 13, 2005. N N W
Roll Call 90. HR 1268. Fiscal 2005 Supplemental Appropriations/Vote to Waive a Point of Order Against an Amendment to Increase Funding for Veterans' Health Care by $1.98 Billion. Apr 12, 2005. N Y L
Roll Call 89. HR 1268. Fiscal 2005 Supplemental Appropriations/Vote to Waive a Point of Order Against an Amendment to Increase Funding for Veterans' Health Care by $1.98 Billion. Apr 12, 2005. N Y L
Roll Call 13. S. 256. Bankruptcy/Vote on Amendment to Exempt Active Duty and Reservist Military Personnel and Veterans from Key Provision of Bankruptcy Bill Mar 01, 2005. N Y L
Roll Call 12. S. 256. Bankruptcy/Vote on Amendment to Clarify Means Test For Active Duty and Reservist Military Personnel and Veterans Mar 01, 2005. Y N L
Roll Call 136. A vote on passage of a Democratic motion to waive Senate budget rules prohibiting consideration of a Democratic amendment to the fiscal year 2005 Defense Department authorization legislation (S. 2400) to lower the retirement age for National Guard and Reserve troops from 60 to 55. Jun 23, 2004. Y Y L
Roll Call 277. H.R. 2658. Fiscal 2004 Defense Appropriations/Procedural Vote to Defeat an Amendment Designed to Prevent Part-Time Military Personnel From Being Stationed in Iraq for Extended Periods of Time. Jul 15, 2003. Y N L
Roll Call 163. S. 1054. Tax Reductions/Procedural Vote to Defeat an Amendment Designed to Protect the Jobs of National Guard and Reserves When They Are Called to Duty. May 15, 2003. N Y L