Roll Call 7.
(S. 1) On an amendment to limit the attorneys’ fees that can be awarded in cases related to the Endangered Species Act
Jan 21, 2015.
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Roll Call 109.
(S. 3187) On an amendment to penalize pharmaceutical companies that are caught overcharging or engaging in fraud
May 24, 2012.
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Roll Call 85.
(S. 1925) On an amendment aimed at reducing the backlog of untested DNA evidence from sexual assault cases, requiring tougher prison sentences for convicted sex criminals, and creating a national DNA database to help track serial sex offenders
Apr 26, 2012.
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Roll Call 84.
(S. 1925) On an amendment aimed at reducing the backlog of untested DNA evidence collected during law enforcement investigations of sexual assault cases
Apr 26, 2012.
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Roll Call 173.
(H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have created a commission to study and improve the U.S. criminal justice system (including factors such as incarceration rates, sentencing, etc.)
Oct 20, 2011.
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Roll Call 67.
Nomination of James Michael Cole to be Deputy Attorney General – On the motion to shut off debate on the nomination
May 09, 2011.
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Roll Call 366.
HR 3590. (Health care overhaul) Ensign amendment that would limit attorney fees in medical malpractice suits/On agreeing to the amendment
Dec 06, 2009.
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Roll Call 347.
HR 3082. (Fiscal 2010 military construction and VA spending) Motion to kill an amendment that would prohibit funds in the bill from being used to construct or modify prisons in the U .S. to hold Guantanamo Bay detainees/On the motion
Nov 17, 2009.
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Roll Call 338.
HR 2847. (Fiscal 2010 Commerce-Justice-science spending) Motion to kill an amendment that would prohibit funds from being used to prosecute in federal court anyone linked to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks/On the motion
Nov 05, 2009.
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Roll Call 316.
HR 2847. (Fiscal 2010 Commerce-Justice-State spending) Motion to kill an amendment that would prohibit policing funds from going to police departments that don’t ask people about their immigration status/On agreeing to the amendment
Oct 07, 2009.
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Roll Call 308.
HR 3326. (Fiscal 2010 defense spending) Franken of Minnesota amendment that would prohibit money from going to any federal contractor that requires its employees to sign contracts waiving their right to sue the contractor for sexual assault or harassment/On agreeing to the amendment
Oct 06, 2009.
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Roll Call 162.
S 386. (Financial fraud) Kyl of Arizona amendment that would cap the amount of money a whistleblower can collect/On agreeing to the amendment
Apr 23, 2009.
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Roll Call 32.
On confirming Eric H. Holder to be attorney general/On the nomination
Feb 02, 2009.
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All votes listed below this point were cast while this member served in the House of
Representatives prior to becoming a senator. These House votes are not included in our
calculation of either the member's Crucial Lifetime Progressive score or Overall Lifetime
Progressive score in this category; those scores are based only on the votes the member
has taken while serving in the Senate.
Roll Call 9.
HR 11. (Wage discrimination) On passing a bill that would extend the time in which employees could sue for wage discrimination/On passing the bill
Jan 09, 2009.
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Roll Call 8.
HR 12. (Pay equality) On passing a bill that would make it easier for workers to challenge wage discrimination/On passing the bill
Jan 09, 2009.
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Roll Call 7.
HR 12. (Pay equality) Motion to rewrite a pay equality bill to stipulate that employers found liable of pay discrimination would not have to compensate certain legal fees/On the motion
Jan 09, 2009.
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Roll Call 317.
Authorizing $40 billion for the Homeland Security Department for fiscal 2008 (H.R. 1684)/Motion to recommit with instructions to authorize the agency to deploy a system to perform risk assessments of people entering the United States
May 09, 2007.
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Roll Call 309.
Recognizing the suffering and loyalty of residents of Guam during World War II Loyalty (H.R. 1595)/On passage
May 08, 2007.
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Roll Call 200.
H.R. 1401 (Rail and Public Transportation Security Act)/On motion to recommit with instructions
Mar 27, 2007.
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Roll Call 151.
H.R. 985 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act/Stupak of Michigan amendment to include government-funded scientists among the federal employees granted whistleblower protections for exposing wrongdoing
Mar 14, 2007.
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Roll Call 150.
H.R. 985 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act/
Mar 14, 2007.
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Roll Call 149.
H.R. 985 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act/Stupak of Michigan amendment to clarify that political interference with science is covered under the bill
Mar 14, 2007.
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Roll Call 146.
Providing for the consideration of H.R. 985, Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act/On agreeing to the resolution
Mar 14, 2007.
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Roll Call 145.
Providing for the consideration of H.R. 985 (Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act)/On ordering the previous question and bring to a vote
Mar 14, 2007.
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