What: All Issues : Justice for All: Civil and Criminal : Drug Prevention and Treatment Programs
 Who: All Members : New York : Gillibrand, Kirsten

Click below to see the vote description.

Justice for All: Civil and CriminalDrug Prevention and Treatment Programs
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
All votes listed below this point were cast while this member served in the House of Representatives prior to becoming a senator. These House votes are not included in our calculation of either the member's Crucial Lifetime Progressive score or Overall Lifetime Progressive score in this category; those scores are based only on the votes the member has taken while serving in the Senate.
Roll Call 340. Fiscal 2008 Intelligence Authorization (H.R. 2082)/Motion to recommit with instructions to increase the CIA's human intelligence budget by $23 million, offset by an equal cut for the National Drug Intelligence Center May 10, 2007. N N W