What: All Issues : Corporate Subsidies : Agriculture
 Who: All Members : Maine : Collins, Susan

Click below to see the vote description.

Corporate SubsidiesAgriculture
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 164. (S. 3240) On passage of legislation that authorizes federal programs to assist farmers and low-income Americans Jun 21, 2012. Y Y W
Roll Call 156. (S. 3240) On an amendment aimed at preserving higher federal subsidies for crop insurance for all farmers, including those with incomes over $750,000 Jun 20, 2012. Y N W
Roll Call 155. (S. 3240) On an amendment to require farmers to meet standards for conserving water and soil in exchange for federally subsidized crop insurance Jun 20, 2012. Y Y W
Roll Call 140. (S. 3240) On an amendment aimed at improving the payout organic farmers receive from the federal crop insurance program Jun 20, 2012. Y Y W
Roll Call 124. (S. 3240) On an amendment calling for a study on changing the way the price of milk is determined in the United States Jun 19, 2012. Y Y W
Roll Call 221. CLEAN Energy Act (H.R. 6), Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) amendment that would prohibit fuel consisting of animal fat mixed with diesel from receiving a tax credit/On the adoption of the amendment Jun 20, 2007. Y N W
Roll Call 210. CLEAN Energy Act (H.R. 6), Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) amendment to expedite the permitting process for the expansion of refinery facility and authorize federal funding for the development of coal-to-liquid and cellulosic biomass fuels/On adoption of the amendment Jun 13, 2007. N N W
Roll Call 174. S 1348. (Immigration overhaul) Amendment by Dorgan of North Dakota that would delete a temporary worker visa program/On agreeing to the amendment May 22, 2007. N Y L
Roll Call 209. S. 14. Energy Policy/Vote to Provide Federal Subsidy to Ethanol Manufacturers. Jun 05, 2003. Y N L
Roll Call 208. S. 14. Energy Policy/Vote to Hold Ethanol-Producers Liable for Any Negative Environmental Consequences Borne From Ethanol Use. Jun 05, 2003. Y Y L
Roll Call 207. S. 14. Energy Policy/Vote to Exempt Midwestern States From the Mandated Use of Environmentally-Neutral Ethanol As a Gasoline Additive. Jun 05, 2003. Y Y L
Roll Call 204. S. 14. Energy Policy/ Vote to Allow Governors to Exempt Their States From the Mandated Use of Environmentally- Neutral Ethanol As a Gasoline Additive. Jun 03, 2003. Y Y L
Roll Call 203. S. 14. Energy Policy/Vote to Allow the EPA to Exempt States With Stringent Air Quality Standards From the Mandated Use of Environmentally-Neutral Ethanol As a Gasoline Additive. Jun 03, 2003. Y Y L
Roll Call 30. HR 2646. Farm Bill/Senate Passage of a Bill to Reauthorize a Host of Federal Agricultural Programs Benefiting U.S. Farmers. Feb 13, 2002. Y Y W
Roll Call 15. S 1731. Farm Bill/Vote to Eliminate Specific Federal Subsidy to Massive, Corporate Farms. Feb 06, 2002. Y Y L