What: All Issues : Labor Rights
 Who: All Members : New York : Schumer, Chuck

Click below to see the list of votes under the issue subcategory.

Schumer, Chuck
(senate - D)
  Crucial Lifetime Progressive Score (%) Overall Lifetime Progressive Score (%) Rank
Labor Rights 89.47 90.91 27 / 64
Aid to Workers Negatively Impacted Upon by International Trade Agreements 100.00 100.00 1TIE / 41
General Union Rights 100.00 100.00 1TIE / 41
Occupational Safety and Health 100.00 100.00 1TIE / 41
Outsourcing of American Jobs Overseas 90.00 77.27 30 / 64
Pension Protections 100.00 75.00 2TIE / 16
Preventing Workers' Rights From Being Eroded by International Trade Agreements 90.00 92.31 12 / 41
Rights of Individuals in the Workplace 81.25 92.31 21TIE / 41
Rights of Public Employees 90.32 93.18 13TIE / 41