What: All Issues : War & Peace : Respect for International Law & the United Nations
 Who: All Members : Maine : Collins, Susan

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War & PeaceRespect for International Law & the United Nations
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 135. (H. J. Res. 66) On an amendment that would provide $7 billion for disaster relief for areas of the country that had suffered damage from Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene Sep 15, 2011. Y Y W
Roll Call 132. (H. J. Res. 66) Legislation that would provide $7 billion for disaster relief for states that were affected by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene, and would also reimpose sanctions on Myanmar – On ending debate on the motion to bring up the bill Sep 13, 2011. Y Y W
Roll Call 131. (H. J. Res. 66) Legislation that would provide $7 billion for disaster relief for states that were affected by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Irene, and would also reimpose sanctions on Myanmar – On ending debate on the motion to bring up the bill Sep 12, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 351. S 1963. (Veterans’ family caregiver assistance) Coburn of Oklahoma amendment that would require the bill’s costs to be paid for by reducing contributions to international organizations such as the United Nations/On agreeing to the amendment Nov 19, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 347. HR 3082. (Fiscal 2010 military construction and VA spending) Motion to kill an amendment that would prohibit funds in the bill from being used to construct or modify prisons in the U .S. to hold Guantanamo Bay detainees/On the motion Nov 17, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 239. S 1390. (Fiscal 2010 Defense authorization) Brownback of Kansas amendment that would put the Senate on record that the State Department should designate North Korea as a state sponsor of terrorism/On agreeing to the amendment Jul 22, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 238. S Con Res 13. (Fiscal 2010 Defense authorization) Kerry of Massachusetts amendment that would require the president to report to Congress with an examination of whether North Korea should be listed as a state sponsor of terrorism/On agreeing to the amendment Jul 22, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 213. On confirming Harold Koh to be the State Department’s legal adviser/On the motion Jun 25, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 83. HR 1105. (Fiscal 2009 spending) Inhofe of Oklahoma amendment that would prohibit funds from being used to pay the United Nations if it imposes any tax on U.S. citizens/On agreeing to the amendment Mar 05, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 340. National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal 2008 (H.R. 1585), Sens. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) and Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) amendment to restore habeas corpus for individuals detained by the United States/Motion to invoke cloture (end debate and put to a vote) Sep 19, 2007. N Y L
Roll Call 323. HR 2764. (Fiscal 2008 State-Foreign Operations Appropriations) Coburn of Oklahoma amendment that would redirect money from an environmental facility to a malaria and child survival initiative/On agreeing to the amendment Sep 06, 2007. Y N W
Roll Call 317. HR 2764. (Fiscal 2008 State-Foreign Operations Appropriations) Ensign of Nevada amendment that would strike language increasing the U.S. share of UN peacekeeping operations/On agreeing to the amendment Sep 06, 2007. N N W
Roll Call 129. Bolton Nomination/Vote to Limit Debate and Proceed to a Vote on the Nomination of John R. Bolton as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations May 26, 2005. Y N W
Roll Call 93. HR 1268. Fiscal 2005 Supplemental Appropriations/Vote to Delete Funding for the Construction of a New $36 Million Maximum Security Prison at Guantanamo, Cuba. Apr 13, 2005. N Y L
Roll Call 84. S 600. Fiscal 2006 State Department Authorization/Vote to Increase the Share of U.S. Funding for the U.N. from 25% to 27.1%. Apr 06, 2005. N Y L
Roll Call 3. P.N. 12. Executive Branch Nominations/Vote to Confirm Alberto R. Gonzales to be Attorney General of the United States. Feb 03, 2005. Y N L
Roll Call 279. H.R. 2658. Fiscal 2004 Defense Appropriations/Procedural Vote to Defeat an Amendment Designed to Identify U.S. Military Intentions on the Legal Handling of Detained Individuals. Jul 16, 2003. Y N L