What: All Issues : Human Rights & Civil Liberties
 Who: All Members : Florida, District 12 : Bilirakis, Gus

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Human Rights & Civil Liberties
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 191. (H.R. 3523) On an amendment to ensure a cybersecurity bill could not be used as justification for the U.S. government to restrict internet access or for an employer to ask job applicants to disclose their passwords for Facebook and other social media sites Apr 26, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 528. (H.R. 2219) On an amendment that would prohibit funds provided by a Defense Department bill from being used for a training program for military chaplains on implementing a new law that allowed gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military Jul 08, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 516. (H.R. 2219) On an amendment that would prohibit funds provided by a Defense Department funding bill from being used to violate the Defense of Marriage Act, a law that barred the federal government from requiring states to legally recognize same-sex marriages Jul 07, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 407. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would have eliminated federal funding for a program in which the federal government deputizes local law enforcement officers to identify and detain undocumented immigrants. Jun 02, 2011. N Y L
Roll Call 398. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would prohibit the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement from using funds provided by a Homeland Security bill to release on bond or parole undocumented immigrants who have been convicted of crimes. Jun 02, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 394. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would have prohibited funds provided by a Homeland Security Department funding bill from being used to violate the War Powers Resolution. (The War Powers Resolution requires the president to obtain congressional authorization for a commitment of U.S troops to an armed conflict lasting more than 60 days.) Jun 02, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 376. (S. 990) Final passage of legislation extending expiring provisions of a controversial government surveillance law known as the “Patriot Act” for four years. Those provisions included allowing the federal government to wiretap terrorism suspects, authorizing intelligence officials to conduct surveillance of individuals who are not known to be affiliated with terrorist groups (known as the “lone wolf” provision), and providing federal investigators—after receiving permission from a judge—with access to business and library records). May 26, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 375. (H.R. 1540) Final passage of legislation providing annual funding for Defense Department programs, continuing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy that banned gays from serving openly in the military, and prohibiting the Obama administration from implementing a nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia May 26, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 357. (H.R. 1540) On an amendment that would require all foreign terrorism suspects to be tried in military tribunals (special trials run by the U.S. military, which do not grant suspects the same constitutional rights as suspects tried in U.S. courts). May 26, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 356. (H.R. 1540) On an amendment that would have allowed terrorism suspects detained at the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba (a facility operated by the United States) to be transferred to the U.S. and prosecuted in U.S. courts May 26, 2011. N Y L
Roll Call 342. (H.R. 1540) Legislation providing annual funding for Defense Department programs, continuing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy that banned gays from serving openly in the military, and prohibiting the Obama administration from implementing a nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill May 25, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 341. (H.R. 1540) Legislation providing annual funding for Defense Department programs, continuing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy that banned gays from serving openly in the military, and prohibiting the Obama administration from implementing a nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill May 25, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 333. (H.R. 1216, H.R. 1540) Legislation limiting federal funding for graduate medical education to $46 million per year, as well as a separate bill that provided annual funding for Defense Department programs – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills. May 24, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 291. (H.R. 3) On a motion that would have prohibited the federal government from gaining access to the private medical records of victims of rape and incest May 04, 2011. Absent Y L
Roll Call 95. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have prohibited federal funds from being used by U.S. intelligence agencies to obtain access to library circulation records, library patron lists, book sales records, or book customer lists. Feb 18, 2011. N Y L
Roll Call 85. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting the use of funds provided by a “continuing resolution” (which funded government agencies and programs for the remainder of the year) for a program that reimburses plaintiffs for attorneys’ fees when they successfully sue the federal government. This amendment was offered to a continuing resolution funding the federal government through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 17, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 66. (H.R. 514) Final passage of legislation extending expiring provisions of a controversial government surveillance program known as the Patriot Act. Those provisions—which were set to expire on February 28, 2011—included allowing the federal government to wiretap terrorism suspects, authorizing intelligence officials to conduct surveillance of individuals who are not known to be affiliated with terrorist groups (known as the “lone wolf” provision), and providing federal investigators—after receiving permission from a judge—with access to business and library records. Feb 17, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 59. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have eliminated $24 million in funding for the Selective Service System, which maintains information on individuals who could potentially be eligible for military conscription (a military draft). This amendment was offered to legislation funding the federal government (such legislation is known as a “continuing resolution, or “CR”) through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 16, 2011. N Y L
Roll Call 54. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have eliminated more than $324 million in funding for the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal aid to the poor. This amendment was offered to legislation funding the federal government (such legislation is known as a “continuing resolution, or “CR”) through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 16, 2011. Y N W
Roll Call 45. (H.R. 514) Legislation extending expiring provisions of a controversial government surveillance program known as the “Patriot Act” -- On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill. Specifically, the bill extended provisions allowing the federal government to wiretap terrorism suspects, authorizing intelligence officials to conduct surveillance of individuals who are not known to be affiliated with terrorist groups (known as the “lone wolf” provision), and providing federal investigators—after receiving permission from a judge—with access to business and library records). Feb 16, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 36. (H.R. 514) Final passage of legislation extending expiring provisions of a controversial government surveillance law known as the “Patriot Act.” Those provisions included allowing the federal government to wiretap terrorism suspects, authorizing intelligence officials to conduct surveillance of individuals who are not known to be affiliated with terrorist groups (known as the “lone wolf” provision), and providing federal investigators—after receiving permission from a judge—with access to business and library records). Feb 14, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 35. (H.R. 514) On a motion that would have required all investigations of U.S. citizens conducted under a controversial government surveillance law known as the Patriot Act to “be conducted in a manner that complies with the Constitution of the United States…” The motion also would have required courts to expedite cases brought by American Citizens who claim that their civil rights have been violated as a result of the Patriot Act. Feb 14, 2011. N Y L
Roll Call 29. (H.R. 514) Legislation extending expiring provisions of a terrorism surveillance program known as the “Patriot Act” -- On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill. Specifically, the bill extended provisions allowing the federal government to wiretap terrorism suspects, authorizing intelligence officials to conduct surveillance of individuals who are not known to be affiliated with terrorist groups (known as the “lone wolf” provision), and providing federal investigators—after receiving permission from a judge—with access to business records (such as library records). Feb 10, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 26. (H.R. 514) Passage of legislation that would have extended expiring provisions of a terrorism surveillance program known as the “Patriot Act.” Those provisions included allowing the federal government to wiretap terrorism suspects, authorizing intelligence officials to conduct surveillance of individuals who are not known to be affiliated with terrorist groups (known as the “lone wolf” provision), and providing federal investigators—after receiving permission from a judge—with access to business records (such as library records). Feb 08, 2011. Y N W
Roll Call 6. (H. Res. 5) Final passage of a resolution revising the procedural rules of the House of Representatives, including eliminating House floor voting rights for House delegates from the District of Columbia and U.S. territories, and revising budget rules to make it easier for Republican leaders to bring up tax cut bills that increase federal budget deficits. Jan 05, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 4. (H. Res. 5) Legislation revising the procedural rules of the House of Representatives, including eliminating House floor voting rights for House delegates from the District of Columbia and U.S. territories, and revising budget rules to make it easier for Republican leaders to bring up tax cut bills that increased federal budget deficits – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the measure. Jan 05, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 3. (H. Res. 5) On a motion to table (kill) a Democratic proposal that would have required a special committee (made up of five members of Congress – 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats) to determine whether a Republican resolution eliminating voting rights for House delegates from the District of Columbia and U.S. territories (such as Puerto Rico) was constitutional. Jan 05, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 558. (H.R. 2701) Final passage of legislation authorizing annual funding for U.S. intelligence agencies Sep 29, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 548. (H.R. 847, H.R. 2701, H.R. 2378) Legislation establishing a health program for 9/11 rescue workers who became ill as a result of their rescue efforts following the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001; separate legislation authorizing annual funding for U.S. intelligence agencies; as well as a third bill that would enable the federal government to impose tariffs on countries that undervalue their currencies – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to all three bills Sep 29, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 547. (H.R. 847, H.R. 2701, H.R. 2378) Legislation establishing a health program for 9/11 rescue workers who became ill as a result of their rescue efforts following the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001; separate legislation authorizing annual funding for U.S. intelligence agencies; as well as a third bill that would enable the federal government to impose tariffs on countries that undervalue their currencies (such tariffs were intended to make U.S. exports more competitive) – On bringing to a final vote a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to all three bills Sep 29, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 480. (H.R. 5822) On an amendment to a Veterans Affairs Department funding bill that prohibited the measure’s funds from being used to transfer detainees from the Guantanamo Bay prison to a facility in the United States Jul 28, 2010. Y N L
Roll Call 467. (H.R. 1320) Final passage of legislation barring members of federal advisory committees (which make policy recommendations to federal government agencies) from being appointed based on their political affiliation, and requiring those committees to provide transcripts of their meetings and disclose information relating to members’ conflicts of interest Jul 26, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 455. (H.R. 725) Final passage of legislation providing training for Native American law enforcement officials to investigate and prosecute domestic and sexual violence. The bill also permitted any federal law enforcement officer to investigate sales of counterfeit Indian art products (current law allowed only Federal Bureau of Investigation officials to investigate such sales). Jul 21, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 335. (H.R. 5136) On an amendment to legislation authorizing funding for Defense Department programs in 2011 that would have prohibited the bill’s funds from being used to transfer inmates from the Guantanamo Bay prison to the United States May 28, 2010. Y N L
Roll Call 330. (H.R. 5116) On an amendmentthat would have barred institutions of higher learning from receiving funds provided by the underlying bill if they prohibited the U.S. military from recruiting on their campuses. The amendment was offered to a bill intended to make the U.S. more competitive in the world. May 28, 2010. Y N L
Roll Call 317. (H.R. 5136) On an amendment to legislation authorizing annual funding for the Defense Department that repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy towards gay servicemembers, which prohibited gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military while barring military officials from inquiring about soldiers’ sexuality. May 27, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 307. (H.R. 5136) Legislation authorizing annual funding in 2011 for Defense Department programs – on the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill. May 27, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 82. (H.R. 4247) Passage of legislation prohibiting abusive restraint and seclusion as a means of disciplining students Mar 03, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 78. (H.R. 4247) Legislation prohibiting abusive restraint and seclusion as a means of disciplining students -- On the resolution setting the terms for debate on the bill Mar 03, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 73. (H.R. 2701) Passage of legislation authorizing funding for U.S. intelligence agencies Feb 26, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 72. (H.R. 2701) Legislation authorizing funding for U.S. intelligence agencies -- On a motion to recommit with instructions Feb 26, 2010. Y N W
Roll Call 69. (H.R. 2701) Legislation authorizing funding for U.S. intelligence agencies -- On an amendment to make a number of technical and substantive changes to the bill, including requiring a 15-year prison sentence for intelligence officials engaging in certain interrogation techniques, and imposing new record-keeping requirements for intelligence briefings provided to Congress Feb 26, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 67. (H.R. 3961) Final passage of legislation to extend several expiring provisions of the anti-terrorism law known as the USA PATRIOT Act Feb 25, 2010. Y N L
Roll Call 784. (H.R. 2892) On passage of the conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Homeland Security Oct 15, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 783. (H.R. 2892) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Homeland Security - - on a motion to send the report back to the conference that developed it with instructions not to agree to any language that would allow a detainee held at the Guantanamo Bay prison to be brought to the United States for prosecution or incarceration Oct 15, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 770. (H.R. 2647) On passage of the conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation authorizing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Defense Department Oct 08, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 769. (H.R. 2647) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate authorizing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Defense Department - - on a motion to send the measure back to the House-Senate conference committee that developed it, and eliminate any provision providing for the transfer or release of individuals imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay Oct 08, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 765. (H.Res. 808) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate authorizing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Defense Department - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the conference report Oct 08, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 764. (H.Res. 808) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate authorizing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Defense Department - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the conference report Oct 08, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 746. (H.R. 2892) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Homeland Security - - on a motion to instruct the House representatives to the House-Senate conference that would develop the report not to add any language that would allow the transfer to the United States of terrorism suspects being held at the Guantanamo Bay prison. Oct 01, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 718. (H.R.3221) The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009 - - on a motion to send the bill back to committee to add language prohibiting any of its funds being awarded to ACORN, a nation-wide association of community organizations focused on housing and voter registration Sep 17, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 699. (H. Res. 744) On a resolution expressing the disapproval of the House of Representatives of the conduct of Rep. Wilson (R-SC) for yelling at President Obama during the president’s speech to a joint session of Congress on health care legislation. Sep 15, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 556. (H.R. 3170) On the Emerson of Missouri amendment, which would have eliminated half of the funding for state grants made by the Election Assistance Commission Jul 16, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 457. (H.R. 2647) On the Holt of New Jersey amendment, which required the videotaping of the interrogations of all detainees being held by the Department of Defense or taking place in a Department facility, including the Guantanamo Naval Base Jun 25, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 404. (H.R. 2847) On a motion made as a method to gain control of the House floor and argue against the administration decision to advise interrogated enemy combatants of their right to remain silent and their right to an attorney Jun 18, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 403. (H.R.2847) On a roll call vote resulting from a delaying procedure by the Republican minority. The vote was on whether the House should reconsider its decision to table (kill) a motion to reverse a ruling; the ruling had prevented consideration of an effort to add language to an appropriation bill prohibiting any funds from being used to provide “Miranda rights” to detainees in Afghanistan. Jun 18, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 402. (H.R.2847) On the motion to table (kill) the vote on whether to reverse a ruling relating to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice; the ruling sought to be reversed was that a motion to recommit the appropriations bill and add language prohibiting any funds in H.R. 2847 from being used to provide “Miranda rights” to detainees in Afghanistan was not in order. Jun 18, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 391. (H.R.2847) On a roll call vote, resulting from a delaying procedure by the Republican minority; the vote was on whether the House should reconsider its previous approval of the Moore of Wisconsin amendment, which moved $4,000,000 in the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice to the Violence Against Women and Prevention Prosecution Programs. Jun 18, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 387. (H.R.2847) On a roll call vote, resulting from a delaying procedure by the Republican minority; the vote was on whether the House should reconsider its previous rejection of the Schock of Illinois amendment, which proposed transferring $500,000 in the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice from the Census Bureau to the International Trade Administration. Jun 18, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 386. (H.R.2847) On the Schock of Illinois amendment, which proposed transferring $500,000 from the Bureau of the Census to the International Trade Administration in the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice. Jun 18, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 383. (H.R.2847) On the Burton of Indiana amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit any funds in the bill from being used to relocate census personnel to the Office of the President. Jun 18, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 368. (H.R.2847) On the Burton of Indiana amendment which prohibited any funds in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce to be used to relocate census personnel to the Office of the President. Jun 18, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 361. (H.R.2847) On the Lewis of California amendment that would have prohibited any money in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce and Justice from being used to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility Jun 18, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 360. (H.R.2847) On the Lewis of California amendment that would have prohibited any money in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce and Justice to be used to close the Guantanamo Bay detention facility Jun 18, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 329. (H.R.2346) Legislation providing supplemental fiscal year 2009 spending authority for a number of federal departments and agencies - - on instructing the House Members negotiating the final version of the bill with the Senate conferees to agree both to certain lower Senate-passed spending levels, and to the Senate-passed prohibition on the release of photographs of suspected terrorists being held at the Guantanamo Bay prison Jun 11, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 328. (H.R.2410) On passage of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act providing funding for foreign diplomatic and political operations in the 2010 and 2011 fiscal years Jun 10, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 321. (H.R. 2410) On the Ros-Lehtinen of Florida Amendment, which would have withheld $4.5 million in funds for the International Atomic Energy Agency Jun 10, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 320. (H.R. 2410) On the Berman of California Amendment, which made a wide range of changes to the bill providing funding for foreign relations operations in the 2010 and 2011 fiscal years Jun 10, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 283. A resolution to appoint a committee to investigate whether Speaker Pelosi accurately charged the CIA with misleading her about its use of interrogation techniques on suspected terrorists - - on whether to table (kill) an appeal of a ruling that prevented a vote on the resolution. May 21, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 262. (H.Res. 434) The bill to provide additional fiscal year 2009 funds for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - - on agreeing to the rule setting the terms for debating the bill May 14, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 261. (H.Res. 434) The bill to provide additional fiscal year 2009 funds for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan - - on whether the House should move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill May 14, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 223. (H.R. 1913) On passage of the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act, which provided federal assistance to states, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate crimes, and added disability, age, sexual orientation, and military or law enforcement service as protected categories. Apr 29, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 222. (H.R.1913) Legislation that provided federal assistance to states, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate crimes, and to add disability, age, and sexual orientation to the categories of protected classes - - on the motion to send the bill back to committee and add members of the armed forces and law enforcement as protected categories Apr 29, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 220. (H.R. 1913) The bill providing federal assistance to states, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate crimes, and to add disability, age, sexual orientation, and service in the military or law enforcement to the categories of protected classes -- on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Apr 29, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 219. (H.R.1913) A bill providing federal assistance to states, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate crimes, and adding disability, age, sexual orientation, and service in the armed forces or law enforcement to the categories of protected classes - - on moving immediately to a vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Apr 29, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 169. (H.R.1388) On passage of legislation providing funds for local community service and volunteer efforts Mar 31, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 139. (H.R. 1388) On a motion to add language to a bill funding local community service and volunteer efforts that would prohibit the volunteers from discussing or promoting abortions, and from engaging in lobbying, union organizing, political activity, voter registration or religious teaching Mar 18, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 36. S 181. (Wage discrimination) Motion to send the bill back to the Education and Labor Committee for reworking/On the motion Jan 27, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 33. H Res 87. (Wage discrimination) Providing for consideration of a bill modifying time limits for filing wage discrimination lawsuits (S 181)/On passing the bill Jan 27, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 32. H Res 87. (Wage discrimination) Providing for consideration of a bill modifying time limits for filing wage discrimination lawsuits (S 181)/On ordering the previous question Jan 27, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 9. HR 11. (Wage discrimination) On passing a bill that would extend the time in which employees could sue for wage discrimination/On passing the bill Jan 09, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 8. HR 12. (Pay equality) On passing a bill that would make it easier for workers to challenge wage discrimination/On passing the bill Jan 09, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 7. HR 12. (Pay equality) Motion to rewrite a pay equality bill to stipulate that employers found liable of pay discrimination would not have to compensate certain legal fees/On the motion Jan 09, 2009. Y N W
Roll Call 623. Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act, requiring a pullout of ground troops from Iraq by April 2008 (H.R. 2956)/On tabling an appeal of the ruling of the chair Jul 12, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 339. Fiscal 2008 Intelligence Authorization (H.R. 2082)/Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) amendment to clarify that the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act is the exclusive means by which domestic electronic surveillance for the purpose of gathering foreign intelligence information may be conducted May 10, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 317. Authorizing $40 billion for the Homeland Security Department for fiscal 2008 (H.R. 1684)/Motion to recommit with instructions to authorize the agency to deploy a system to perform risk assessments of people entering the United States May 09, 2007. Y N L
Roll Call 299. Expanding federal hate-crimes law to include the use or threat of force against individuals because of their gender, sexual orientation or disability (H.R. 1592)/On passage May 03, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 298. Expanding federal hate-crimes law to include the use or threat of force against individuals because of their gender, sexual orientation or disability (H.R. 1592)/Motion to recommit with instructions to send the bill back to committee to include crimes against the elderly and armed forces personnel in the definition of hate crimes May 03, 2007. Y N W
Roll Call 297. H. Res. 364, providing for the consideration of legislation to expand federal hate-crimes law to include the use or threat of force against individuals because of their gender, sexual orientation or disability (H.R. 1592)/On adoption of the rule May 03, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 296. H. Res. 364, providing for the consideration of legislation to expand federal hate-crimes law to include the use or threat of force against individuals because of their gender, sexual orientation or disability (H.R. 1592)/Motion to order previous question (ending debate and prohibiting amendment) May 03, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 289. Reauthorization of the National Science Foundation (H.R. 1867)/Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.) amendment to prohibit the use of NSF funds for research related to a number of specific topics such as archives of Andean knotted-string records and bison hunting on the late prehistoric Great Plains May 02, 2007. Y N W
Roll Call 288. Reauthorization of the National Science Foundation (H.R. 1867)/Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) amendment to require NSF to create curriculum for kindergarten through 12th graders on climate change, climate science and strategies to reduce greenhouse gases May 02, 2007. Y Y W
Roll Call 287. Reauthorization of the National Science Foundation (H.R. 1867)/Rep. John Sullivan (R-Okla.) amendment to require educational materials on climate change put out by NSF to reflect the "diversity of scientific viewpoints" on whether human activity is responsible for changing weather patterns May 02, 2007. Y N W
Roll Call 284. Reauthorizing the Head Start program (H.R. 1439)/Motion to recommit with instructions to amend the legislation to permit faith-based organizations that provide federally funded early-childhood development programs to take religious affiliation into account when hiring employees and clarify that such organizations could use "religious art, icons, scripture or other symbols" May 02, 2007. Y N W
Roll Call 283. Reauthorizing the Head Start program (H.R. 1439)/Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) amendment to outline the importance of faith- and community-based organizations participation in the Head Start program May 02, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 274. Providing for consideration of legislation to reauthorize the Head Start program (H.R. 1429)/On adoption of the rules package (H. Res. 348) May 02, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 273. Providing for consideration of legislation to reauthorize the Head Start program (H.R. 1429)/Motion to order the previous question (end debate) on the rules package (H. Res. 348) May 02, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 232. Increasing quarterly estimated tax payments for those with adjusted gross incomes of more than $5 million (H.R. 1906)/On passage Apr 19, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 231. District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act (H.R. 1905)/On passage Apr 19, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 230. District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act (H.R. 1905)/Motion to recommit with instructions to include language providing for expedited judicial review Apr 19, 2007. Y N W
Roll Call 229. Providing for the consideration of the District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act (H. Res. 317)/On adoption of the rules package Apr 19, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 228. Providing for the consideration of the District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act (H. Res. 317)/On ordering the previous question (end debate and prohibit amendment) Apr 19, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 200. H.R. 1401 (Rail and Public Transportation Security Act)/On motion to recommit with instructions Mar 27, 2007. Y N L
Roll Call 198. H.R. 1401 (Rail and Public Transportation Security Act), manager's amendment by Thompson of Mississippi to give the Transportation Department control over administering bus and rail security grant funding/Revote on agreeing to the amendment Mar 27, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 194. H.R. 1401 (Rail and Public Transportation Security Act), manager's amendment by Thompson of Mississippi to give the Transportation Department control over administering bus and rail security grant funding/On agreeing to the amendment Mar 27, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 180. H. Res. 260, providing for the consideration of H.R. 1433, (District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act)/On agreeing to the resolution governing the rules of debate Mar 22, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 179. H. Res. 260, providing for the consideration of H.R. 1433, (District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act)/On ordering the previous question Mar 22, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 171. H.R. 1227, Gulf Coast Hurricane Housing Recovery Act of 2007/On motion to recommit with instructions Mar 21, 2007. Y N L
Roll Call 151. H.R. 985 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act/Stupak of Michigan amendment to include government-funded scientists among the federal employees granted whistleblower protections for exposing wrongdoing Mar 14, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 150. H.R. 985 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act/ Mar 14, 2007. Y N W
Roll Call 149. H.R. 985 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act/Stupak of Michigan amendment to clarify that political interference with science is covered under the bill Mar 14, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 146. Providing for the consideration of H.R. 985, Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act/On agreeing to the resolution Mar 14, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 145. Providing for the consideration of H.R. 985 (Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act)/On ordering the previous question and bring to a vote Mar 14, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 57. House rules change to allow limited voting rights for the delegates from the District of Columbia and four U.S. territories (H. Res. 93)/On passage Jan 24, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 56. House rules change to allow limited voting rights for the delegates from the District of Columbia and four U.S. territories (H. Res. 93)/Question of consideration Jan 24, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 54. House rules change to allow limited voting rights for the delegates from the District of Columbia and four U.S. territories (H. Res. 93)/Motion to table a resolution to disapprove the actions of the Rules Committee Jan 24, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 53. Rules governing debate (H. Res. 86) for a resolution to provide limited voting rights for delegates to the House/On adoption of the rule Jan 24, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 52. Rules governing debate (H. Res. 86) for a resolution to provide limited voting rights for delegates to the House/Motion to table (kill) the motion to reconsider the previous vote Jan 24, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 51. Rules governing debate (H. Res. 86) for a resolution to provide limited voting rights for delegates to the House/Motion to order the previous question, end debate and prevent amendment Jan 24, 2007. N Y W
Roll Call 14. Implementing the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission (H.R. 1)/Motion to recommit with instructions Jan 09, 2007. Y N W