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Aid to Less Advantaged People, at Home & AbroadAmerica's Poor
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
2012 House of Representatives
Roll Call 42. (H.R. 3581) On passage of a bill changing the way costs are estimated for federal programs providing loans and other forms of credit Feb 07, 2012. N L
Roll Call 41. (H.R. 3581) On an amendment to exempt loan programs for veterans and students from new accounting methods that would increase the programs’ estimated costs Feb 07, 2012. Y L
Roll Call 40. (H.R. 3581) On an amendment to establish a commission to study accounting methods that Congress could use to estimate the cost of federal credit programs Feb 07, 2012. Y L
Roll Call 39. (H.Res. 539) On a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to legislation changing the way costs are estimated for federal programs providing loans and other forms of credit Feb 07, 2012. N L
2011 House of Representatives
Roll Call 459. (H.R. 2112) Final passage of legislation that would provide annual funding for Agriculture Department programs Jun 16, 2011. N L
Roll Call 449. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have required the Agriculture Department to set aside funding for cooperatives that support farmers who are members of minority groups. Jun 16, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 447. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have required the Agriculture Department to provide funding for urban gardening programs Jun 16, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 441. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have provided $5 million for the development of grocery stores in areas where such stores and fresh food are scarce Jun 16, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 428. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have increased funding by $10 million for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), which provides food to low-income children, pregnant mothers, and seniors. Jun 15, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 419. (H.R. 2112) Legislation providing annual funding for Agriculture Department programs – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Jun 14, 2011. N L
Roll Call 397. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would prohibit funding provided by a Homeland Security bill from being allocated to over 300 community organizations which supporters of the amendment contended had some affiliation with ACORN. (ACORN was a coalition of community-based groups that advocated on behalf of the poor which had come under fire from conservatives who had alleged that the group had perpetrated voter fraud.) Jun 02, 2011. N L
Roll Call 337. (H.R. 1216) On an amendment that would have required the Government Accountability Office (GAO, which conducts studies and investigations on behalf of Congress) to conduct a study on the impact of federal funding for graduate medical education on physician shortages May 24, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 290. (H.R. 1214) Final passage of legislation repealing a provision of a major health care reform law that provided federal funding for school-based health care centers May 04, 2011. N L
Roll Call 289. (H.R. 1214) On a motion that would have required the Health and Human Services Department to post on its website a list of the school districts that would lose federal funding for school health centers as a result of legislation repealing a provision of major health care reform law that provided funding for those health centers. May 04, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 288. (H.R. 1214) On an amendment that would have required the Government Accountability Office (GAO—which carries out studies, audits, and investigations for Congress) to conduct a study on which school districts were most in need of new or renovated school-based health care centers. May 04, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 287. (H.R. 1214) On an amendment that would have required the Department of Health and Human Services to post on its website the amount of funding rescinded from school-based health care centers as a result of repealing a provision of a major health care law that provided federal funding for those health centers. May 04, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 285. (H.R. 1213) Final passage of legislation repealing a provision of a major health care reform law that provided federal funds to states for health insurance “exchanges”--regulated marketplaces in which the uninsured could purchase subsidized health insurance. May 03, 2011. N L
Roll Call 283. (H.R. 1213) On an amendment that would have required the Health and Human Services Department to submit to Congress a report on delays and reduced in enrollment in health insurance “exchanges” (regulated marketplaces in which the uninsured could purchase subsidized health insurance) as a result of revoking federal funding that had been provided for those exchanges. May 03, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 282. (H.R. 1213) On an amendment that would have required the Health and Human Services Department to submit to Congress a report on the extent to which states were expected to have difficulties establishing health care “exchanges” (regulated marketplaces in which the uninsured could purchase subsidized health insurance) without federal funding. May 03, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 281. (H.R. 1213) On an amendment that would have required the Health and Human Services Department to post on its website the amount of funding that would be cut from health care “exchanges” (regulated marketplaces in which the uninsured could purchase subsidized health insurance) as a result of eliminating federal funds for those exchanges. May 03, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 280. (H.R. 1213, H.R. 1214) Legislation repealing a provision of a major health care reform law that provided federal funds to states for health care “exchanges” (regulated marketplaces in which the uninsured could purchase subsidized health insurance), as well as a separate bill repealing a provision of the same health care law that provided federal funding for school-based health care centers – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills May 03, 2011. N L
Roll Call 279. (H.R. 1213, H.R. 1214) Legislation repealing a provision of a major health care reform law that provided federal funds to states for health care “exchanges” (regulated marketplaces in which the uninsured could purchase subsidized health insurance), as well as a separate bill repealing a provision of the same health care law that provided federal funding for school-based health care centers – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills May 03, 2011. N L
Roll Call 274. (H. Con. Res. 34) On an amendment sponsored by the Congressional Progressive Caucus that would have allowed tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 to expire, and preserved Medicare as a guaranteed, government-run health care program for the elderly. The amendment also would have ended tax subsidies for oil and gas companies and power plants, implemented a new government-run health insurance program to compete with private insurers, and increased funding for clean energy, affordable housing, and medical research programs. Apr 15, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 273. (H. Con. Res. 34) On an amendment sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus that would have allowed income tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 to expire, and preserved Medicare as a guaranteed, government-run health care program for the elderly. The amendment also would have increased funding for food stamps, job training programs, food safety inspections, community health care centers, and financial aid for low-income college students. Apr 15, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 271. (H. Con. Res. 36) Passage of legislation that would effectively eliminate all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, which provides a wide array of health services for women, including breast cancer screenings, pap smears, and abortions. Apr 14, 2011. N L
Roll Call 270. (H. Con. Res. 35) Passage of legislation that would effectively defund the landmark 2010 health care reform law that expanded health insurance coverage to 31 million previously uninsured Americans, and prohibited insurance companies from denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions Apr 14, 2011. N L
Roll Call 268. (H.R. 1473) Final passage of legislation funding federal government programs and agencies through September 2011, and cutting $39 billion from federal programs, including financial aid for low-income college students attending summer semesters, funding for high-speed rail travel, and foreign aid Apr 14, 2011. N L
Roll Call 260. (H.R. 1473) Legislation funding federal government programs and agencies through September 2011, and cutting $39 billion from federal programs, including financial aid for low-income college students attending summer semesters, funding for high-speed rail travel, and foreign aid – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Apr 13, 2011. N L
Roll Call 259. (H.R. 1473) Legislation funding federal government programs and agencies through September 2011, and cutting $39 billion from federal programs, including financial aid for low-income college students attending summer semesters, funding for high-speed rail travel, and foreign aid – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Apr 13, 2011. N L
Roll Call 258. (H.R. 1217) Legislation eliminating the Prevention and Public Health Fund, which invested $15 billion in preventive health care initiatives such as immunizations, school health centers, primary care physician training programs, and anti-obesity measures – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Apr 13, 2011. N L
Roll Call 257. (H.R. 1217) Legislation eliminating the Prevention and Public Health Fund, which invested $15 billion over ten years in preventive health care initiatives such as immunizations, school health centers, primary care physician training programs, and anti-obesity measures – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Apr 13, 2011. N L
Roll Call 253. (H.R. 1363) Final passage of legislation funding federal government programs and agencies for one week Apr 08, 2011. N L
Roll Call 247. (H.R. 1363) Final passage of legislation funding federal government programs and agencies for one week and cutting $12 billion from a number of domestic programs, including home heating assistance for low income Americans as well as clean water programs Apr 07, 2011. N L
Roll Call 245. (H.R. 1363) On tabling (killing) a Democratic effort to appeal the Speaker’s ruling that a Democratic motion continuing to fund federal government programs and agencies at current levels for one week violated House rules. Apr 07, 2011. N L
Roll Call 243. (H.R. 1363) Legislation funding federal government programs and agencies for one week and cutting $12 billion from a number of domestic programs, including home heating assistance for low income Americans and clean water programs – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Apr 07, 2011. N L
Roll Call 242. (H.R. 1363) Legislation funding federal government programs and agencies for one week and cutting $12 billion from a number of domestic programs, including home heating assistance for low income Americans and clean water programs – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Apr 07, 2011. N L
Roll Call 198. (H.R. 839) Final passage of legislation eliminating the Home Assistance Modification Program (HAMP), which helped homeowners facing foreclosure to modify their home mortgage loans. Mar 29, 2011. N L
Roll Call 196. (H.R. 839) On an amendment that would have listed the number of home mortgages in each state that were modified by the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). HAMP was a federal initiative that helped homeowners facing foreclosure to modify their home mortgage loans. Mar 29, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 195. (H.R. 839) On an amendment that would have required the Treasury Department to carry out a study identifying which aspects of the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) were successful. HAMP was a federal initiative that helped homeowners facing foreclosure to modify their home mortgage loans. Mar 29, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 194. (H.R. 839) On an amendment detailing a number of Republican criticisms of the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), a federal initiative which Republicans sought to eliminate—and which helped homeowners facing foreclosure to modify their home mortgage loans. For example, the amendment noted that while the program was intended to help 3 to 4 million homeowners, only 607,600 mortgage modifications had been made thus far. Mar 29, 2011. N L
Roll Call 188. (H.R. 861) Final passage of legislation eliminating the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, which provided state and local governments and non-profit organizations with funding to redevelop or demolish foreclosed homes. Mar 16, 2011. N L
Roll Call 187. (H.R. 861) On a motion that would have allowed the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) to continue operating for the purposes of renovating abandoned properties in rural communities. The NSP provided state and local governments and non-profit organizations with funding to redevelop or demolish foreclosed homes. Mar 16, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 186. (H.R. 861) On an amendment that would have listed the number of vacant homes in each state that were eligible to be rehabilitated or demolished under the Neighborhood Stabilization Program, which provided state and local governments and non-profit organizations with funding to redevelop or demolish foreclosed homes. Mar 16, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 185. (H.R. 861) On an amendment that would have required a study to be conducted determining the number of foreclosed and abandoned homes that would not be purchased or rehabilitated in each congressional district as a result of terminating the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). The NSP provided state and local governments and non-profit organizations with funding to redevelop or demolish foreclosed homes. Mar 16, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 184. (H.R. 861) On an amendment that would have required the Department of Housing and Urban Development to inform all recipients of funding from the Neighborhood Stabilization Program that the program had been terminated. The Neighborhood Stabilization Program provided state and local governments with funding to redevelop or demolish foreclosed homes. Mar 16, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 183. (H.R. 861) On an amendment stating that the Neighborhood Stabilization Program helped local communities hurt by home foreclosures, and supported employment in those communities. The Neighborhood Stabilization Program provided state and local governments with funding to redevelop or demolish foreclosed homes. Mar 16, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 182. (H.R. 861) On a motion that would have effectively preserved a federal program that provided states and local governments with funding to redevelop or demolish foreclosed homes by killing legislation that would have eliminated the program. Mar 16, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 181. (H.R. 861, H.R. 839) Legislation eliminating a federal program that provided states and local governments with funding to redevelop or demolish foreclosed homes, as well as a separate bill eliminating a program intended to help homeowners facing foreclosure to modify their home mortgage loans – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills Mar 16, 2011. N L
Roll Call 174. (H.R. 836) Final passage of legislation eliminating a federal program which provided a maximum of $50,000 in subsidized loans to homeowners who were at least three months delinquent on their home mortgages as a result of unemployment Mar 11, 2011. N L
Roll Call 173. (H.R. 836) On a motion that would have enabled veterans and those serving in the military to benefit from a program which provided a maximum of $50,000 in subsidized loans to homeowners who were at least three months delinquent on their home mortgages as a result of unemployment. Mar 11, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 172. (H.R. 836) On an amendment that would have required the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to announce on its web site of the termination of a federal program which provided a maximum of $50,000 in subsidized loans to homeowners who were at least three months delinquent on their home mortgages as a result of unemployment. The amendment also required HUD to instruct the public to contact their members of Congress for assistance if they were unable to pay their home mortgages. Mar 11, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 171. (H.R. 830) Final passage of legislation eliminating a program enabling homeowners to refinance their home mortgages if, as a result of plummeting housing prices, their mortgage debt exceeded the value of their home. Mar 10, 2011. N L
Roll Call 170. (H.R. 830) On a motion that would have enabled seniors to continue to benefit from a home loan refinancing program which helped homeowners to refinance their home mortgages if, as a result of plummeting housing prices, their mortgage debt exceeded the value of their home. Mar 10, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 169. (H.R. 830) On an amendment requiring the Department of Housing and Urban Development to post on its website a note stating that individuals seeking help with their home mortgages should contact their member of Congress. Mar 10, 2011. Y W
Roll Call 168. (H.R. 830) On an amendment that would have allowed the Federal Housing Administration to facilitate voluntary home loan refinancing agreements between lenders and homeowners. Mar 10, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 166. (H.R. 830) Legislation eliminating a federal home loan refinancing program – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Mar 09, 2011. N L
Roll Call 165. (H.R. 830) Legislation eliminating a federal home loan refinancing program – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Mar 09, 2011. N L
Roll Call 162. (H.R. 4) Final passage of legislation repealing a provision of a major health care law enacted in 2010 that required small businesses to file a tax form (a 1099 form) for all individuals who had received $600 or more from a business in exchange for property or merchandise, and cutting subsidies for uninsured Americans to purchase health insurance. Mar 03, 2011. N L
Roll Call 161. (H.R. 4) On tabling (killing) an effort to appeal a ruling that a Democratic motion violated the rules of the House of Representatives. The Democratic motion would have restored subsidies—which were cut by the underlying bill—for uninsured Americans to purchase health insurance, and eliminated tax benefits for oil and gas companies. Mar 03, 2011. N L
Roll Call 147. (H.R. 1) Final passage of legislation funding the federal government through September 2011 and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for government programs, including food stamps (which provide nutritional assistance to the poor), community health centers, Pell Grants for low–income college students, and funding for state job training programs Feb 19, 2011. N L
Roll Call 146. (H.R. 1) On a motion that would have increased funding for Pell Grants by $39 million. (Pell Grants provide federal financial aid to low-income college students.) Feb 19, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 121. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting federal funds from being used to establish health insurance “exchanges” where uninsured Americans could purchase health insurance. Feb 18, 2011. N L
Roll Call 99. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting federal funds from being used to pay the salary of any federal employee to implement or enforce the landmark 2010 health care reform law that was signed into law by President Obama and expanded health insurance coverage to nearly all Americans. . Feb 18, 2011. N L
Roll Call 98. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting federal funds from being used by any federal employee to implement or enforce the landmark 2010 health care reform law that was signed into law by President Obama and expanded health insurance coverage to nearly all Americans. Feb 18, 2011. N L
Roll Call 97. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting federal funds from being used by employees of the Health and Human Services Department (the federal agency that enforces laws relating to health care) to implement or enforce the landmark 2010 health care reform law that was signed into law by President Obama and expanded health insurance coverage to nearly all Americans. Feb 18, 2011. N L
Roll Call 92. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting the use of funds provided by a “continuing resolution” (which funded government agencies and programs for the remainder of the year) for enforcing an Education Department regulation which withheld financial aid for career education programs that, according to critics (including the Obama administration), left students in debt and without the possibility of gainful employment. This amendment was offered to a continuing resolution funding the federal government through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 18, 2011. N L
Roll Call 85. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting the use of funds provided by a “continuing resolution” (which funded government agencies and programs for the remainder of the year) for a program that reimburses plaintiffs for attorneys’ fees when they successfully sue the federal government. This amendment was offered to a continuing resolution funding the federal government through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 17, 2011. N L
Roll Call 73. (H.R. 1) On an amendment increasing funding for state programs serving children with disabilities by $557 million, but cutting $337 million in funding for education grants to low-income school districts, and cutting $500 million in funding for grants to states to improve poorly-performing schools. This amendment was offered to legislation funding the federal government (such bills are known as “continuing resolutions, or “CRs”) through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 17, 2011. N L
Roll Call 57. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have removed a ban on funding for “weatherization assistance” (which helps low-income households to make their homes more energy-efficient) and the State Energy Program (which provides assistance to states for energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives). This amendment was offered to legislation funding the federal government (such legislation is known as a “continuing resolution, or “CR”) through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 16, 2011. Y L
Roll Call 54. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have eliminated more than $324 million in funding for the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal aid to the poor. This amendment was offered to legislation funding the federal government (such legislation is known as a “continuing resolution, or “CR”) through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 16, 2011. N W
Roll Call 39. (H.R. 1) Legislation funding the federal government through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for government programs, including food stamps (which provide nutritional assistance to the poor), community health centers, Pell Grants for low–income college students, and funding for state job training programs – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Feb 15, 2011. N L
Roll Call 38. (H.R. 1) Legislation funding the federal government through September 2011 and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for government programs, including food stamps (which provide nutritional assistance to the poor), community health centers, Pell Grants for low–income college students, and funding for state job training programs – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Feb 15, 2011. N L
Roll Call 16. (H. Res. 9) Final passage of a resolution instructing committees in the House of Representatives to draft health care reformlegislation. The resolution laid out general principles for new health care legislation, stating that such measures should “foster economic growth and private sector job creation by eliminating job-killing policies and regulations” and “lower health care premiums through increased competition.” Jan 20, 2011. N L
Roll Call 14. (H.R. 2) Final passage of legislation repealing a 2010 landmark health care reform law that prohibited health insurance companies from denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions and provided health insurance coverage to 30 million uninsured Americans. Jan 19, 2011. N L
Roll Call 10. (H.R. 2) Legislation repealing a major health care law enacted in 2010 which provided health insurance to 30 million uninsured Americans, prohibited health insurance companies from denying coverage to people with pre-existing medical conditions, and required nearly all Americans to obtain health insurance – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill. Jan 07, 2011. N L
Roll Call 9. (H.R. 2) Legislation repealing a major health care law enacted in 2010 which provided health insurance to more than 30 million uninsured Americans, prohibited health insurance companies from denying coverage to people with preexisting medical conditions, and required nearly all Americans to obtain health insurance – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill. Jan 07, 2011. N L
2010 House of Representatives
Roll Call 655. (H.R. 5510) Final passage of legislation that would have allowed the Treasury Department to provide financial assistance to non-profit organizations that offer legal assistance to homeowners who were facing foreclosure Dec 17, 2010. Y L
Roll Call 611. (H.R. 5987) Final passage of legislation to provide seniors with a one-time $250 payment. Proponents of the bill argued such a payment was necessary because Social Security beneficiaries were not scheduled to receive a cost-of-living increase in their Social Security checks in 2011. Dec 08, 2010. Y L
Roll Call 603. (S. 3307) Final passage of legislation expanding eligibility for subsidized school breakfasts and lunches for low-income children, and implementing stricter nutritional standards for food served in schools Dec 02, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 602. (S. 3307) On a motion to recommit with instructions (which is the minority's opportunity to torpedo or significantly change a bill before a final up-or-down vote on the measure) on a school lunch and child nutrition bill that would have required all employees of child care operations receiving funding under the bill to submit to criminal background checks. Dec 02, 2010. N W
Roll Call 588. (S. 3307) Legislation expanding eligibility for subsidized school breakfasts and lunches for low-income children, and implementing stricter nutritional standards for food served in schools – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Dec 01, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 587. (S. 3307) Legislation expanding eligibility for subsidized school breakfasts and lunches for low-income children, and implementing stricter nutritional standards for food served in schools – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Dec 01, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 486. (H.R. 5893) Legislation providing roughly $9 billion in infrastructure investment programs (programs intended to create jobs through the construction of things like roads and bridges) and approximately $3.5 billion for employment assistance programs for low-income families – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Jul 29, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 463. (H.R. 4213) Final passage of legislation extending unemployment insurance through December 5, 2010 for laid-off workers who had been jobless for more than six months Jul 22, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 461. (H.R. 4213) Legislation extending unemployment insurance through December 5, 2010 for laid-off workers who had been jobless for more than six months – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Jul 22, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 458. (H. Res. 1537) Legislation extending unemployment insurance for laid-off workers -- On a resolution allowing the House to bring up a “rule” setting a time limit for debate and limiting amendments to the bill on the same day it was passed by the House Rules Committee Jul 21, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 430. (H.R. 4899) On an amendment to war funding legislation providing $37 billion for ongoing military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, $10 billion for an “Education Jobs Fund” to prevent teacher layoffs, $5 billion for Pell Grants, and $700 million for border security enforcement Jul 01, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 428. (H.R. 4899) On a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to legislation providing $37 billion for ongoing military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, $10 billion to help local school districts prevent teacher layoffs, and $208 million for border security enforcement Jul 01, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 423. (H.R. 5618) Passage of legislation extending unemployment insurance for laid-off workers whose benefits had expired Jul 01, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 418. (H.R. 5618) Legislation extending unemployment insurance for laid-off workers whose benefits had expired – on the resolution setting a time limit for floor debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Jul 01, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 407. (H.R. 4173) On a resolution allowing the House of Represenatatives to bring up financial regulatory reform legislation as well as separate legislation extending unemployment insurance for laid-off workers Jun 30, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 406. (H.R. 4173) On bringing to a final vote a resolution allowing the House of Representatives to bring up financial regulatory reform legislation as well as separate legislation extending unemployment insurance for laid-off workers Jun 30, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 349. (H.R. 5072) On an amendment to housing legislation that would have capped the number of new mortgage loans provided to borrowers under the federal government’s mortgage insurance program at 10 percent of the total number of private-market home loans given each year. Jun 10, 2010. N W
Roll Call 348. (H.R. 5072) On an amendment to housing legislation that would have required homeowners receiving mortgages from private lenders participating in the federal government’s mortgage insurance program to make a 5% down payment on their home. Jun 10, 2010. N W
Roll Call 194. (H.R. 4872) Final passage of legislation making a number of changes to major health care legislation, including delaying the implementation of a tax on high-cost health insurance plans until 2018 Mar 25, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 193. (H.R. 4872) A bill making a number of changes to major health care legislation, including delaying the implementation of a tax on high-cost health insurance plans until 2018 -- On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Mar 25, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 186. (H.R. 4899) Passage of legislation providing $5.1 billion to aid communities affected by natural disasters, and $600 million for a summer youth jobs program Mar 24, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 185. (H.R. 4899) Legislation providing $5.1 billion to aid communities affected by natural disasters, and $600 million for a summer youth jobs program -- On tabling (killing) an effort to appeal the chair's ruling that an amendment using funds from the economic stimulus law to pay for new spending in the disaster relief bill violated House rules Mar 24, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 181. (H.R. 4849) On an amendment to repeal a number of provisions in a major health care bill (including an annual limit on contributions to health flexible spending accounts) that was offered to legislation providing small businesses with tax incentives intended to spur job creation and expanding a bond program for infrastructure projects Mar 24, 2010. N W
Roll Call 179. (H.R. 4899) Legislation providing $5.1 billion to aid communities affected by natural disasters, and $600 million for a summer youth jobs program -- On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Mar 24, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 167. (H.R. 4872) Passage of a bill making a number of changes to major health care legislation, including delaying the implementation of a tax on high-cost health insurance plans until 2018 Mar 21, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 166. (H.R. 4872) Legislation making changes to a major health care bill, including delaying the implementation of a tax on high-cost health insurance plans until 2018 -- On a "motion to recommit with instructions," or amendment to require tighter restrictions on insurance companies' coverage of abortion Mar 21, 2010. N W
Roll Call 165. (H.R. 3590) On passage of legislation making major changes to the national health care system, including expanding health coverage to uninsured Americans Mar 21, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 163. (H.R. 3590, H.R. 4872) Legislation making major changes to the national health care system, including expanding health coverage to uninsured Americans -- On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments Mar 21, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 162. (H.R. 3590, H.R. 4872) Legislation making major changes to the national health care system, including expanding health coverage to uninsured Americans -- On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments Mar 21, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 160. (H.R. 3590, H.R. 4872) Legislation making major changes to the national health care system, including expanding health coverage to uninsured Americans -- On a "question of consideration," or determining whether the House would bring up the resolution allowing the chamber to debate the health care legislation Mar 21, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 159. (H.R. 3590, H.R. 4872) Legislation making major changes to the national health care system, including expanding health coverage to uninsured Americans -- On a "question of consideration," or determining whether the House would bring up the resolution allowing the chamber to debate the health care legislation Mar 21, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 132. (H. Res. 1194) A resolution "disapproving" of the manner in which Democratic leaders planned to bring up and vote on health care reform legislation -- On a motion to table (kill) the resolution Mar 18, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 130. (H. Res. 1190) On a resolution allowing the House to bring up legislation under a procedure that limits debate time and prohibits amendments -- and thus giving the Democratic leadership additional time to finalize plans to bring up major health care legislation Mar 18, 2010. Y W
Roll Call 129. (H. Res. 1190) On bringing to a final vote a resolution allowing the House to bring up legislation under a procedure that limits debate time and prohibits amendments -- and thus giving the Democratic leadership additional time to finalize plans to bring up major health care legislation Mar 18, 2010. Y W
2009 House of Representatives
Roll Call 943. (H.R. 4213) On passage of legislation extending the tuition tax deduction, the R&D tax credit and several other tax reductions through the 2010 fiscal year Dec 09, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 942. (H.R. 4213) On legislation extending the tuition tax deduction, the R&D tax credit and several other tax reductions through the 2010 fiscal year - - on a motion to table (kill) the appeal of a ruling by the Speaker; the ruling was that a motion to add language reducing a proposed tax increase on certain interest generated by businesses was not in order Dec 09, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 940. (H.Res. 955) Legislation extending the tuition tax deduction, the R&D tax credit and several other tax reductions through the 2010 fiscal year - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Dec 09, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 939. (H.Res. 955) Legislation extending the tuition tax deduction, the R&D tax credit and several other tax reductions through the 2010 fiscal year - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Dec 09, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 887. On passage of major health care legislation designed to provide coverage for all Americans, to expand the coverage of those currently with insurance, and to restrain the continued growth of health costs Nov 07, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 885. (H.R.3962): On the Boehner of Ohio amendment, which included the Republican alternative to the major health care legislation supported by the Democratic majority. Nov 07, 2009. N W
Roll Call 882. (H.Res. 903): Major health care legislation designed to provide coverage for all Americans, to expand the coverage of those currently with insurance, and to restrain the continued growth of health costs - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Nov 07, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 881. (H.Res. 903): Major health care legislation designed to provide coverage for all Americans, to expand the coverage of those currently with insurance, and to restrain the continued growth of health costs - - on the motion to bring the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation to an immediate vote Nov 07, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 761. (H.R. 2997) On passage of the conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration Oct 07, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 757. (H.Res. 799) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Oct 07, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 756. (H.Res. 799) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration - - on a motion to move immediately to a vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Oct 07, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 719. (H.R.3221) On final passage of legislation providing that all new federal student loans be originated directly by the federal government rather than by private lenders issuing federally-guaranteed loans; the bill also authorized a new multi-billion-dollar federal construction program for K-12 schools, and for community colleges, and expanded federal student assistance grants and aid to historically black colleges. Sep 17, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 718. (H.R.3221) The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009 - - on a motion to send the bill back to committee to add language prohibiting any of its funds being awarded to ACORN, a nation-wide association of community organizations focused on housing and voter registration Sep 17, 2009. N L
Roll Call 682. (H.R. 3435) On passage of a bill that provided two billion dollars in additional funding for the “Cash for Clunkers” program; that program provided cash rebates of a few thousand dollars each to consumers to encourage them to trade-in their old gas guzzling cars for new ones that get better gas mileage Jul 31, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 640. (H. Res. 673) Legislation providing 2010 fiscal year funding for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education -- on agreeing to the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill Jul 24, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 637. (H.R.3288) On passage of the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding bill for the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation Jul 23, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 636. (H.R.3288) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation - - on a motion to send the bill back to committee to reduce all spending figures to the amounts requested by the Obama Administration Jul 23, 2009. N W
Roll Call 620. (H.R. 3288) On the Hensarling of Texas amendment, which would have eliminated $250 million in funding from a HUD program that provides grants to local housing authorities to construct, rehabilitate and transform distressed public housing units into mixed-income communities Jul 23, 2009. N W
Roll Call 617. (H.Res. 669) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jul 23, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 510. (H. R. 2997) On passage of the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Department of Agriculture, rural development, and the Food and Drug Administration and related agencies. Jul 09, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 508. (H. R. 2997) On the Kingston of Georgia Amendment, which would have prohibited any money in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture and rural programs from being used for rural broadband loan and loan guarantee programs before September 15, 2010. Jul 09, 2009. N W
Roll Call 502. (H. R. 2997) On the Blackburn of Tennessee Amendment that would have reduced overall discretionary spending by 5% in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration Jul 09, 2009. N W
Roll Call 359. (H.R.2847) On the Hensarling of Texas amendment which would have ended funding for the Legal Services Corporation Jun 18, 2009. N W
Roll Call 314. (H.R. 2751) On passage of the “Cash for Clunkers'' bill, providing cash incentives to consumers who trade in their old, energy-inefficient vehicles Jun 09, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 275. (H.Res.457) The Job Creation Through Entrepreneurship Act of 2009 expanding access to business counseling, training and networking to small business owners - - on the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill May 20, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 274. (H.Res. 457) Legislation expanding access to business counseling, training and networking to small business owners - - on a moving to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill. May 20, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 242. (H.R. 1729) On passage of legislation was designed to help ensure that lenders only make loans that borrowers will be able to repay May 07, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 241. On the McHenry of North Carolina amendment to exempt “high-cost mortgage loans” from the coverage of the bill designed to help ensure that lenders only make loans that borrowers will be able to repay May 07, 2009. N W
Roll Call 240. (H.R. 1728) On the Price of Georgia amendment that would have required the Federal Reserve Board to certify that legislation, designed to help ensure that lenders only make loans borrowers will be able to repay, will not reduce the availability or increase the price of credit for qualified mortgages. May 07, 2009. N W
Roll Call 239. (H.R. 1728)On the Hensarling of Texas amendment that would have deleted the provisions in the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act that make those who either purchase mortgages after they are originated, or package them into securities, liable for deceptive practices engaged in during the original marketing of the mortgage loan May 07, 2009. N W
Roll Call 237. (H.Res. 406) A bill to help ensure that lenders only make loans that borrowers will be able to repay - - on a resolution setting the terms for continued consideration of the bill May 07, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 192. (H.Con. Res. 85) On passage of the fiscal year 2010 budget resolution. Apr 02, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 191. (H.Con. Res. 85) On approval of the fiscal year 2010 budget proposed by the Republican minority Apr 02, 2009. N W
Roll Call 190. (H.Con. Res. 85) On approval of the fiscal year 2010 budget proposed by the Congressional Black Caucus Apr 02, 2009. Y L
Roll Call 188. (H.Con. Res. 85) On approval of the fiscal year 2010 budget proposed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus Apr 02, 2009. Y L
Roll Call 104. (H.R.1106) On passage of a bill designed to prevent mortgage foreclosures and increase the availability of mortgage credit. Mar 05, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 103. (H.R. 1106) On a motion to send back to committee a bill designed to prevent mortgage foreclosures and increase the availability of mortgage credit. Mar 05, 2009. N W
Roll Call 100. (H.R. 1106) On the Lofgren of California amendment to expand the ability of bankruptcy judges to adjust home mortgages, which was offered to a bill designed to prevent mortgage foreclosures and increase the availability of mortgage credit. Mar 05, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 97. (H. Res. 205) Legislation intended to reduce the number of mortgage foreclosures and increase the availability of mortgage credit - - on passage of the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill Mar 05, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 89. (H.Res. 190) Legislation designed to slow home foreclosures and revive the housing market during the severe economic downturn - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Feb 26, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 88. (H.Res. 190) Legislation designed to slow home foreclosures and revive the housing market during the severe economic downturn - - on the motion to bring the resolution setting the terms for considering the legislation to an immediate vote Feb 26, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 70. (H.R. 1) On passage of the legislation funding the economic stimulus package developed in response to the severe economic downturn of 2008-2009. Feb 13, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 68. (H.R. 1) Legislation funding the economic stimulus package developed in response to the severe economic downturn of 2008 and 2009 - - on a procedural vote to determine whether the House should take up the bill Feb 13, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 67. (H. Res, 168) Legislation funding the economic stimulus package developed in response to the severe economic downturn of 2008 and 2009 - - on the rule providing for the terms under which the House could debate the bill Feb 13, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 66. (H.Res. 168) Legislation funding the economic stimulus package developed in response to the severe economic downturn of 2008 and 2009 - - on the procedural question of whether the House should immediately vote on the resolution permitting it to debate the bill Feb 13, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 52. The Digital Television Delay Act (S.352)/On Passage. Feb 04, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 51. The Digital Television Delay Act (S.352)/Motion to recommit with instructions to retain the effective date for conversion to all-digital television for the portion of the broadcasting spectrum in or near that to be used by first responders. Feb 04, 2009. N W
Roll Call 50. The Children’s Health Insurance Program-SCHIP (H.R.2)/Vote to agree to accept amendments the Senate made in the bill which expands insurance coverage to children and pregnant women. Feb 04, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 45. H.R.1. Economic stimulus /Motion to recommit with instructions to add $60 billion in additional highway and water project funding, and to eliminate $164 billion in other funding. Jan 28, 2009. N W
Roll Call 26. HR 384. (Mortgage-backed securities buyout conditions) On passing a bill to set certain conditions on the use of $350 billion allocated to buy certain mortgage assets/On passing the bill Jan 21, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 21. HR 384. (Mortgage-backed securities buyout conditions) Bachmann of Minnesota amendment that would eliminate proposed changes to and additional funding for a homeowners program/On agreeing to the amendment Jan 15, 2009. N W
Roll Call 20. HR 384. (Mortgage-backed securities buyout conditions) Hensarling of Texas amendment that would remove the authority for the Treasury Department to attend meetings of the board of directors of institutions receiving bailout money /On agreeing to the amendment Jan 15, 2009. N W
Roll Call 19. HR 384. (Mortgage-backed securities buyout conditions) Frank of Massachusetts amendment that would require some bailout money to be committed for foreclosure mitigation/On agreeing to the amendment Jan 15, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 17. H Res 53. (Mortgage-backed securities buyout conditions) Providing for consideration of a bill that would set new conditions on the use of money to purchase mortgage assets (HR 384)/On passing the bill Jan 14, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 16. HR 2. (Children’s health insurance) On passing a bill that would authorize the State Children’s Health Insurance Program at $60 billion/On passing the bill Jan 14, 2009. Y W
Roll Call 15. HR 2. (Children’s health insurance program) Motion to rewrite a State Children’s Health Insurance Program bill to authorize the program for longer but require more eligibility hurdles for certain applicants/On the motion Jan 14, 2009. N W
Roll Call 14. H Res 52. (Children’s health insurance program) Providing for consideration of a bill that would provide funding for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) (HR 2)/On passing the bill Jan 14, 2009. Y W
2007 House of Representatives
Roll Call 656. Shadegg of Arizona amendment that would cut the Innovation and Improvement account by $11 million/On agreeing to the amendment Jul 18, 2007. N W
Roll Call 655. HR 3043. (Fiscal 2008 Labor-Health-Education spending) Foxx of North Carolina amendment that would increase special education grants while eliminating funding for “full service community schools”/On agreeing to the amendment Jul 18, 2007. N W
Roll Call 647. HR 3043. (Fiscal 2008 Labor-Health-Education spending) Stearns of Florida amendment that would increase funding for certain educational programs by reducing grants to AmeriCorps/On agreeing to the amendment Jul 18, 2007. N W
Roll Call 643. HR 3043. (Fiscal 2008 Labor, Health, Education spending) Platts of Pennsylvania amendment that would increase funding for the Even Start program and reduce funding for other programs/On agreeing to the amendment Jul 17, 2007. N W
Roll Call 382. Federal housing finance overhaul (H.R. 1427)/Rep. Peter Roskam (R-Ill.) amendment to require that the amount allocated to the affordable housing fund not exceed the amount allocated in the preceding year if in that year the federal government had a budget deficit and borrowed against the Social Security trust fund May 17, 2007. N W
Roll Call 380. Federal housing finance overhaul (H.R. 1427)/ Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) amendment to require a study on the effects the contributions to the affordable housing fund would have on the cost of mortgages to homebuyers and suspend the program if the program served to increase the costs of mortgages May 17, 2007. N W
Roll Call 379. Federal housing finance overhaul (H.R. 1427)/ Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) amendment to suspend contributions to the affordable housing fund if the payments contribute to an increase in mortgage costs May 17, 2007. N W
Roll Call 378. Federal housing finance overhaul (H.R. 1427)/Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-Ala.) amendment to strike a provision creating an affordable housing fund May 17, 2007. N W
Roll Call 282. Reauthorizing the Head Start program (H.R. 1439)/Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.) amendment to allow Head Start grantees, due to inadequate funding, to negotiate to reduce the number of children enrolled in the program if it is necessary to maintain the quality of services May 02, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 280. Reauthorizing the Head Start program (H.R. 1439)/Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.) amendment to require that 50 percent of Head Start teachers nationwide have bachelor's degrees by 2011 May 02, 2007. N W
Roll Call 278. Reauthorizing the Head Start program (H.R. 1439)/ Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.) amendment that would forgive student loans for teachers who agree to commit to the program for three years May 02, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 277. Reauthorizing the Head Start program (H.R. 1439/ Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) amendment to establish a pilot program to allow eight states to take over the federally funded early-childhood program May 02, 2007. N W
Roll Call 262. Expanding the number of federal loan programs available to small businesses (H.R. 1332)/Motion to recommit with instructions make small businesses determined by the Small Business Administration to have been adversely affected by the minimum wage hike eligible for federal loans Apr 25, 2007. N W
Roll Call 210. H. Con. Res. 99 (Fiscal 2008 Budget Resolution), Woolsey of California substitute amendment offering an alternative budget resolution authored by the Congressional Progressive Caucus/On agreeing to the amendment Mar 29, 2007. Y L
Roll Call 209. Fiscal 2008 budget resolution (H. Con. Res.), Kilpatrick of Michigan substitute amendment offering an alternative budget resolution authored by the Congressional Black Caucus/On agreeing to the amendment Mar 29, 2007. Y L
Roll Call 196. H.R. 1401(Rail and Public Transportation Security Act), Sessions of Texas amendment to prohibit Amtrak from using funds authorized by the bill on the 10 long-distance routes that have lost the most revenue/On agreeing to the amendment Mar 27, 2007. N W
Roll Call 172. H.R. 1227, Gulf Coast Hurricane Housing Recovery Act of 2007/On passage Mar 21, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 170. H.R. 1227, Al Green of Texas amendment to allow low-income residents in areas affected by the 2005 Gulf Coast hurricanes to receive Section 8 housing grants/Revote on agreeing to the amendment Mar 21, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 168. H R 1227. Neugebauer of Texas Amendment to delete provision in Gulf Coast housing relief bill that would give families receiving temporary disaster vouchers Section 8 vouchers instead/On agreeing to the amendment Mar 21, 2007. N W
Roll Call 167. Motion to allow Taylor of Mississippi to participate in floor debate for the rest of the day after a ruling that he had impugned another Member's character Mar 21, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 166. H.R. 1227, Al Green of Texas amendment to allow low-income residents in areas affected by the 2005 hurricanes along the Gulf Coast to receive Section 8 housing grants/On agreeing to the amendment Mar 20, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 165. H.R. 1227, Biggert of Illinois amendment to limit the number public house units to be rebuilt to the number that were occupied before Hurricane Katrina/On agreeing to the amendment Mar 20, 2007. N W
Roll Call 164. H.R. 1227, Hensarling of Texas amendment to require federal housing recipients in the region affected by the 2005 hurricanes to work 20 hours per week/On agreeing to the amendment Mar 20, 2007. N W
Roll Call 160. H. Res. 254, Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 1227) to assist in the provision of affordable housing to low income families affected by the 2005 hurricanes that hit the Gulf Coast/On agreeing to the resolution Mar 20, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 101. H. Res. 161, providing for consideration of small-business tax bill under suspension of the rules/On agreeing to the resolution Feb 16, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 100. H. Res. 161, providing for floor consideration of a small-business tax bill (H.R. 976) under suspension of the rules/On ordering the previous question Feb 16, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 31. College Student Relief Act (H.R. 5)/Motion to recommit with instructions to apply the subsidized interest rate reductions only to graduates earning less than $65,000 annually and to active-duty military personnel Jan 17, 2007. N W
Roll Call 30. Outlining rules for debate (H. Res. 65) on the College Student Relief Act (H.R. 5)/On adoption of the resolution Jan 17, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 29. Outlining rules for debate (H. Res. 65) on the College Student Relief Act (H.R. 5)/Ordering the previous question (end debate and possibility of amendment) Jan 17, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 18. Minimum wage increase (H.R. 2)/On passage Jan 10, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 11. H. Res. 6 Adopting the rules of the House of Representative for the 110th Congress/On adopting Title 5 of the resolution Jan 05, 2007. Y W
Roll Call 10. H. Res. 6 Adopting the rules of the House of Representative for the 110th Congress/Motion to commit with instructions Jan 05, 2007. N W
2005 House of Representatives
Roll Call 140. H. Res. 22. Small Business/Procedural Vote on a Resolution Expressing the Sense of the Congress that U.S. Small Business Owners Are Entitled to a Small Business Bill of Rights. Apr 27, 2005. Y L
Roll Call 138. H. Res. 235. Small Business/Procedural Vote for the Governing Rule on H. Res. 22, a Resolution Expressing the Sense of the Congress that U.S. Small Business Owners Are Entitled to a Small Business Bill of Rights. Apr 27, 2005. N L
Roll Call 132. H.R. 6. Energy/Vote on Passage of The Energy Policy Act of 2005, a Comprehensive Bill Dealing with Research and Development of Numerous Sources of Energy Apr 21, 2005. N L
Roll Call 130. H.R. 6. Energy/Vote on Amendment to Codify Executive Orders Issued by Presidents George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton to Achieve "Environmental Justice," Meaning to Collect Data and Develop Policies to Alleviate the Impact of Pollution on Minority and Low-Income Communities. Apr 21, 2005. Y L
Roll Call 108. S. 256. Bankruptcy/Vote on Passage of a Bill to Alter Federal Bankruptcy Laws. Apr 14, 2005. N L
Roll Call 105. H. Res. 211. Bankruptcy/Procedural Vote on the Governing Rule for S. 256, a Bill to Alter Federal Bankruptcy Laws. Apr 14, 2005. N L
Roll Call 104. H. Res. 211. Bankruptcy/Procedural Vote to Proceed to Consideration of the Rule Governing S. 256, a Bill to Alter Federal Bankruptcy Laws Apr 14, 2005. N L
Roll Call 88. H. Con. Res. 95. Budget/Vote on Final Passage of Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2006. Mar 17, 2005. N L
Roll Call 85. H. Con. Res. 95. Budget/Vote on Amendment to Replace Republican-Drafted Budget with Budget Reflecting Priorities of Congressional Black Caucus Mar 17, 2005. Y L
Roll Call 62. H.R. 3. Surface Transportation/Vote on Amendment to remove from the bill language mandating that states establishing HOT (high-occupancy toll) lanes include a lower fee for low-income drivers. Mar 10, 2005. N L
Roll Call 59. H.R. 3. Surface Transportation (Highways, etc.)/Vote on an Amendment to Permit Tolls on New Federal Roads or New Lanes Only to Cover Costs of Building Them. Mar 09, 2005. N W
Roll Call 48. H.R. 27. Jobs/Vote on Passage of Bill to Reauthorize Federal Job-Training Programs. Mar 02, 2005. N L
Roll Call 47. H.R. 27. Jobs/Procedural Vote on Motion to Recommit to Committee with Instructions a Bill to Reauthorize Federal Job-Training Programs. Mar 02, 2005. Y L
Roll Call 45. H.R. 27. Jobs/Vote on Amendment to Allow Use of "Personal Reemployment Accounts" to Obtain Capital Needed to Start a Small Business Mar 02, 2005. Y L
Roll Call 42. H.Res. 126. Jobs/Procedural Vote to Proceed to Consideration of H.R. 27, a Bill to Reauthorize Federal Job-Training Programs. Mar 02, 2005. N L
2004 House of Representatives
Roll Call 163. A vote on passage of Republican legislation (HR 4279) updating "flexible spending arrangements" (FSAs), which enable individuals who have health insurance through an employee to set aside money in an employer-established benefit plan that can be used on a tax-free basis to meet their out-of-pocket health care expenses during the year. May 12, 2004. N L
Roll Call 91. H. Con. Res. 393. Fiscal 2005 Budget Resolution/ Vote on the Blue Dog Democrats' Version of the Budget Resolution Which Would Balance the Budget by 2012 and Prevent the Passage of Additional Tax Cuts Until Congress and the President Had Taken Action to Reduce the Deficit. Mar 25, 2004. Y L
Roll Call 88. H. Con. Res. 393. Fiscal 2005 Budget Resolution/Vote on the Congressional Black Caucus' Version of the Budget Resolution Which Would Reduce Previously-Enacted Tax Cuts to Wealthy Individuals and Increase Funding for Domestic Spending Priorities such as Education and Health Care. Mar 25, 2004. Y L
Roll Call 66. H.R. 1375. Financial Services Regulation/Vote to Prevent Commercial Banks From Charging Their Customers for Depositing Bad Checks Even if the Customer Did Not Know that the Check Would Bounce. Mar 18, 2004. Y L
Roll Call 10. S. 1920. Bankruptcy Extension and Overhaul/Vote on Final Passage of Bankruptcy Reform Legislation Which Would Limit the Availability of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Protections to Consumers. Jan 28, 2004. N L
2003 House of Representatives
Roll Call 667. H.R. 2622. Credit Reporting/Vote to Prevent Credit Card Companies from Raising Interest Rates on Cardholders Who Pay Their Bills on Time. Nov 21, 2003. N L
Roll Call 614. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Tax Breaks for Soldiers/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Nov 06, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 572. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Tax Breaks for Soldiers/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Oct 28, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 542. H.R. 1. Prescription Drug Benefit/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Strike Health Savings Accounts From the Conference Committee Version of the Prescription Drug Bill. Oct 15, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 541. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Tax Breaks for Soldiers/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Oct 15, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 533. H.R. 1. Prescription Drug Benefit/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Strike Health Savings Accounts From the Conference Committee Version of the Prescription Drug Bill. Oct 07, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 529. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Tax Breaks for Soldiers/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Oct 01, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 525. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Tax Breaks for Soldiers/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Sep 30, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 509. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Sep 23, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 507. H.R. 7. Charitable Giving Act/Vote to Recommit to Committee a Bill Which Would Create Tax Incentives for Charitable Giving. Sep 17, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 501. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Sep 10, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 498. H.R. 2622. Credit Reporting/Vote to Preempt State Laws Governing Consumer Access to Credit Reports. Sep 10, 2003. N L
Roll Call 495. H.R. 2622. Credit Reporting/Vote to Prevent Credit Card Companies from Raising Interest Rates on Cardholders Who Pay Their Bills on Time. Sep 10, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 493. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Sep 10, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 477. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Sep 05, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 455. H.R. 2861. Fiscal 2004 VA-HUD Appropriations/Vote to Fully-Fund a Program Which Provides Shelter and Transitional Housing Arrangements to the Homeless. Jul 25, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 453. H.R. 2861. Fiscal 2004 VA-HUD Appropriations/Vote to Increase Funding for Low-Income Housing Vouchers; Vouchers Which Are Made Available to the Poor to Secure Housing. Jul 25, 2003. Y W
Roll Call 452. H.R. 2861. Fiscal 2004 VA-HUD Appropriations/Vote to Cut Funding for AmeriCorps and Use a Portion of that Money for Veterans' Medical Research. Jul 25, 2003. N W
Roll Call 449. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/ Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Jul 25, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 447. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Jul 25, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 446. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Jul 24, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 398. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Jul 21, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 396. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Jul 18, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 390. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Jul 17, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 377. H.R. 2691. Fiscal 2004 Interior Appropriations/Vote to Increase the Accessibility of Federal Lands and Recreational Areas to the Public. Jul 17, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 370. H.R. 1308. Child Tax Credit and Military Tax Breaks/Vote to Instruct House Conferees to Extend the Child Tax Credit to Low Income Families As Quickly As Possible and Prevent the Inclusion of Additional Tax Breaks for Wealthy Individuals During Conference Committee Negotiations with the Senate. Jul 16, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 338. H.R. 2211. Teacher Training/Protest Vote Against Republican Tactics of Failing to Provide the Level of Education Funding Authorized by Congress. Jul 09, 2003. N L
Roll Call 337. H.R. 438. Student Loan Forgiveness for Teachers/Protest Vote Against Republican Tactics of Failing to Provide the Level of Education Funding Authorized by Congress. Jul 09, 2003. N L
Roll Call 245. S. 222, S. 273. Zuni Water and Grand Teton National Park/Protest Vote Against Rules of Debate on Two Non- Controversial Bills In Response to Republican Refusal to Extend the Recently-Passed Child Tax Credit to Low-Income Families. Jun 05, 2003. N L
Roll Call 244. S. 273, S. 222. Zuni Water and Grand Teton National Park/Protest Vote Against Allowing Consideration of Two Non- Controversial Bills In Response to Republican Refusal to Extend the Recently-Passed Child Tax Credit to Low-Income Families. Jun 05, 2003. N L
Roll Call 243. H.R. 1474. Digital Checks/Protest Vote Against Allowing Consideration of a Non-Controversial Bill In Response to Republican Refusal to Extend the Recently-Passed Child Tax Credit to Low-Income Families. Jun 05, 2003. N L
Roll Call 232. S. 763. Birch Bayh Courthouse/Protest Vote Against Passage of a Non-Controversial Bill In Response to Republican Refusal to Extend the Recently-Passed Child Tax Credit to Low-Income Families. Jun 03, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 231. S. 273. Grand Teton National Park/Protest Vote Against Passage of a Non-Controversial Bill In Response to Republican Refusal to Extend the Recently-Passed Child Tax Credit to Low-Income Families. Jun 03, 2003. N W
Roll Call 230. S. 222. Zuni Water Rights/Protest Vote Against Passage of a Non-Controversial Bill In Response to Republican Refusal to Extend the Recently-Passed Child Tax Credit to Low-Income Families. Jun 03, 2003. N W
Roll Call 190. H.R. 1527. NTSB Reauthorization/Protest Vote Against Passage of a Non-Controversial Bill In Response to Republican Refusal to Extend the Recently-Passed Child Tax Credit to Low-Income Families. May 15, 2003. N L
Roll Call 74. HR 975. Bankruptcy Reform/Passage of a Bill to Change Bankruptcy Laws to Reduce Protections for Individual in Debt. Mar 19, 2003. N L
Roll Call 73. HR 975. Bankruptcy Reform/Vote to Recommit to Committee a Bill to Change Bankruptcy Laws to Reduce Protections for Individual in Debt. Mar 19, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 72. HR 975. Bankruptcy Reform/Vote on a Democratic Substitute Measure Which Would Maintain Bankruptcy Protections for Individuals in Debt. Mar 19, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 71. HR 975. Bankruptcy Reform/Vote to Require Bankrupt Corporations to File for Bankruptcy Protection in the District Court with Jurisdiction Over the Corporation's Principle Place of Business. Mar 19, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 30. HR 4. Reauthorizing Welfare/Passage of a Bill to Reauthorize the Federal Welfare Program Which Included New Restrictions on Welfare Eligibility. Feb 13, 2003. N L
Roll Call 29. HR 4. Reauthorizing Welfare/Vote to Recommit to Committee a Bill to Reauthorize the Federal Welfare Program Which Included New Restrictions on Welfare Eligibility. Feb 13, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 28. HR 4. Reauthorizing Welfare/Vote on a Second Democratic Substitute Measure to Reauthorize the Federal Welfare Program, Liberalize Eligibility Requirements, and Increase Funding for Child Care Services. Feb 13, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 27. HR 4. Reauthorizing Welfare/Vote on a Democratic Substitute Measure to Reauthorize the Federal Welfare Program, Liberalize Eligibility Requirements, and Increase Funding for Child Care Services. Feb 13, 2003. Y L
Roll Call 18. H J Res 18. Continuing Resolution/Vote to Recommit to Committee a Continuing Resolution to Extend Government Funding at Previous Year's Level with Committee Instructions to Increase Medicare Reimbursement Rates at Rural Hospitals. Feb 05, 2003. Y L
2002 House of Representatives
Roll Call 480. H.R. 5063. Welfare and Unemployment Benefits/Vote on Rules of Debate to Limit Extension of Welfare and Unemployment Benefits to Current, But Not New, Jobless Workers. Nov 14, 2002. N L
Roll Call 479. H.R. 5063. Welfare and Unemployment Benefits/Vote to Allow Consideration of a Bill to Limit Extension of Welfare and Unemployment Benefits to Current, But Not New, Jobless Workers. Nov 14, 2002. N L
Roll Call 441. Sense of the House Resolution/Vote to Table (Kill) a Measure Expressing the Sense of the House that Congress Should Complete Its Work on Funding the Nation's Transportation Infrastructure. Oct 03, 2002. N L
Roll Call 440. Sense of the House Resolution /Vote to Table (Kill) a Measure Expressing the Sense of the House that Congress Should Repeal Funding Cuts to Hospitals that Serve Low-Income Patients. Oct 03, 2002. N L
Roll Call 400. H. Res. 525. Sense of the House Resolution/Vote Expressing the Sense of the House that Congress Should Enact Republican Welfare Overhaul Legislation. Sep 19, 2002. N L
Roll Call 398. H. Res. 524, H. Res. 525. Sense of the House Resolutions/Vote Expressing the Sense of the House that Congress Should Enact Republican Welfare Overhaul Bill and Repeal the Estate Tax. Sep 19, 2002. N L
Roll Call 397. H. Res. 524, H. Res. 525. Sense of the House Resolutions/Vote to Allow Consideration of a Measure Expressing the Sense of the House that Congress Should Enact Republican Welfare Overhaul Bill and Repeal the Estate Tax. Sep 19, 2002. N L
Roll Call 395. H.R. 1701. Rent-to-Own Contracts/Passage of a Bill to Protect Consumers Against the Rent-To-Own Industry. Sep 18, 2002. N L
Roll Call 394. H.R. 1701. Rent-to-Own Contracts/Vote to Recommit to Committee a Bill to Protect Consumers Against the Rent-To- Own Industry. Sep 18, 2002. Y L
Roll Call 393. H.R. 1701. Rent-to-Own Contracts/Vote to Protect Consumers Against Loss and Damage to Rent-To-Own Merchandise Except In Cases of Intentional or Negligent Conduct. Sep 18, 2002. Y L
Roll Call 392. H.R. 1701. Rent-to-Own Contracts/Vote to Protect Consumers Against the Rent-To-Own Industry by Mandating that Total Cost of Merchandise Cannot Exceed Twice Its Cash Price. Sep 18, 2002. Y L
Roll Call 391. H.R. 1701. Rent-to-Own Contracts/Vote on Rules of Debate on a Bill to Protect Consumers Against the Rent-To-Own Industry. Sep 18, 2002. N L
Roll Call 332. HR 5120. Treasury-Postal Appropriations for 2003/Vote to Improve Livelihood of Cubans By Restricting Funds to Enforce the Embargo on Cuba. Jul 23, 2002. Y W

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