What: All Issues : Government Checks on Corporate Power : Telecommunications Industry
 Who: All Members : Maine : Collins, Susan

Click below to see the vote description.

Government Checks on Corporate PowerTelecommunications Industry
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 17. S 2248. (Revisions to foreign intelligence surveillance law) Specter of Pennsylvania amendment that would make the federal government the defendant in suits brought against telecom companies for their participation in the administration's warrantless wiretapping program/On agreeing to the amendment Feb 12, 2008. N Y L
Roll Call 15. S 2248. (Revisions to foreign intelligence surveillance law) Dodd of Connecticut amendment that would remove a provision providing legal immunity to telecommunications companies that shared customer records/On agreeing to the amendment Feb 12, 2008. N Y L
Roll Call 4. S 2248. (Revisions to foreign intelligence surveillance law) Motion to bring debate to a close on an amendment that would temporarily extend foreign intelligence surveillance law/On the cloture motion Jan 28, 2008. N Y L
Roll Call 3. S 2248. (Revisions to foreign intelligence surveillance law) Motion to bring debate to a close on a measure that would authorize warrantless surveillance of certain intelligence targets and grant immunity from prosecution for some telecommunications companies/On the cloture motion Jan 28, 2008. Y N W
Roll Call 2. S 2248. (Revisions to foreign intelligence surveillance law) Motion to kill an amendment that would erase language granting telecommunications companies that shared private consumer records immunity from prosecution/On the motion Jan 24, 2008. Y N L
Roll Call 72. This procedural vote by the Senate was on whether to table (kill) a proposed Republican amendment to S. 150 changing the tax treatment of certain Internet access services. Apr 27, 2004. Y N L