What: All Issues : Government Checks on Corporate Power : Securities/Brokerage Industry
 Who: All Members : Maine : Collins, Susan

Click below to see the vote description.

Government Checks on Corporate PowerSecurities/Brokerage Industry
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 1. (H.R. 26) On an amendment that would have stripped the underlying terrorism-insurance bill of an unrelated provision weakening regulation of financial markets Jan 08, 2015. N Y L
Roll Call 156. S 3217. (Overhaul of financial regulations) Motion to kill an amendment that would prohibit trading what are known as “naked” credit default swaps/On agreeing to the amendment May 18, 2010. Y N L
Roll Call 127. S 3217. (Overhaul of financial regulations) Motion to begin debating a bill that seeks to close gaps and loopholes in financial regulations and strengthen oversight of consumer lending, among other items/On the third of three cloture motions Apr 28, 2010. N Y L
Roll Call 126. S 3217. (Overhaul of financial regulations) Motion to begin debating a bill that seeks to close gaps and loopholes in financial regulations and strengthen oversight of consumer lending, among other items/On the second of three cloture motions Apr 27, 2010. N Y L
Roll Call 125. Procedural motion to require senators’ attendance on the Senate floor to compel Republican cooperation on a financial reform bill/On the motion Apr 26, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 124. S 3217. (Overhaul of financial regulations) Motion to begin debating a bill that seeks to close gaps and loopholes in financial regulations and strengthen oversight of consumer lending, among other items/On the first of three cloture motions Apr 26, 2010. N Y L
Roll Call 162. S 386. (Financial fraud) Kyl of Arizona amendment that would cap the amount of money a whistleblower can collect/On agreeing to the amendment Apr 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 172. S 2673. Accounting Industry Regulation/Vote to Table (Kill) an Amendment Which Would Jeopardize Passage of Stricter Accounting Industry Regulations. Jul 11, 2002. Y Y W