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2011 House of Representatives |
Roll Call 528.
(H.R. 2219) On an amendment that would prohibit funds provided by a Defense Department bill from being used for a training program for military chaplains on implementing a new law that allowed gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military
Jul 08, 2011.
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Roll Call 516.
(H.R. 2219) On an amendment that would prohibit funds provided by a Defense Department funding bill from being used to violate the Defense of Marriage Act, a law that barred the federal government from requiring states to legally recognize same-sex marriages
Jul 07, 2011.
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Roll Call 375.
(H.R. 1540) Final passage of legislation providing annual funding for Defense Department programs, continuing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy that banned gays from serving openly in the military, and prohibiting the Obama administration from implementing a nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia
May 26, 2011.
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Roll Call 342.
(H.R. 1540) Legislation providing annual funding for Defense Department programs, continuing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy that banned gays from serving openly in the military, and prohibiting the Obama administration from implementing a nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill
May 25, 2011.
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Roll Call 341.
(H.R. 1540) Legislation providing annual funding for Defense Department programs, continuing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy that banned gays from serving openly in the military, and prohibiting the Obama administration from implementing a nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill
May 25, 2011.
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2010 House of Representatives |
Roll Call 330.
(H.R. 5116) On an amendmentthat would have barred institutions of higher learning from receiving funds provided by the underlying bill if they prohibited the U.S. military from recruiting on their campuses. The amendment was offered to a bill intended to make the U.S. more competitive in the world.
May 28, 2010.
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Roll Call 317.
(H.R. 5136) On an amendment to legislation authorizing annual funding for the Defense Department that repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy towards gay servicemembers, which prohibited gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military while barring military officials from inquiring about soldiers’ sexuality.
May 27, 2010.
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Roll Call 307.
(H.R. 5136) Legislation authorizing annual funding in 2011 for Defense Department programs – on the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill.
May 27, 2010.
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2009 House of Representatives |
Roll Call 770.
(H.R. 2647) On passage of the conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation authorizing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Defense Department
Oct 08, 2009.
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Roll Call 765.
(H.Res. 808) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate authorizing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Defense Department - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the conference report
Oct 08, 2009.
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Roll Call 764.
(H.Res. 808) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate authorizing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Defense Department - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the conference report
Oct 08, 2009.
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Roll Call 223.
(H.R. 1913) On passage of the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which provided federal assistance to states, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate crimes, and added disability, age, sexual orientation, and military or law enforcement service as protected categories.
Apr 29, 2009.
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Roll Call 222.
(H.R.1913) Legislation that provided federal assistance to states, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate crimes, and to add disability, age, and sexual orientation to the categories of protected classes - - on the motion to send the bill back to committee and add members of the armed forces and law enforcement as protected categories
Apr 29, 2009.
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Roll Call 220.
(H.R. 1913) The bill providing federal assistance to states, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate crimes, and to add disability, age, sexual orientation, and service in the military or law enforcement to the categories of protected classes -- on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill
Apr 29, 2009.
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Roll Call 219.
(H.R.1913) A bill providing federal assistance to states, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate crimes, and adding disability, age, sexual orientation, and service in the armed forces or law enforcement to the categories of protected classes - - on moving immediately to a vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill
Apr 29, 2009.
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2007 House of Representatives |
Roll Call 299.
Expanding federal hate-crimes law to include the use or threat of force against individuals because of their gender, sexual orientation or disability (H.R. 1592)/On passage
May 03, 2007.
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Roll Call 298.
Expanding federal hate-crimes law to include the use or threat of force against individuals because of their gender, sexual orientation or disability (H.R. 1592)/Motion to recommit with instructions to send the bill back to committee to include crimes against the elderly and armed forces personnel in the definition of hate crimes
May 03, 2007.
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Roll Call 297.
H. Res. 364, providing for the consideration of legislation to expand federal hate-crimes law to include the use or threat of force against individuals because of their gender, sexual orientation or disability (H.R. 1592)/On adoption of the rule
May 03, 2007.
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Roll Call 296.
H. Res. 364, providing for the consideration of legislation to expand federal hate-crimes law to include the use or threat of force against individuals because of their gender, sexual orientation or disability (H.R. 1592)/Motion to order previous question (ending debate and prohibiting amendment)
May 03, 2007.
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2005 House of Representatives |
Roll Call 218.
H.R. 1815. Defense/Gay Rights/Vote on Amendment to Express Congress's Continued Support for Solomon Amendment (Law that Permits Withholding of Federal Funding from Universities Which, Due to the Military's Policy of Discriminating Against Gays and Lesbians, Do Not Permit Military Recruitment on Their Campuses).
May 25, 2005.
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Roll Call 16.
H. Con. Res. 36. Gay Rights/Military Recruitment/Vote Expressing Congress's Continued Support for Solomon Amendment-Law that Permits Withholding of Federal Funding from Universities Which, Due to the Military's Policy of Discriminating Against Gays and Lesbians, Do Not Permit Military Recruitment on Their Campuses.
Feb 02, 2005.
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2004 House of Representatives |
Roll Call 101.
A vote on final passage of the Military Recruiter Equal Access to Campus Act (H R 3966), a bill that affords military recruiters open access to students even as the military denies access to its ranks based on an applicant's sexual orientation.
Mar 30, 2004.
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Roll Call 98.
A vote on a procedural motion made by Republicans, to cut off Democratic debate in opposition to the Military Recruiter Equal Access to Campus Act (H.R. 3966), a bill that would grant military recruiters the same access to students at higher learning centers as have other prospective employers, even if the learning centers in question take offense at the military's practice of discriminating against recruiting homosexuals.
Mar 30, 2004.
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