What: All Issues : Making Government Work for Everyone, Not Just the Rich or Powerful
 Who: All Members : Maine, District 1 : Pingree, Chellie

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Making Government Work for Everyone, Not Just the Rich or Powerful
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 191. (H.R. 3523) On an amendment to ensure a cybersecurity bill could not be used as justification for the U.S. government to restrict internet access or for an employer to ask job applicants to disclose their passwords for Facebook and other social media sites Apr 26, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 68. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment that would prevent oil companies from drilling in newly opened federal territory if they are exempt from paying royalties for drilling in other federal territory Feb 16, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 62. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to allow four Gulf Coast states to receive more of the profits from leasing federally owned areas offshore to oil companies Feb 15, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 51. (H.Res. 547) On a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to Republican-designed legislation that would extend programs funding roads, mass transit, and other transportation projects Feb 15, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 50. (H.Res. 547) On a motion to end debate and immediately vote on a resolution setting a time limit and the amendments that could be offered to Republican-designed legislation that would extend programs funding roads, mass transit, and other transportation projects Feb 15, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 46. (H.R. 3521) On passage of a bill that would allow the president to ask for clearance from Congress to cut individual items from spending bills Feb 08, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 44. (H.R. 3521) On a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to two separate bills – one that would allow the president to force Congress to vote individually on spending items seen as wasteful, and the other aimed at preventing members of Congress from using their access to inside information to make profitable trades in the stock market Feb 08, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 43. (H.R. 3521) On a motion to end debate and immediately vote on a resolution setting a time limit and amendments that can be offered to two separate bills Feb 08, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 39. (H.Res. 539) On a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to legislation changing the way costs are estimated for federal programs providing loans and other forms of credit Feb 07, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 38. (H.R. 1734) On passage of legislation to sell property that the federal government owns but does not need Feb 07, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 690. (S. 365) Final passage of legislation that would raise the U.S. debt limit by $2.4 trillion (to $16.7 trillion) through 2012, cut more than $900 billion from social programs and military spending, and create a commission to propose an additional $1.5 trillion in budgetary savings (either from spending cuts or tax revenue increases) Aug 01, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 687. (S. 365) Legislation that would raise the U.S. debt limit by $2.4 trillion (to $16.7 trillion) through 2012, cut more than $900 billion from social programs and military spending, and create a commission to propose an additional $1.5 trillion in budgetary savings (either from spending cuts or tax revenue increases) – On passage of a resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the debt limit bill Aug 01, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 686. (S. 365) Legislation that would raise the U.S. debt limit by $2.4 trillion (to $16.7 trillion) through 2012, cut more than $900 billion from social programs and military spending, and create a commission to propose an additional $1.5 trillion in budgetary savings (either from spending cuts or tax revenue increases) – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the debt limit bill Aug 01, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 554. (H.R. 1309) On an amendment that would have prohibited lenders from requiring homeowners to purchase flood insurance in an amount greater than the outstanding principal balance of a home loan Jul 12, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 536. (H.R. 2354) On an amendment that would increase funding by $6.36 million for dredging activities by the Army Corps of Engineers (in which sediment is removed from waterways in order keep them navigable)—and would simultaneously cut $6.36 million from the Corps’ administrative expenses account. Jul 11, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 534. (H.R. 2354) On an amendment that would have increased funding for the Army Corps of Engineers construction projects by $186 million Jul 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 522. (H.R. 2219) On an amendment that would prohibit funds provided by a Defense Department funding bill from being used to enforce any regulation relating to the disclosure of political contributions Jul 07, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 490. (H.R. 1249) On a motion that would have required the Patent and Trademark Office to “prioritize” applications for patents by inventors who “pledge to develop or manufacture their products, processes, and technologies in the United States” Jun 23, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 485. (H.R. 1249) On an amendment that would clarify that the 60-day period in which companies can apply to extend the term of their patents would begin on the next business day following the federal government’s decision allowing the patented product to go on the market Jun 23, 2011. N Y W
Roll Call 482. (H.R. 1249) On an amendment that would have prohibited the U.S. from adopting a “first-to-file” patent system (which grants patent protection to the first person to file an application for a patent for an invention—regardless of whether that person is the actual inventor) until other nations agree to adopt a one-year patent “grace period” (which would give inventors one year to file an application for a patent after publishing an invention, and effectively prevent that inventor’s idea from being stolen). Jun 23, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 481. (H.R. 1249) On an amendment that would have allowed fees collected by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to be transferred to other government agencies Jun 23, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 477. (H.R. 2021) On a motion that would have required the Environmental Protection Agency to submit a report to Congress determining whether a bill loosening regulations on air pollution caused by oil and gas drilling would lower gas prices for consumers Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 475. (H.R. 2021) On an amendment that would have required the Environmental Protection Agency to submit a report to Congress determining the extent to which an oil drilling bill would lower gas prices for consumers. Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 466. (H.R. 672) Final passage of legislation that would have eliminated the Election Assistance Commission, which provides federal funding and guidance to states to administer elections Jun 22, 2011. N N W
Roll Call 465. (H.R. 2021, H.R. 1249) Legislation that would ease air pollution regulations for oil and gas drilling, as well as a separate, unrelated patent reform bill – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills Jun 22, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 464. (H.R. 2021, H.R. 1249) Legislation that would ease air pollution regulations for oil and gas drilling, as well as a separate, unrelated patent reform bill—On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills Jun 22, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 463. (H.R. 2021, H.R. 1249) Legislation that would ease air pollution regulations for oil and gas drilling, as well as a separate, unrelated patent reform bill–On whether to bring up the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills Jun 22, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 456. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have prohibited the Agriculture Department from storing data in facilities in foreign countries Jun 16, 2011. N Y L
Roll Call 449. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have required the Agriculture Department to set aside funding for cooperatives that support farmers who are members of minority groups. Jun 16, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 444. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have prohibited funds provided by an agriculture bill from being used to pay settlements in discrimination lawsuits filed by black farmers Jun 16, 2011. N N W
Roll Call 442. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would increase funding by $6 million for a high-speed broadband internet loan program Jun 16, 2011. Y Y W
Roll Call 440. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have increased funding provided by an agriculture bill for the Food and Drug Administration by $49 million. Jun 16, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 426. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have increased funding by $1 million for the Microbiological Data Program, which tests fruits and vegetables for bacteria that can cause food-borne illnesses Jun 15, 2011. N Y L
Roll Call 420. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have provided $1 million to the Food and Drug Administration to combat outbreaks of food-borne illness linked to E. coli. Jun 15, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 409. (H.R. 2017) Final passage of legislation that would provide annual funding for Homeland Security Department programs Jun 02, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 407. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would have eliminated federal funding for a program in which the federal government deputizes local law enforcement officers to identify and detain undocumented immigrants. Jun 02, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 406. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would cut funding for Transportation Security Administration (TSA) screeners by $270 million (TSA screeners are the security personnel at airports who screen passengers as they pass through security before boarding a plane). Jun 02, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 405. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would have prohibited funds provided by a Homeland Security bill from being used for new leases of buildings in the District of Columbia Jun 02, 2011. N N W
Roll Call 404. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would prohibit federal agencies from requiring a company seeking a federal contract to disclose political contributions as a condition of being considered for that contract. Jun 02, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 401. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would have prohibited Homeland Security Department employees appointed by the president from delaying or reversing a decision to comply with a Freedom on Information Act request. (The Freedom of Information Act ensures that citizens have access to government records.) Jun 02, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 398. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would prohibit the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement from using funds provided by a Homeland Security bill to release on bond or parole undocumented immigrants who have been convicted of crimes. Jun 02, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 397. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would prohibit funding provided by a Homeland Security bill from being allocated to over 300 community organizations which supporters of the amendment contended had some affiliation with ACORN. (ACORN was a coalition of community-based groups that advocated on behalf of the poor which had come under fire from conservatives who had alleged that the group had perpetrated voter fraud.) Jun 02, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 394. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would have prohibited funds provided by a Homeland Security Department funding bill from being used to violate the War Powers Resolution. (The War Powers Resolution requires the president to obtain congressional authorization for a commitment of U.S troops to an armed conflict lasting more than 60 days.) Jun 02, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 393. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would allow funds provided by a Homeland Security Department funding bill to be used for rehiring laid-off firefighters, and preventing such layoffs from occurring in the first place Jun 02, 2011. Y Y W
Roll Call 389. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would allow small and midsized American cities to receive federal funding from the Urban Area Security Initiative. (The Urban Area Security Initiative provides federal funding to urban areas for measures that help local governments prevent and respond to terrorist attacks.) Jun 02, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 387. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would increase by $10 million funding for a border security program that helped residents along the U.S.-Mexico border to communicate via cell phone with the Border Patrol. Jun 01, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 385. (H.R. 2017) On an amendment that would have increased funding for the Urban Area Security Initiative by $337 million. The Urban Area Security Initiative provides federal funding to urban areas for measures that help local governments prevent and respond to terrorist attacks. Jun 01, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 379. (H.R. 1954) Passage of legislation that would have increased the public debt limit from $14.3 trillion to $16.7 trillion. May 31, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 360. (H.R. 1540) On an amendment that would have established a National Office for Cyberspace to guard against cyber attacks (computer and internet-based warfare) May 26, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 359. (H.R. 1540) On an amendment that would prohibit the disturbance of sunken military aircraft only if such aircraft were carrying out non-commercial missions when they were sunk May 26, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 358. (H.R. 1540) On an amendment that would have required the Defense Department to disclose data relating to the maintenance of military aircraft provided that such information would not reveal flight patterns or tactical techniques or procedures. May 26, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 351. (H.R. 1540) On an amendment that would have required the Defense Department to conduct an outreach program for women and minority-owned businesses prior to awarding defense contracts. May 25, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 350. (H.R. 1540) On an amendment that would have required that any financial savings that resulted from assigning duties which had previously been carried out by contractors to federal government employees be used for deficit reduction. May 25, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 347. (H.R. 1540) On an amendment that prohibited federal agencies from requiring a company seeking a federal contract to disclose political contributions as a condition of being considered for that contract May 25, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 342. (H.R. 1540) Legislation providing annual funding for Defense Department programs, continuing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy that banned gays from serving openly in the military, and prohibiting the Obama administration from implementing a nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill May 25, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 341. (H.R. 1540) Legislation providing annual funding for Defense Department programs, continuing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Policy that banned gays from serving openly in the military, and prohibiting the Obama administration from implementing a nuclear weapons reduction treaty with Russia – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill May 25, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 326. (H.R. 754) On an amendment expressing the “sense of Congress” that intelligence agencies should make rail security a priority and include funding for rail security in their annual budgets May 13, 2011. Y Y W
Roll Call 313. (H.R. 1231) On an amendment that would have required oil companies seeking new leases for oil and gas drilling to renegotiate previous leases on which they paid no royalties May 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 277. (H. Con. Res. 34) Final passage of a budget resolution setting the parameters for all federal government spending, cutting $5.8 trillion from federal programs over 10 years, and converting the Medicare program for the elderly into a private health insurance voucher system Apr 15, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 273. (H. Con. Res. 34) On an amendment sponsored by the Congressional Black Caucus that would have allowed income tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 to expire, and preserved Medicare as a guaranteed, government-run health care program for the elderly. The amendment also would have increased funding for food stamps, job training programs, food safety inspections, community health care centers, and financial aid for low-income college students. Apr 15, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 253. (H.R. 1363) Final passage of legislation funding federal government programs and agencies for one week Apr 08, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 252. (H. J. Res 37) Final passage of legislation overturning federal “network neutrality” rules. (“Network Neutrality” regulations prohibit Internet service companies from charging higher fees to online content providers for service that enables their web sites to download more quickly.) Apr 08, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 251. (H. J. Res 37) On tabling (killing) a Democratic effort to appeal the Speaker’s ruling that a Democratic motion continuing to fund federal government programs and agencies at current levels for one week violated House rules. Apr 08, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 250. (H. J. Res 37) Legislation overturning federal “network neutrality” rules. (“Network Neutrality” regulations prohibit Internet service companies from charging higher fees to online content providers for service that enables their web sites to download more quickly.)– On a procedural vote allowing the House to bring up the bill for debate Apr 08, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 247. (H.R. 1363) Final passage of legislation funding federal government programs and agencies for one week and cutting $12 billion from a number of domestic programs, including home heating assistance for low income Americans as well as clean water programs Apr 07, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 245. (H.R. 1363) On tabling (killing) a Democratic effort to appeal the Speaker’s ruling that a Democratic motion continuing to fund federal government programs and agencies at current levels for one week violated House rules. Apr 07, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 243. (H.R. 1363) Legislation funding federal government programs and agencies for one week and cutting $12 billion from a number of domestic programs, including home heating assistance for low income Americans and clean water programs – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Apr 07, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 242. (H.R. 1363) Legislation funding federal government programs and agencies for one week and cutting $12 billion from a number of domestic programs, including home heating assistance for low income Americans and clean water programs – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Apr 07, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 227. (H. J. Res. 37) Legislation overturning federal “network neutrality” rules. (“Network Neutrality” refers to a regulation prohibiting Internet service companies from giving preferential treatment to online content providers that pay more for faster service.) – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Apr 05, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 226. (H. J. Res. 37) Legislation overturning federal “network neutrality” rules. (“Network Neutrality” refers to a regulation prohibiting Internet service companies from giving preferential treatment to online content providers that pay more for faster service.) – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Apr 05, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 224. (H.R. 1255) Final passage of legislation which provided that if the Senate failed to pass a bill funding the federal government through September 2011, a House-passed government funding bill would be “deemed” current law Apr 01, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 223. (H.R. 1255) On a motion that would have prohibited members of Congress from being paid retroactively following a federal government shutdown. Apr 01, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 222. (H.R. 1255) Legislation which provided that if the Senate failed to pass a bill funding the federal government through September 2011, a House-passed government funding bill would be “deemed” current law – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the underlying bill Apr 01, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 221. (H.R. 1255) Legislation which provided that if the Senate failed to pass a bill funding the federal government through September 2011, a House-passed government funding bill would be “deemed” current law – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the underlying bill Apr 01, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 219. (H.R. 658) On a motion that would have deployed federal air marshals on all high-risk passenger airplane flights. Apr 01, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 218. (H.R. 658) On an amendment requiring the Federal Aviation Administration to publish cost and benefit studies on the effects of its regulations on each segment of the aviation industry. (The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has regulatory authority over all civil aviation in the United States.) Apr 01, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 214. (H.R. 658) On an amendment that would have authorized Doña Ana County in New Mexico to enter into a land transfer agreement allowing the county to build an alternative access road to its airport Apr 01, 2011. N N W
Roll Call 213. (H.R. 1255) Legislation which provided that if the Senate failed to pass a bill funding the federal government through September 2011, a House-passed government funding bill would be “deemed” current law – On a procedural vote allowing House leaders to bring up the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the underlying bill Apr 01, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 211. (H.R. 658) On an amendment that would have required ticket agents and all other sellers of airplane tickets to disclose the cost of checking baggage. The amendment would also have required that passengers receive refunds for lost baggage that had been checked on a flight. Mar 31, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 210. (H.R. 658) On an amendment that would have established a special rule-making committee within the Federal Aviation Administration to recommend regulations ensuring that aircrafts are properly equipped with technology that maintains pilot visibility when “dense, continuous smoke is present in the cockpit of the aircraft.” (The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has regulatory authority over all civil aviation in the United States.) Mar 31, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 209. (H.R. 658) On an amendment that would have required mechanics working as federally contracted employees at aircraft repair stations to undergo criminal background checks Mar 31, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 207. (H.R.658) On an amendment blocking new federal regulation of lithium battery shipments. The amendment contained also contained a completely separate provision shielding airlines and airports from negligence lawsuits relating to their safety management systems. Mar 31, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 205. (H.R. 658) Legislation authorizing annual funding for the Federal Aviation Administration, and limiting the ability of federal aviation and railroad workers to form unions) – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill. Mar 31, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 192. (H.R. 1076) Final passage of legislation eliminating all federal funding for National Public Radio Mar 17, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 190. (H.R. 1076) Legislation eliminating all federal funding for National Public Radio – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Mar 17, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 189. (H.R. 1076) Legislation eliminating all federal funding for National Public Radio – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Mar 17, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 180. (H. Con. Res. 30) On a resolution providing for an adjournment of Congress during the week of March 21-March 25, 2011. Mar 15, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 179. (H. J. Res. 48) Final passage of legislation funding federal government programs and agencies for three weeks—and cutting $6 billion in federal expenditures, including funding for state law enforcement programs, the National Park Service, the Census Bureau, and the Environmental Protection Agency. Mar 15, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 177. (H. J. Res. 48) Legislation funding federal government programs and agencies for three weeks – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Mar 15, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 159. (H.R. 662) On a motion that would have rescinded all funding for the planning, design, or construction of the Gravina Island Bridge and the Knik Arm Bridge in Alaska. This motion was offered to legislation extending transportation programs (such as highway safety initiatives, grants for anti-drunk driving measures, and public transportation programs) that were set to expire on March 4, 2011. Mar 02, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 155. (H.R. 662) Legislation extending transportation programs (such as highway safety initiatives, grants for anti-drunk driving measures, and public transportation programs) that were set to expire on March 4, 2011. (This bill extended the legal authority for those programs to continue through September 30, 2011.) – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Mar 02, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 154. (H. J. Res. 44) Final passage of legislation funding the federal government through March 18, 2011 and cutting $4 billion from government programs, including renewable energy research, aid to poorly performing schools, and urban economic development initiatives. Mar 01, 2011. Y N L
Roll Call 152. (H. J. Res. 44) Legislation funding the federal government through March 18, 2011 and cutting $4 billion from government programs, including renewable energy research, aid to poorly performing schools, and urban economic development initiatives – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill. Mar 01, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 151. (H. J. Res. 44) Legislation funding the federal government through March 18, 2011 and cutting $4 billion from government programs, including renewable energy research, aid to poorly performing schools, and urban economic development initiatives – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill. Mar 01, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 147. (H.R. 1) Final passage of legislation funding the federal government through September 2011 and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for government programs, including food stamps (which provide nutritional assistance to the poor), community health centers, Pell Grants for low–income college students, and funding for state job training programs Feb 19, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 137. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting federal funds from being used to implement or maintain a searchable public consumer safety information database. Feb 18, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 124. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting federal funds from being used for renovation or construction at the United Nations headquarters. Feb 18, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 100. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting federal funds from being used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to impose penalties on Americans who had not obtained health insurance—which they were required to do under the 2010 health care reform law that was supported by President Obama and expanded health insurance coverage to nearly all Americans. Feb 18, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 95. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have prohibited federal funds from being used by U.S. intelligence agencies to obtain access to library circulation records, library patron lists, book sales records, or book customer lists. Feb 18, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 89. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have increased funding for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (which regulates banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions—and guards against abusive practices by financial institutions against consumers) by $63 million. This amendment was offered to a continuing resolution funding the federal government through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 17, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 88. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have increased funding for the Securities and Exchange Commission (which regulates financial markets) by $131 million. This amendment was offered to a continuing resolution funding the federal government through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 17, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 87. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting the use of funds provided by a “continuing resolution” (which funded government agencies and programs for the remainder of the year) for the salaries and expenses of White House czars--high-ranking policy officials with interagency authority who were not subject to congressional oversight. This amendment was offered to a continuing resolution funding the federal government through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 17, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 85. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting the use of funds provided by a “continuing resolution” (which funded government agencies and programs for the remainder of the year) for a program that reimburses plaintiffs for attorneys’ fees when they successfully sue the federal government. This amendment was offered to a continuing resolution funding the federal government through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 17, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 83. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting the use of funds provided by a “continuing resolution” (which funded government agencies and programs for the remainder of the year) for the enforcement of “network neutrality” rules. (“Network Neutrality” refers to a regulation prohibiting Internet service companies from giving preferential treatment to online content providers that pay more for faster service.) This amendment was offered to a continuing resolution funding the federal government through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 17, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 82. (H.R. 1) On an amendment waving a provision of current law that required fire departments receiving federal funding to limit salaries, and prohibited them from laying off firefighters for two years. This amendment was offered to legislation funding the federal government (such bills are known as “continuing resolutions, or “CRs”) through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 17, 2011. Y Y W
Roll Call 81. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting the use of funds provided by a “continuing resolution” (which funded government agencies and programs for the remainder of the year) for carrying out activities of the Presidential Election Campaign Fund, which provides public funding for presidential candidates and political parties’ nominating conventions. Feb 17, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 66. (H.R. 514) Final passage of legislation extending expiring provisions of a controversial government surveillance program known as the Patriot Act. Those provisions—which were set to expire on February 28, 2011—included allowing the federal government to wiretap terrorism suspects, authorizing intelligence officials to conduct surveillance of individuals who are not known to be affiliated with terrorist groups (known as the “lone wolf” provision), and providing federal investigators—after receiving permission from a judge—with access to business and library records. Feb 17, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 65. (H.R. 1) On an amendment eliminating $10 million in funding for sewer construction in Tijuana, Mexico. This amendment was offered to legislation funding the federal government (such legislation is known as a “continuing resolution, or “CR”) through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 16, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 63. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have eliminated all funding (more than $64 million) for an environmental science research program. This amendment was offered to legislation funding the federal government (such legislation is known as a “continuing resolution, or “CR”) through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 16, 2011. N N W
Roll Call 59. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have eliminated $24 million in funding for the Selective Service System, which maintains information on individuals who could potentially be eligible for military conscription (a military draft). This amendment was offered to legislation funding the federal government (such legislation is known as a “continuing resolution, or “CR”) through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 16, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 52. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have eliminated $10 million in funding for the construction of scientific research facilities. This amendment was offered to legislation funding the federal government (such bills are known as “continuing resolutions, or “CRs”) through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 16, 2011. N N W
Roll Call 51. (H.R. 1) On an amendment eliminating approximately $34 million in funding for the National Drug Intelligence Center, which provides information to law enforcement relating to drug consumption, production, and trafficking. This amendment was offered to legislation funding the federal government (such bills are known as “continuing resolutions, or “CRs”) through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for many government programs. Feb 16, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 45. (H.R. 514) Legislation extending expiring provisions of a controversial government surveillance program known as the “Patriot Act” -- On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill. Specifically, the bill extended provisions allowing the federal government to wiretap terrorism suspects, authorizing intelligence officials to conduct surveillance of individuals who are not known to be affiliated with terrorist groups (known as the “lone wolf” provision), and providing federal investigators—after receiving permission from a judge—with access to business and library records). Feb 16, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 39. (H.R. 1) Legislation funding the federal government through September 2011, and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for government programs, including food stamps (which provide nutritional assistance to the poor), community health centers, Pell Grants for low–income college students, and funding for state job training programs – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Feb 15, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 38. (H.R. 1) Legislation funding the federal government through September 2011 and cutting $61 billion in federal funding for government programs, including food stamps (which provide nutritional assistance to the poor), community health centers, Pell Grants for low–income college students, and funding for state job training programs – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Feb 15, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 36. (H.R. 514) Final passage of legislation extending expiring provisions of a controversial government surveillance law known as the “Patriot Act.” Those provisions included allowing the federal government to wiretap terrorism suspects, authorizing intelligence officials to conduct surveillance of individuals who are not known to be affiliated with terrorist groups (known as the “lone wolf” provision), and providing federal investigators—after receiving permission from a judge—with access to business and library records). Feb 14, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 35. (H.R. 514) On a motion that would have required all investigations of U.S. citizens conducted under a controversial government surveillance law known as the Patriot Act to “be conducted in a manner that complies with the Constitution of the United States…” The motion also would have required courts to expedite cases brought by American Citizens who claim that their civil rights have been violated as a result of the Patriot Act. Feb 14, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 32. (H. Res. 72) On a motion that would have required congressional committees to “place a high priority on preserving the standards that ensure the safety of the nation's food supply, safe drinking water, and the safety of children's toys” when conducting a review of federal regulations. This motion was offered to legislation instructing congressional committees to review existing, pending, and proposed regulations from federal agencies and identify which of those regulations may have been hindering economic growth and job creation. Feb 11, 2011. Absent Y L
Roll Call 29. (H.R. 514) Legislation extending expiring provisions of a terrorism surveillance program known as the “Patriot Act” -- On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill. Specifically, the bill extended provisions allowing the federal government to wiretap terrorism suspects, authorizing intelligence officials to conduct surveillance of individuals who are not known to be affiliated with terrorist groups (known as the “lone wolf” provision), and providing federal investigators—after receiving permission from a judge—with access to business records (such as library records). Feb 10, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 26. (H.R. 514) Passage of legislation that would have extended expiring provisions of a terrorism surveillance program known as the “Patriot Act.” Those provisions included allowing the federal government to wiretap terrorism suspects, authorizing intelligence officials to conduct surveillance of individuals who are not known to be affiliated with terrorist groups (known as the “lone wolf” provision), and providing federal investigators—after receiving permission from a judge—with access to business records (such as library records). Feb 08, 2011. N N W
Roll Call 25. (H.R. 359) Final passage of legislation eliminating public funding for presidential campaigns. Jan 26, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 24. (H.R. 359) On a motion that would have required independent groups that fund campaign advertisements to disclose their financial donors. A motion to recommit with instructions is the minority's opportunity to torpedo or significantly change a bill before a final up-or-down vote on the measure. Jan 26, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 22. (H.R. 359) Legislation eliminating public funding for presidential campaigns – On bringing to a final vote a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Jan 26, 2011. Absent N L
Roll Call 20. (H. Res. 38) Final Passage of a resolution requiring the House Budget Committee to set funding allocations for all federal programs (except those affecting national security) at 2008 levels or less. Jan 25, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 18. (H. Res. 38) Legislation requiring the House Budget Committee to set funding allocations for all federal programs (except those affecting national security) at 2008 levels or less – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the measure Jan 24, 2011. Absent N L
Roll Call 17. (H. Res. 38) Legislation requiring the House Budget Committee to set funding allocations for all federal programs (except those affecting national security) at 2008 levels or less – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the measure. Jan 24, 2011. Absent N L
Roll Call 6. (H. Res. 5) Final passage of a resolution revising the procedural rules of the House of Representatives, including eliminating House floor voting rights for House delegates from the District of Columbia and U.S. territories, and revising budget rules to make it easier for Republican leaders to bring up tax cut bills that increase federal budget deficits. Jan 05, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 4. (H. Res. 5) Legislation revising the procedural rules of the House of Representatives, including eliminating House floor voting rights for House delegates from the District of Columbia and U.S. territories, and revising budget rules to make it easier for Republican leaders to bring up tax cut bills that increased federal budget deficits – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the measure. Jan 05, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 3. (H. Res. 5) On a motion to table (kill) a Democratic proposal that would have required a special committee (made up of five members of Congress – 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats) to determine whether a Republican resolution eliminating voting rights for House delegates from the District of Columbia and U.S. territories (such as Puerto Rico) was constitutional. Jan 05, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 656. (S. 3874) Final passage of legislation effectively eliminating lead from faucets and other fixtures used for drinking water Dec 17, 2010. Close Vote Absent Y W
Roll Call 654. (H.R. 2142) Final passage of legislation that would have required federal government agencies to establish performance standards intended to help assess and improve the efficiency of those agencies Dec 17, 2010. Absent Y L
Roll Call 653. (H. J. Res 105) Legislation keeping government programs and agencies operating for three days to prevent the government from shutting down – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Dec 17, 2010. Absent Y W
Roll Call 625. (H.R. 5281) Final passage of legislation allowing children (who were not born in the U.S.) of illegal immigrants to remain in the country legally Dec 08, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 623. (H.R. 5281) Legislation allowing children (who were not born in the U.S.) of illegal immigrants to remain in the country legally – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Dec 08, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 622. (H.R. 3082) Final passage of legislation funding all government agencies and programs at existing funding levels (i.e., funding levels that were in place in 2010) through September 30, 2011, and implementing new food safety regulations Dec 08, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 619. (H.R. 3082) Legislation funding all government agencies and programs at existing funding levels (i.e., funding levels that were in place in 2010) through September 30, 2011, and implementing new food safety regulations – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Dec 08, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 615. (H. Res. 1752) On a resolution allowing the House to bring up a “rule” setting a time limit for debate and limiting amendments -- to all legislation considered in the House of Representatives until December 18 -- on the same day it was passed by the House Rules Committee. This resolution was intended to expedite consideration of major legislation, including a bill extending expiring income tax cuts; legislation implementing stricter food safety regulations; a bill providing annual funding for the Defense Department; and legislation allowing children (who were not born in the U.S.) of illegal immigrants to remain in the country legally. Dec 08, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 593. (H. J. Res. 101) Final passage of legislation to keep government agencies and programs operating until December 18, 2010 Dec 01, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 589. (H. J. Res. 101) Legislation to keep government agencies and programs operating until December 18, 2010 – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Dec 01, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 584. (H.R. 4783) Final passage of legislation approving settlements in discrimination lawsuits brought against the federal government by African American and Native American farmers, and extending a cash assistance program for poor families for 6 months Nov 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 583. (H.R. 4783) Legislation approving settlements in discrimination lawsuits brought against the federal government by African American and Native American farmers, and extending a cash assistance program for poor families for 6 months – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Nov 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 564. (H.R. 1682) Final passage of legislation (known as a “continuing resolution” or “CR”) to keep all government agencies and programs operating through December 3, 2010 Sep 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 563. (H.R. 512) Final passage of legislation prohibiting chief state election officials (state officials charged with supervising state and federal elections) – including secretaries of state -- from taking an active role in campaigns for federal elections over which they have supervisory authority Sep 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 560. (H.R. 1682) Legislation (known as a “continuing resolution,” or “CR”) to keep all government agencies and programs operating through December 3, 2010 – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Sep 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 559. (H.R. 1682) Legislation (known as a “continuing resolution,” or “CR”) to keep all government agencies and programs operating through December 3, 2010 – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Sep 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 558. (H.R. 2701) Final passage of legislation authorizing annual funding for U.S. intelligence agencies Sep 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 550. (H.R. 847) Final passage of legislation establishing a new health care program for 9/11 rescue workers who became ill as a result of their rescue efforts following the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 Sep 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 548. (H.R. 847, H.R. 2701, H.R. 2378) Legislation establishing a health program for 9/11 rescue workers who became ill as a result of their rescue efforts following the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001; separate legislation authorizing annual funding for U.S. intelligence agencies; as well as a third bill that would enable the federal government to impose tariffs on countries that undervalue their currencies – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to all three bills Sep 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 547. (H.R. 847, H.R. 2701, H.R. 2378) Legislation establishing a health program for 9/11 rescue workers who became ill as a result of their rescue efforts following the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001; separate legislation authorizing annual funding for U.S. intelligence agencies; as well as a third bill that would enable the federal government to impose tariffs on countries that undervalue their currencies (such tariffs were intended to make U.S. exports more competitive) – On bringing to a final vote a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to all three bills Sep 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 539. (H.R. 5297) Final passage of legislation establishing a “Small Business Lending Fund,” and authorizing the Treasury Department to make up to $30 billion of capital investments in banks with total assets of $10 billion or less Sep 23, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 536. (H.R. 5297) Legislation establishing a “Small Business Lending Fund,” and authorizing the Treasury Department to make up to $30 billion of capital investments in banks with total assets of $10 billion or less –On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Sep 23, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 535. (H.R. 5297) Legislation establishing a “Small Business Lending Fund,” and authorizing the Treasury Department to make up to $30 billion of capital investments in banks with total assets of $10 billion or less – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Sep 23, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 534. On a motion to table (kill) an effort to appeal a ruling by the Speaker of the House of Representatives that a resolution pledging not to hold a “lame-duck” session of Congress after the 2010 midterm elections violated House rules. (Lame-duck sessions are held after an election but before the newly elected Congress is sworn into office.) Sep 23, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 532. (H.R. 5131) Final Passage of legislation creating a new national park (the “Coltsville National Historic Park”) in Hartford, Connecticut Sep 22, 2010. Y Y L
Roll Call 518. (H.R. 1586) Final passage of legislation providing $26 billion to states to prevent cuts in Medicaid coverage (the health insurance program for the poor) and layoffs of teachers and government employees Aug 10, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 517. (H.R. 1586) Legislation providing $26 billion to states to prevent cuts in Medicaid coverage (the health insurance program for the poor) and layoffs of teachers and government employees – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to this bill Aug 10, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 516. (H.R. 1586) Legislation providing $26 billion to states to prevent cuts in Medicaid coverage (the health insurance program for the poor) and layoffs of teachers and government employees – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to this bill Aug 10, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 499. (H.R. 5850) Final passage of legislation providing roughly $67 billion for programs operated by the departments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development in 2011 Jul 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 497. (H.R. 5850) On an amendment to transportation, housing, and urban affairs legislation that would have eliminated a provision of the bill providing $1 million for the restoration of the Darwin Martin House in Buffalo, NY, which was designed by famous American architect Frank Lloyd Wright Jul 29, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 496. (H.R. 5850) On an amendment to transportation, housing, and urban affairs legislation that would have eliminated a provision of the bill providing $1 million for an economic revitalization project in downtown Tacoma, Washington Jul 29, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 493. (H.R. 5850) On an amendment to a transportation, housing, and urban affairs bill that would have cut $18.6 billion from programs operated by the departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Jul 29, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 492. (H.R. 5850) On an amendment to a transportation, housing, and urban affairs bill that would have cut $10.5 billion from programs operated by the departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Jul 29, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 491. (H.R. 847) Final Passage of legislation establishing a health program for 9/11 rescue workers who became ill as a result of their rescue efforts following the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001 Jul 29, 2010. Y Y L
Roll Call 490. (H.R. 5850) On an amendment to a transportation, housing, and urban affairs bill that would have cut $12.4 billion from programs operated by the departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Jul 29, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 489. (H.R. 5850) On an amendment to transportation, housing, and urban affairs legislation that would have cut $1.8 billion from programs operated by the departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development Jul 29, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 486. (H.R. 5893) Legislation providing roughly $9 billion in infrastructure investment programs (programs intended to create jobs through the construction of things like roads and bridges) and approximately $3.5 billion for employment assistance programs for low-income families – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Jul 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 485. (H.R. 5850) Legislation providing approximately $67 billion for programs operated by the departments of Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development in 2011 – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Jul 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 484. (H.R. 5850) Legislation providing roughly $67 billion for programs relating to transportation, housing, and urban development in 2011 – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Jul 29, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 480. (H.R. 5822) On an amendment to a Veterans Affairs Department funding bill that prohibited the measure’s funds from being used to transfer detainees from the Guantanamo Bay prison to a facility in the United States Jul 28, 2010. N N L
Roll Call 467. (H.R. 1320) Final passage of legislation barring members of federal advisory committees (which make policy recommendations to federal government agencies) from being appointed based on their political affiliation, and requiring those committees to provide transcripts of their meetings and disclose information relating to members’ conflicts of interest Jul 26, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 430. (H.R. 4899) On an amendment to war funding legislation providing $37 billion for ongoing military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, $10 billion for an “Education Jobs Fund” to prevent teacher layoffs, $5 billion for Pell Grants, and $700 million for border security enforcement Jul 01, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 428. (H.R. 4899) On a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to legislation providing $37 billion for ongoing military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, $10 billion to help local school districts prevent teacher layoffs, and $208 million for border security enforcement Jul 01, 2010. N Y W
Roll Call 422. (H.R. 5618) On an amendment that would have required that unspent funds from the economic stimulus bill enacted in February, 2009 be used to pay for legislation extending unemployment insurance – On a motion to table (kill) an effort to appeal the Speaker’s ruling that the amendment violated House rules Jul 01, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 413. (H.R. 4173) Passage of major financial regulatory reform legislation intended to prevent the kind of economic crisis that occurred in September 2008 Jun 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 412. (H.R.4173):On a motion that would have amended financial regulatory reform legislation to require a sweeping audit of the Federal Reserve Jun 30, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 410. (H.R. 4173) On a resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to financial regulatory reform legislation Jun 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 407. (H.R. 4173) On a resolution allowing the House of Represenatatives to bring up financial regulatory reform legislation as well as separate legislation extending unemployment insurance for laid-off workers Jun 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 406. (H.R. 4173) On bringing to a final vote a resolution allowing the House of Representatives to bring up financial regulatory reform legislation as well as separate legislation extending unemployment insurance for laid-off workers Jun 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 391. (H.R. 5175) Passage of legislation requiring organizations to report all campaign donations over $600 to the Federal Election Commission and prohibiting organizations with a federal government contract worth more than $10 million from working actively for a political candidate or party Jun 24, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 390. (H.R. 5175) On a motion to recommit (which is the minority's opportunity to torpedo or significantly change a bill before a final up-or-down vote on the measure) on campaign finance reform legislation that would have banned political “robocalls” (automated calls to voters urging support for or opposition to a political candidate) unless explicitly authorized by a political candidate and would have provided for an expedited judicial review process determining the constitutionality of the bill. The motion to recommit would also have required this expedited process to be used for any subsequent legislation giving the District of Columbia a member of the House with full voting rights. Jun 24, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 389. (H.R. 5175) On an amendment to a campaign finance reform bill that required the funders of a political television advertisement to include the city and state of their place of residence or principal place of business in the advertise advertisement’s “disclaimer” (in which the funder of the ad acknowledges financing it) Jun 24, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 386. (H.R. 5175) Legislation requiring organizations to report all campaign donations over $600 to the Federal Election Commission and prohibiting organizations with a federal government contract worth more than $10 million from working actively for a political candidate or party – On a resolution setting a time limit for floor debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Jun 24, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 385. (H.R. 5175) Legislation requiring organizations to report all campaign donations over $600 to the Federal Election Commission and prohibiting organizations with a federal government contract worth more than $10 million from working actively for a political candidate or party – On bringing to a final vote a resolution setting a time limit for floor debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Jun 24, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 375. (H.R. 5297) Passage of legislation establishing a “Small Business Lending Fund,” and authorizing the Treasury Department to make up to $30 billion of capital investments in banks with total assets of $10 billion or less Jun 17, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 374. (H.R. 5297) On an amendment to small business legislation that would have required the Inspector General of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (which had been created to assist troubled banks during the serious economic decline of 2008 and 2009) to oversee a new small business loan fund created by the underlying bill Jun 17, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 369. (H.R. 5297) Legislation establishing a “Small Business Lending Fund,” and authorizing the Treasury Department to make up to $30 billion of capital investments in banks with total assets of $10 billion or less – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Jun 17, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 368. (H.R. 5297) Legislation establishing a “Small Business Lending Fund,” and authorizing the Treasury Department to make up to $30 billion of capital investments in banks with total assets of $10 billion or less – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Jun 17, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 359. (H.R. 5486, H.R. 5297) Legislation exempting investments in small businesses from capital gains taxes, as well as a separate bill intended to increase lending to small businesses – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills. Jun 15, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 343. (H.R. 4173) On a motion instructing a conference committee (which resolves differences between House and Senate versions of bills after they have passed both chambers) resolving differences between a House and Senate version of financial regulatory reform legislation to prohibit the federal government from stabilizing troubled financial institutions under any circumstancesDescription:This was a vote on a Republican motion instructing a conference committee resolving differences between a House and Senate version of financial regulatory reform legislation to prohibit the federal government from stabilizing troubled financial institutions under any circumstances. (When the House and Senate pass two different versions of the same bill, they generally hold a conference to resolve the discrepancies between the two. Each body appoints a representative number of its members to participate in the conference.) This procedure, known as a “motion to instruct conferees,” directs the conferees on a bill take a specific action with regard to the legislation that is the object of the conference. Jun 09, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 335. (H.R. 5136) On an amendment to legislation authorizing funding for Defense Department programs in 2011 that would have prohibited the bill’s funds from being used to transfer inmates from the Guantanamo Bay prison to the United States May 28, 2010. N N L
Roll Call 334. (H.R. 5136) On a motion to table (kill) an appeal of the ruling of the House Speaker that a motion to freeze the salaries of all federal employees violated House rules May 28, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 332. (H.R. 5116) Passage of legislation authorizing $86 billion to be spent over six years on research intended to make the U.S. more competitive in the world, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics research May 28, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 331. (H.R. 5116) On an motion to recommit (which is the minority's opportunity to torpedo or significantly change a bill before a final up-or-down vote on the measure) that would have frozen spending on existing programs in (in a bill intended to make the U.S more competitive in the world economy) at 2010 levels in any year in which there was a federal budget deficit. May 28, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 327. (H.R. 5116) On an amendment that would have eliminated a provision establishing an “innovative services initiative” intended to help small manufacturers increase their profits by reducing their energy usage and environmental waste. The provision was part of a bill intended to make the U.S. more competitive in the world. May 28, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 326. (H.R. 5116) On an amendment that would have eliminated a provision establishing a pilot program in which the National Science Foundation would award cash prizes for innovative research. The provision was part of a bill intended to make the U.S. more competitive in the world. May 28, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 324. (H.R. 4213) Passage of legislation extending unemployment insurance for laid-off workers through November 30, 2010, extending through 2010 tax credits for small businesses, and extending through 2012 a bonds program that offers state and local governments to invest in infrastructure. May 28, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 317. (H.R. 5136) On an amendment to legislation authorizing annual funding for the Defense Department that repealed the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy towards gay servicemembers, which prohibited gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military while barring military officials from inquiring about soldiers’ sexuality. May 27, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 307. (H.R. 5136) Legislation authorizing annual funding in 2011 for Defense Department programs – on the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill. May 27, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 277. (H.R. 5325) Legislation authorizing $47 billion to be spent over three years on research intended to make the U.S. more competitive in the world, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics research May 19, 2010. Y Y L
Roll Call 271. (H. Res. 1338) Passage of a resolution “recognizing the significant accomplishments of AmeriCorps and encouraging all citizens to join in a national effort to raise awareness about the importance of national and community service,” which most Republicans opposed on the basis that some AmeriCorps volunteers are currently employed by Planned Parenthood (a pro-abortion rights organization which provides abortions through its clinics, along with a variety of other reproductive health and counseling services) May 13, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 270. (H.R. 5116) On an amendment to legislation authorizing funding for scientific and technological research that eliminated all new programs established by the bill (including a loan guarantee program for small manufacturers seeking to improve their competitiveness through technological innovation), froze spending on existing programs at 2010 levels, and prohibited federal funds from being used to view, download, or exchange pornography May 13, 2010. N N L
Roll Call 267. (H.R. 5116) On an amendment (to legislation authorizing funding for scientific and technological research) doubling – to $100 million – funding for a loan guarantee program for small manufacturers seeking to improve their competitiveness through technological innovation May 13, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 264. (H.R. 5116) On an amendment (to legislation authorizing funding for scientific and technological research) establishing a “clean energy consortium” intended to further the commercialization of clean energy technologies May 12, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 263. (H.R. 5116) On an amendment (to legislation authorizing funding for scientific and technological research) that would have eliminated provisions in the bill creating a loan guarantee program for small manufacturers seeking to improve their competitiveness through technological innovation and creating a “regional innovation program” within the Commerce Department to help small businesses develop new technologies in order to improve competitiveness May 12, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 259. (H.R. 5116) Legislation authorizing $86 billion to be spent over six years on research intended to make the U.S. more competitive in the world, including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics research – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill May 12, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 191. (H. Res. 1125) A resolution expressing support for the goals of "National Public Works Week," which acknowledges the contributions of infrastructure projects to the quality of life in the U.S. -- On a motion to suspend the rules and pass the resolution Mar 25, 2010. Y Y L
Roll Call 190. (H.R. 1586) Passage of legislation providing $53 billion for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) operations (the FAA is the federal agency that oversees and regulates aviation activities in the U.S.), and establishing new procedures intended to improve aviation safety Mar 25, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 188. (H.R. 1586) Legislation providing $53 billion for Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) operations (the FAA is the federal agency that oversees and regulates aviation activities in the U.S.), and establishing new procedures intended to improve aviation safety – On the resolution setting a time limit for floor debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Mar 25, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 185. (H.R. 4899) Legislation providing $5.1 billion to aid communities affected by natural disasters, and $600 million for a summer youth jobs program -- On tabling (killing) an effort to appeal the chair's ruling that an amendment using funds from the economic stimulus law to pay for new spending in the disaster relief bill violated House rules Mar 24, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 182. (H.R. 4849) Passage of legislation providing small businesses with tax incentives intended to spur job creation and expanding a bond program for infrastructure projects Mar 24, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 179. (H.R. 4899) Legislation providing $5.1 billion to aid communities affected by natural disasters, and $600 million for a summer youth jobs program -- On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and prohibiting amendments to the bill Mar 24, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 173. (H.R. 4849) Legislation providing small businesses with tax incentives intended to spur job creation and expanding a bond program for infrastructure projects -- On a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Mar 23, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 172. (H.R. 4849) Legislation providing small businesses with tax incentives intended to spur job creation and expanding a bond program for infrastructure projects -- On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Mar 23, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 90. (H.R. 2847) Passage of legislation intended to aid job creation through tax credits and highway construction funding Mar 04, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 88. (H.R. 2847) Legislation intended to aid job creation through tax credits and highway construction funding -- On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Mar 04, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 87. (H.R. 2847) Legislation intended to aid job creation through tax credits and highway construction funding -- On bringing to a final vote a resolution outlining the terms for debate on the bill Mar 04, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 82. (H.R. 4247) Passage of legislation prohibiting abusive restraint and seclusion as a means of disciplining students Mar 03, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 78. (H.R. 4247) Legislation prohibiting abusive restraint and seclusion as a means of disciplining students -- On the resolution setting the terms for debate on the bill Mar 03, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 73. (H.R. 2701) Passage of legislation authorizing funding for U.S. intelligence agencies Feb 26, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 72. (H.R. 2701) Legislation authorizing funding for U.S. intelligence agencies -- On a motion to recommit with instructions Feb 26, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 69. (H.R. 2701) Legislation authorizing funding for U.S. intelligence agencies -- On an amendment to make a number of technical and substantive changes to the bill, including requiring a 15-year prison sentence for intelligence officials engaging in certain interrogation techniques, and imposing new record-keeping requirements for intelligence briefings provided to Congress Feb 26, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 67. (H.R. 3961) Final passage of legislation to extend several expiring provisions of the anti-terrorism law known as the USA PATRIOT Act Feb 25, 2010. N N L
Roll Call 66. (H.R. 2701) Legislation authorizing funding for U.S. intelligence agencies -- On the resolution outlining the terms for debate on the bill Feb 25, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 63. (H.R. 4626) Legislation to repeal the health insurance industry's exemption from antitrust regulations -- On a motion to recommit with instructions Feb 24, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 60. (H.R. 4626) Legislation to repeal the health insurance industry's exemption from antitrust regulations -- On the resolution outlining the terms for debate on the bill Feb 24, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 48. (H. J. Res. 45) On passage of a joint resolution that would enact statutory "pay-as-you-go" rules" requiring that all tax cuts and spending increases be offset with tax increases or budget cuts, and, in effect, increase the debt limit by $1.9 trillion. Feb 04, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 46. (H. J. Res. 45) Legislation to enact statutory "pay-as-you-go" rules" requiring that all tax cuts and spending increases be offset with tax increases or budget cuts -- On the resolution that would outlining the rules for floor debate, and raise the debt limit by $1.9 trillion. Feb 04, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 45. (H. J. Res. 45) Legislation to enact statutory "pay-as-you-go" rules" requiring that all tax cuts and spending increases be offset with tax increases or budget cuts -- On bringing to a final vote the resolution to outline the rules for floor debate and raise the debt limit by $1.9 trillion. Feb 04, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 30. (H.R. 4061) Legislation to reauthorize National Science Foundation programs designed to guard against unauthorized access to computers and networks/On a resolution outlining the rules for floor debate Feb 03, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 29. (H.R. 4061) Legislation to reauthorize National Science Foundation programs designed to guard against unauthorized access to computers and networks/On bringing to a final vote a resolution outlining the rules for floor debate Feb 03, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 2. (H J Res 64) On sustaining the president's veto of a short-term Defense Department spending bill and rejecting his authority to "pocket veto" the measure. Jan 13, 2010. Absent N W
Roll Call 991. (H.R. 2847) On passage of legislation redirecting funds previously used to bail out distressed major financial institutions to economic stimulus programs; the legislation also provided fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Defense and Commerce, the Justice Department and various other government agencies Dec 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 988. (H.R. 4314) On passage of legislation that increased the legal national debt ceiling, which was necessary to allow the government to continue operating Dec 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 983. (H.Res. 976) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Defense and Commerce, the Justice Department and various other government operations - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Defense and Commerce, the Justice Department and various other government operations. Dec 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 982. (H.Res. 976) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Defense and Commerce, the Justice Department and various other government agencies - - on the motion that the House immediately vote on the resolution setting the terms for considering the legislation Dec 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 980. (H.Res.973) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Defense and Commerce, the Justice Department and various other government agencies - - on the motion that the House waive a procedural rule so it could begin to consider the legislation Dec 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 979. On Ordering the Previous Question: H RES 973 Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Committee on Rules Dec 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 968. (H.R. 4173) On passage of legislation designed to prevent the kind of major financial crisis that had recently occurred, and to implement the most significant regulatory reform of the financial industry since the Great Depression Dec 11, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 967. (H.R. 4173) Legislation designed to implement the most significant regulatory reform of the financial industry since the Great Depression - - on a motion to remove all the regulatory reform provisions and substitute language terminating the program that provided “bail out” funds to major financial institutions and companies Dec 11, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 966. (H.R. 4173) On the Bachus of Alabama amendment, which was put forward as a Republican substitute for the bill designed to implement the most significant regulatory reform of the financial industry since the Great Depression Dec 11, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 965. (H.R. 4173) On the Minnick of Idaho amendment that would have moved the proposed new Consumer Financial Protection Agency into the Treasury Department, and required that the standards used by the new agency be in accordance with those already used by the Federal Trade Commission Dec 11, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 964. (H.R. 4173) On the Schakowsky of Illinois amendment that required additional regulatory review of “reverse mortgage” lenders to protect senior citizens from abusive lending practices Dec 11, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 963. (H.R. 4173) On the of Marshall of Georgia amendment that would have allowed bankruptcy courts to modify home mortgages to prevent foreclosures Dec 11, 2009. Y Y L
Roll Call 954. (H.R. 4173) On the Sessions of Texas amendment to eliminate a private right of legal action against credit rating agencies; the amendment was offered to the legislation designed to prevent major financial crises and to implement the most significant regulatory reform of the financial industry since the Great Depression Dec 10, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 953. (H.R. 4173) On the Frank of Massachusetts amendment that provided several billion dollars to stem the ongoing wave of mortgage foreclosures, gave consumers the same access to their credit scores as lenders, and made other changes designed to curtail abuses in the financial system Dec 10, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 949. (H.R. 3288) On passage of legislation providing nearly $450 billion in fiscal year 2010 funding for several federal departments Dec 10, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 948. (H.Res. 961) Legislation providing nearly $450 billion in fiscal year 2010 funding for several federal departments - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Dec 10, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 947. (H.Res. 961) Legislation providing nearly $450 billion in fiscal year 2010 funding for several federal departments - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Dec 10, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 931. (H.R.3288) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Transportation and for the Department of Housing and Urban Development - - on a motion to instruct the House representatives to the House-Senate conference on the bill Dec 08, 2009. N N L
Roll Call 929. (H.R. 4154) On final passage of legislation designed to make the estate tax permanent and to reduce its impact on those who will be required to pay it Dec 03, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 928. (H.R. 4154) Legislation designed to make the estate tax permanent and to reduce its impact on those who will be required to pay it - - on a motion to have language added that would have suspended the imposition of the tax in the remaining portion of fiscal year 2010 and in all of fiscal year 2011 Dec 03, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 927. (H.R. 4154) On whether to table (kill) an appeal of a ruling by the House Speaker that had prevented a vote on whether to recommit to committee a bill designed to extend the estate tax and have language added eliminating that tax Dec 03, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 924. (H. Res. 941) Legislation designed to make the estate tax permanent and to reduce its impact on those who will be required to pay it - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation. Dec 03, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 923. (H. Res. 941) Legislation designed to make the estate tax permanent and to reduce its impact on those who will be required to pay it - - on a motion for an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation. Dec 03, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 898. (H. Con. Res. 214): Legislation authorizing funding for programs that support local firefighters - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation. Nov 18, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 897. (H. Con. Res. 214): Legislation authorizing federal funding for programs that support local firefighters - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Nov 18, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 875. (H.R. 2868) On passage of legislation designed to extend and enhance the authority of the Department of Homeland Security to protect against acts of terrorism aimed at chemical facilities Nov 06, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 872. On the Dent of Pennsylvania amendment that would have eliminated the requirement that designs and techniques that constitute “inherently safer technology” be required in all U.S. chemical facilities. Nov 06, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 871. On the Dent of Pennsylvania amendment that would have maintained the existing Department of Homeland Security federal chemical facility security regulations, rather than imposing new ones Nov 06, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 870. On the Barton of Texas amendment that would have allowed new federal chemical facility regulations to supersede stricter state and local laws and rules Nov 06, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 869. On the Thompson of Mississippi amendment clarifying the kind of information about chemical facility security that the Department of Homeland is obligated to disclose Nov 06, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 857. (H.Res. 885) Legislation to extend and enhance the authority of the Department of Homeland Security to protect against acts of terrorism aimed at chemical facilities - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Nov 05, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 856. (H.Res. 885) Legislation to extend and enhance the authority of the Department of Homeland Security to protect against acts of terrorism aimed at chemical facilities - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Nov 05, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 851. (H.R. 3639): On passage of a bill to move up the effective date for certain new consumer protections for credit card holders Nov 04, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 850. (H.R. 3639): A bill to move up the effective date for certain new consumer protections for credit card holders - - on the motion to add language that would have required that the new protections be effective on February 22, 2010 unless the Federal Reserve System certified that credit card companies could implement them by December 1, 2009, the effective date of the bill Nov 04, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 849. (H.R. 3639): On the Sutton of Ohio amendment to impose a nine month moratorium on increases in annual percentage rates, fees and finance charges on credit cards, and on changes in the terms of balance repayments Nov 04, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 847. (H.R. 3639): On the Maffei of New York amendment to make certain new legislatively-mandated consumer protections for credit card holders effective immediately upon enactment, instead of waiting until later in the year Nov 04, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 842. (H.Res. 884): A bill to move forward the effective dates for certain new consumer protections for credit card holders - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Nov 04, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 841. (H.Res. 884): A bill to move up the effective date for certain new consumer protections for credit card holders - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Nov 04, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 829. (H.R. 3854): Legislation that modified and expanded a variety of Small Business Administration (SBA) loan programs - - on a motion to add language mandating a study of the effect of several government policies on the credit risk of federal small business loans. Oct 29, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 810. (H.Res. 853) Legislation authorizing fiscal year 2010 funding for The Coast Guard - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Oct 22, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 809. (H.Res. 853) Legislation authorizing fiscal year 2010 funding for The Coast Guard - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Oct 22, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 784. (H.R. 2892) On passage of the conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Homeland Security Oct 15, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 783. (H.R. 2892) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Homeland Security - - on a motion to send the report back to the conference that developed it with instructions not to agree to any language that would allow a detainee held at the Guantanamo Bay prison to be brought to the United States for prosecution or incarceration Oct 15, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 781. (H.Res. 829) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Homeland Security - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the conference report Oct 15, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 780. (H.Res. 829 ) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Homeland Security - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the conference report Oct 15, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 770. (H.R. 2647) On passage of the conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation authorizing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Defense Department Oct 08, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 769. (H.R. 2647) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate authorizing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Defense Department - - on a motion to send the measure back to the House-Senate conference committee that developed it, and eliminate any provision providing for the transfer or release of individuals imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay Oct 08, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 765. (H.Res. 808) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate authorizing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Defense Department - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the conference report Oct 08, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 764. (H.Res. 808) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate authorizing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Defense Department - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the conference report Oct 08, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 761. (H.R. 2997) On passage of the conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration Oct 07, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 757. (H.Res. 799) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Oct 07, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 756. (H.Res. 799) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration - - on a motion to move immediately to a vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Oct 07, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 752. (H.R. 3183) On passage of the conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for energy and water development programs Oct 01, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 749. (H.Res.788) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for energy and water development programs - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Oct 01, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 746. (H.R. 2892) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Homeland Security - - on a motion to instruct the House representatives to the House-Senate conference that would develop the report not to add any language that would allow the transfer to the United States of terrorism suspects being held at the Guantanamo Bay prison. Oct 01, 2009. N N L
Roll Call 742. (H.R. 2997) The conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate on the legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration - - on a motion to instruct the House representatives to the conference not to agree to a final version unless it is made available to them 72 hours before they vote on it Sep 29, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 739. (H.R.2918) On passage of the conference report containing the agreement between the House and Senate providing fiscal year 2010 funding for Congress; the measure also provided stop-gap funding to keep the federal government operating for a few weeks into the 2010 fiscal year pending the passage of full-year 2010 appropriation bills for all the executive branch departments and agencies Sep 25, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 738. (H.R. 2918) The bill incorporating the agreement between the House and Senate on the level of fiscal year 2010 funding to be provided for the operations of Congress; the bill also provided funds to keep the executive branch of the federal government operating for six weeks into the 2010 fiscal year- - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Sep 25, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 734. (H. R. 2918) A bill to provide fiscal year 2010 funding for the Legislative Branch - - on instructing the Members who would be representing the House in the House-Senate conference on the bill not to add a resolution to that bill which would also allow the departments and agencies of the Executive Branch to keep operating into fiscal year 2010 Sep 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 733. (H. R. 2918) A bill to provide fiscal year 2010 funding for the Legislative Branch - - on whether the House should move to an immediate vote on requesting a conference with the Senate to reconcile the differences between the House and Senate-passed funding bills Sep 23, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 718. (H.R.3221) The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009 - - on a motion to send the bill back to committee to add language prohibiting any of its funds being awarded to ACORN, a nation-wide association of community organizations focused on housing and voter registration Sep 17, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 686. (H.R. 3269) On passage of a bill that gave federal regulatory agencies authority over the level of executive pay and bonuses, and also increased the level of shareholder input on the way the pay and bonuses are determined Jul 31, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 685. (H.R. 3269) Legislation that gave federal banking regulatory agencies authority over the level of executive pay and bonuses, and increased shareholder input into the way in which executive pay and bonuses were determined - - on a motion to send the bill back to committee and have language added requiring the disclosure of information about any persons or organizations spending funds to influence the outcome of a shareholder vote on the level of executive pay and bonuses Jul 31, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 684. (H.R. 3269) On the Garrett of New Jersey amendment, which would have modified or removed many provisions of pending legislation that imposed new restrictions on the manner in which the amount of pay and bonuses paid to executives was determined Jul 31, 2009. Absent N W
Roll Call 683. (H.R. 3269) On the Frank of Massachusetts amendment permitting the government to require executives at banks that had received federal “bail outs” in order to remain in business to give back a portion of their annual bonuses Jul 31, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 682. (H.R. 3435) On passage of a bill that provided two billion dollars in additional funding for the “Cash for Clunkers” program; that program provided cash rebates of a few thousand dollars each to consumers to encourage them to trade-in their old gas guzzling cars for new ones that get better gas mileage Jul 31, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 680. (H.R. 2749) On final passage of a bill designed to improve the monitoring for consumer safety of domestic and imported food Jul 30, 2009. N Y W
Roll Call 679. (H.R. 2749) Legislation designed to improve the monitoring of domestic and imported food - - on a motion to send the bill back to committee, with instructions to add language directing the Food and Drug Administration to spend new revenues generated by the bill on purchases of food from producers before it comes to market, and on additional food inspections Jul 30, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 677. (H. Res. 691) Legislation designed to improve the monitoring for safety of domestic and imported food - - on agreeing to the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill Jul 30, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 673. (H.R. 3326) On the Campbell of California amendment, which would have deleted an earmark for the Model for Green Laboratories and Clean Rooms project from the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Defense Department Jul 30, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 657. (H.R. 2749) On passing the Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009, which was designed to improve the monitoring of both domestic and imported food for safety Jul 29, 2009. N Y L
Roll Call 646. (H.R. 3293) On final passage of the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Jul 24, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 645. (H.R. 3293) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding bill for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Education - - on a motion to send the bill back to committee to have one billion dollars added for special education programs Jul 24, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 644. (H.R. 3293) On the Wittman of Virginia amendment, which would have reduced the total in the bill providing 2010 fiscal year funding for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education by $803 million Jul 24, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 641. (H.R. 3293) On agreeing to the Obey of Wisconsin amendment, which made a number of additions and reductions to the bill providing $161 billion in 2010 fiscal year funding for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education; none of the changes was for more than $10 million, and the total of all increases was offset by the total of all reductions. Jul 24, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 639. (H. Res. 673) Legislation providing 2010 fiscal year funding for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education - - on whether the House should move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill Jul 24, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 637. (H.R.3288) On passage of the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding bill for the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation Jul 23, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 636. (H.R.3288) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation - - on a motion to send the bill back to committee to reduce all spending figures to the amounts requested by the Obama Administration Jul 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 635. (H.R. 3288) On the Hensarling of Texas amendment, which would have deleted $750,000 earmarked for the Philadelphia Museum of Art Transportation Improvement Program Jul 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 634. (H.R. 3288) On the Hensarling of Texas amendment, which would have deleted $2,000,000 earmarked for the approach road to the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco Jul 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 633. (H.R. 3288) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have deleted $500,000 earmarked for Rib Mountain Drive in Wisconsin Jul 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 632. (H.R. 3288) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have deleted $500,000 earmarked for the Millennium Technology Park project in Pennsylvania Jul 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 631. (H.R. 3288) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have deleted $250,000 earmarked for the Monroe County Farmer's Market in Kentucky Jul 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 630. (H.R. 3288) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have deleted $400,000 earmarked for the renovation of a vacant building in Jal, New Mexico Jul 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 629. (H.R. 3288) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have deleted $250,000 earmarked for the construction of a monument honoring Dominican immigrants in New York City Jul 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 628. (H.R. 3288) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have deleted $250,000 earmarked for the Murphy Theatre Community Center in Wilmington, Ohio Jul 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 627. (H.R. 3288) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have deleted $500,000 earmarked for the terminal replacement project at Grand Forks, North Dakota International Airport Jul 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 612. (H.R. 2920) On final passage of legislation designed to control the federal deficit; this would be accomplished by requiring any reductions in federal revenues to be offset by new revenue increases, and any additions to federal spending to be offset by other spending reductions Jul 22, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 611. (H.R. 2920) Legislation designed to control the federal deficit; the bill required any reductions in federal revenues to be offset by new revenue increases, and any additions to federal spending to be offset by other spending reductions - - on a motion to impose new limits on federal spending in fiscal years 2011 through 2013 Jul 22, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 610. (H.R. 2920) On the Ryan of Wisconsin amendment to the “Pay-As-You-Go” Act; the amendment would have imposed limits on spending increases and total federal spending that would be determined by the rate of inflation and by the level of the U.S. Gross Domestic Product Jul 22, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 606. (H.Res. 665) Legislation requiring any changes in federal law that reduce revenue or increase spending be fully offset by other revenue increases or spending reductions - - on agreeing to the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Jul 22, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 592. (H.R. 3183) On passage of the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for energy and water development. Jul 17, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 590. (H.R. 3183) On the Hensarling of Texas amendment that would have eliminated a $500,000 earmark for the purchase of automated remote electric and water meters by South River, N.J. from the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for energy and water development. Jul 17, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 589. (H.R. 3183) On the Hensarling of Texas amendment that would have eliminated a $6.2 million earmark for the removal of Pier 36 in San Francisco from the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for energy and water development. Jul 17, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 588. (H.R. 3183) On the Hensarling of Texas amendment that would have eliminated a $500,000 earmark for heating and air conditioning improvements at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art from the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for energy and water development. Jul 17, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 587. (H.R. 3183) On the Flake of Arizona amendment that would have eliminated a $1,600,000 earmark for the Boston Architectural College's Urban Sustainability Initiative from the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for energy and water development Jul 17, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 585. (H.R. 3183) On the Flake of Arizona amendment that would have eliminated a $2,000,000 earmark for the West Coast Port of Embarkation site from the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for energy and water development. Jul 17, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 580. (H.R. 3183) On the Blackburn of Tennessee amendment that would have made a 5% across-the-board cut in all discretionary amounts in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for energy and water development Jul 17, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 573. A resolution to prevent the FCC from implementing the “Fairness Doctrine”, which required the holders of broadcast licenses to present controversial issues of public importance in a balanced way - - on a motion to table (kill) an appeal of a ruling that the resolution was not in order Jul 17, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 571. (H. R. 3170) On passage of the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Small Business Administration, the federal courts and many other federal government operations. Jul 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 568. (H.R. 3170) On the Flake of Arizona amendment to, which would have eliminated a $100,000 earmark for the Pittsburgh Life Sciences Greenhouse in Pennsylvania. Jul 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 567. (H.R. 3170) On the Flake of Arizona, which would have eliminated a $100,000 earmark for the Myrtle Beach International Trade and Conference Center in South Carolina. Jul 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 566. (H.R. 3170) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, would have eliminated a $125,000 earmark for the Defense Procurement Assistance Program in Pennsylvania. Jul 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 565. (H.R. 3170) On the Flake of Arizona, which would have eliminated $90,000 earmarked for the Commercial Kitchen Business Incubator in California. Jul 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 564. (H.R. 3170) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have eliminated $100,000 earmarked for the Florida Institute of Technology. Jul 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 563. (H.R. 3170) On the Flake of Arizona amendment that would have eliminated $150,000 earmarked in the bill for the Green Business Incubator in Maryland. Jul 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 562. (H.R. 3170) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have eliminated $200,000 earmarked for the Greenstone Group project, a small business incubator in Minnesota. Jul 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 560. (H.R. 3170) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have eliminated $200,000 that had been earmarked for the Commercial Driver Training Institute of Arkansas State University. Jul 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 557. (H.R. 3170) On the Blackburn of Tennessee amendment to the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Small Business Administration, the federal courts and many other federal government operations. The amendment would have reduced all discretionary funding in the bill by 5%. Jul 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 556. (H.R. 3170) On the Emerson of Missouri amendment, which would have eliminated half of the funding for state grants made by the Election Assistance Commission Jul 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 555. (H.R. 3170) On the Price of Georgia which would have eliminated funding for the President's Council of Economic Advisers. Jul 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 553. (H. Res, 644) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Small Business Administration, the federal courts and many other federal government operations - - on the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill Jul 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 552. (H. Res, 644) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Small Business Administration, the federal courts and many other federal government operations - - on whether the House should move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill Jul 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 539. (H. Res, 622) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for energy and water development - - on the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill Jul 15, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 538. (H. Res, 622) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 energy and water development funding - - on whether the House should move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill Jul 15, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 525. (H.R.3081) On passage of the fiscal year 2010 State Department funding bill. Jul 09, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 523. (H.R. 3081) On tabling (killing) an appeal of a ruling of the Speaker that a motion to add language in favor of permitting unlimited amendments to all legislation was out of order Jul 09, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 522. (H.R. 3081) On the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have eliminated an $8 million special educational, professional, and cultural exchange grants program Jul 09, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 517. (H.R. 3081) On the Buyer of Indiana amendment to the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for the State Department; the amendment would have reduced funding for diplomatic and consular programs, global health efforts and the Agency for International Development back to their fiscal year 2009 levels. Jul 09, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 513. (H.Res.617) On agreeing to the rule setting the terms for debating the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for the State Department. Jul 09, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 512. (H.Res.617) On moving immediately to a vote on the rule setting the terms for debating the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for the State Department. Jul 09, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 511. (H.R.2965) On a motion to table (kill) an appeal of a procedural ruling. The ruling had prevented a vote on adding language to H.R. 2965 that said unlimited amendments should be allowed to all funding bills the House considered. Jul 09, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 510. (H. R. 2997) On passage of the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funds for the Department of Agriculture, rural development, and the Food and Drug Administration and related agencies. Jul 09, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 509. (H.R.2965) On a motion to table (kill) an appeal of a procedural ruling. The ruling had prevented a vote on adding language to H.R. 2965 that said unlimited amendments should be allowed to all legislation the House considered. Jul 09, 2009. Absent Y W
Roll Call 508. (H. R. 2997) On the Kingston of Georgia Amendment, which would have prohibited any money in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture and rural programs from being used for rural broadband loan and loan guarantee programs before September 15, 2010. Jul 09, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 505. (H. R. 2997) On the Flake of Arizona Amendment, which would have eliminated $638,000 earmarked for a project at the Environmental Management Laboratory in Beltsville, Maryland Jul 09, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 502. (H. R. 2997) On the Blackburn of Tennessee Amendment that would have reduced overall discretionary spending by 5% in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration Jul 09, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 501. (H. R. 2997) On the Broun of Georgia Amendment that would have reduced fiscal year 2010 funding for the Food and Drug Administration by $373 million Jul 09, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 498. (H. R. 2997) On the DeLauro of Connecticut Amendment, which made a series of changes totaling $5.5 million to the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture, rural development, and the Food and Drug Administration Jul 09, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 494. (H. Res, 609) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture, rural development, and the Food and Drug Administration - - on a procedural vote to decide whether the House should reconsider its previous decision to approve the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jul 08, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 493. (H. Res, 609) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture, rural development, and the Food and Drug Administration - - on agreeing to the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jul 08, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 492. (H. Res, 609) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture, rural development, and the Food and Drug Administration - - on a procedural vote to decide whether the House should reconsider its previous decision to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jul 08, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 491. (H. Res, 609) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture, rural development, and the Food and Drug Administration - - on whether the House should move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jul 08, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 489. (H.Res. 609) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of Agriculture, rural development, and the Food and Drug Administration - - on a procedural motion relating to whether the House should bring up and consider the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jul 08, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 485. (H.R.2965)On tabling (killing) an appeal of a ruling of the Speaker of the House that a motion in favor of permitting unlimited amendments to all legislation was out of order Jul 08, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 480. (H.Res. 610) Legislation reauthorizing funding for the Small Business Innovation Research Program and the Small Business Technology Transfer Program - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jul 08, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 474. (H. R. 2996) On the Campbell of California amendment, which would have eliminated $150,000 that had been earmarked for the Historic Fort Payne Coal and Iron Building rehabilitation project in Alabama. Jun 26, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 473. (H. R. 2996) On the Campbell of California amendment, which would have eliminated $1 million that had been earmarked for a project of the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation in San Francisco, California. Jun 26, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 472. (H. R. 2996) On the Campbell of California amendment, which would have eliminated $150,000 in funds that had been earmarked for the Tarrytown, New York Music Hall restoration project. Jun 26, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 471. (H. R. 2996) On the Campbell of California amendment, which would have eliminated $150,000 in funds that had been earmarked for the Village Park Historic Project of the Traditional Arts in Canton, New York. Jun 26, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 470. (H. R. 2996) On the Campbell of California amendment, which would have eliminated one million dollars from the bill that had been earmarked for a lodge at the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. Jun 26, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 464. (S.Con. Res. 31) Agreeing to the resolution providing for an adjournment of the two Houses of Congress for the July 4 Recess. Jun 26, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 462. (H.Res. 578) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies - - on whether the House should move immediately to a vote on the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill Jun 25, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 461. (H.R. 2647) A resolution requiring that an unlimited number of amendments could be offered on all spending bills - - on a motion to table (kill) an appeal of a ruling that the resolution was not in order Jun 25, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 446. (H.R.2892) On the Flake of Arizona amendment that would have removed $10 million in funding for the National Institute for Homeland Security Jun 24, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 444. (H.R.2892) On agreeing to the Flake of Arizona amendment, which would have returned $600,000 designated for Emeryville, California to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Jun 24, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 443. (H.R.2892) On the Neugebauer of Texas amendment, which would have made a $2.76 billion reduction in the overall spending in the bill that funded the Department of Homeland Security for the 2010 fiscal year Jun 24, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 442. (H.R.2892) On the King of Iowa amendment explicitly prohibiting the Department of Homeland Security from hiring illegal immigrants Jun 24, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 441. (H.R.2892) On the Poe of Texas amendment, which would have increased funding for the National Predisaster Mitigation Fund by $32 million Jun 24, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 440. (H.R.2892) On the Duncan of Tennessee amendment, which would have reduced by $41 million the amount provided in fiscal year 2010 for federal air marshals Jun 24, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 437. (H.R.2892) On agreeing to the King of New York amendment to add $50 million to the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Jun 24, 2009. N N L
Roll Call 436. (H.R.2892) On agreeing to the Lewis of California amendment, which increased the amount provided for the Customs and Border Protection agency and funded 200 additional Border Patrol agents Jun 24, 2009. Y N L
Roll Call 431. (H.Res.573) On a roll call vote forced by the Republican minority as a delaying tactic; the vote was a protest against the limitations the Democratic majority was placing on the number of amendments Members could offer to spending bills Jun 24, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 430. (H.Res.573) Legislation providing funds for the Department of Homeland Security for the 2010 fiscal year - - on agreeing to the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jun 24, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 429. (H.Res.573) On a roll call vote forced by the Republican minority as a delaying tactic; the vote was a protest against the limitations the Democratic majority was placing on the number of amendments Members could offer to spending bills Jun 24, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 428. (H.Res. 573) Legislation funding the Department of Homeland Security for the 2010 fiscal year - - on a procedural motion to move immediately to a vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jun 24, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 413. (H.R.2918) On passage of the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for congressional operations. Jun 19, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 410. (H.Res.559) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the operations of Congress - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jun 19, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 409. (H. Res. 559) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the operations of Congress - - on a procedural vote to determine whether the House should move to another vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jun 19, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 408. (H.R.2847) On passage of the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce and Justice and certain other federal agencies. Jun 18, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 407. (H.R.2847) On a roll call vote forced by the Republican minority; the vote was formally on whether the House should reconsider its previous approval of the addition of certain neutral language added by the Appropriations Committee to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 405. (H.R.2847) On a roll call vote, resulting from a delaying procedure initiated by the Republican minority to protest the limitation that the Democratic majority was placing on the number of amendments that could be offered to spending bills Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 404. (H.R. 2847) On a motion made as a method to gain control of the House floor and argue against the administration decision to advise interrogated enemy combatants of their right to remain silent and their right to an attorney Jun 18, 2009. N N L
Roll Call 403. (H.R.2847) On a roll call vote resulting from a delaying procedure by the Republican minority. The vote was on whether the House should reconsider its decision to table (kill) a motion to reverse a ruling; the ruling had prevented consideration of an effort to add language to an appropriation bill prohibiting any funds from being used to provide “Miranda rights” to detainees in Afghanistan. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 402. (H.R.2847) On the motion to table (kill) the vote on whether to reverse a ruling relating to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice; the ruling sought to be reversed was that a motion to recommit the appropriations bill and add language prohibiting any funds in H.R. 2847 from being used to provide “Miranda rights” to detainees in Afghanistan was not in order. Jun 18, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 401. (H.R.2847) On a roll call vote resulting from a delaying procedure by the Republican minority; the vote was on whether the House should reconsider its previous approval of the Hodes of New Hampshire amendment, which added a requirement all federal departments and agencies receiving funds under the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice track and report the amount of previously appropriated funds that had not been disbursed. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 393. (H.R.2847) On a roll call vote, resulting from a delaying procedure by the Republican minority; the vote was on whether the House should to reconsider a its previous approval of the Boswell of Iowa amendment, which transferred $2.5 million in the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice to the National Criminal History Improvement program. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 389. (H.R.2847) On a roll call vote, resulting from a delaying procedure by the Republican minority; the vote was on whether the House should reconsider its approval of the Bordallo of Guam amendment, which was designed to insure that at least $500,000 in the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice would be awarded for Western Pacific fishery projects. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 387. (H.R.2847) On a roll call vote, resulting from a delaying procedure by the Republican minority; the vote was on whether the House should reconsider its previous rejection of the Schock of Illinois amendment, which proposed transferring $500,000 in the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice from the Census Bureau to the International Trade Administration. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 386. (H.R.2847) On the Schock of Illinois amendment, which proposed transferring $500,000 from the Bureau of the Census to the International Trade Administration in the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 383. (H.R.2847) On the Burton of Indiana amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit any funds in the bill from being used to relocate census personnel to the Office of the President. Jun 18, 2009. N N L
Roll Call 382. (H.R.2847) On the Flake of Arizona amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit funds under the bill from being used for the Institute for Seafood Studies project at Nichols State University in Louisiana. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 381. (H.R.2847) On the Flake of Arizona amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit funds under the bill from being used for the JASON Science Education Project in Ashburn, Virginia. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 380. (H.R.2847) On the Flake of Arizona amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit funds under the bill from being used for the Drew University Environmental Science Initiative in New Jersey. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 379. (H.R.2847) On the Flake of Arizona amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit funds under the bill from being used for the Innovative Science Learning Center in Florence, South Carolina. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 378. (H.R.2847) On the Flake of Arizona amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit funds under the bill from being used for the National Drug Intelligence Center. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 377. (H.R.2847) On the Campbell of California amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit any funds in the bill from being used for the Summer Flounder and Black Sea Initiative project of the Partnership for Mid-Atlantic Fisheries in New Jersey. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 376. (H.R.2847) On the Campbell of California amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit any funds in the bill from being used for the Minority Business Development Agency at the Jamaica, New York Export Center. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 375. (H.R.2847) On the Campbell of California amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit any funds in the bill from being used for a project at San Jose State University, called Training the Next Generation of Weather Forecasters. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 374. (H.R.2847) On the Hensarling of Texas amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit any funds in the bill from being used for the Maine Lobster Research and Inshore Trawling Survey. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 373. (H.R.2847) On the Hensarling of Texas amendment to the fiscal year 2010 appropriations for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, which would prohibit funds under the bill from being used by the Art Center of the Grand Prairie, Stuttgart, AR, for the Grand Prairie Arts Initiative. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 370. (H.R.2847) On the Jordan of Ohio amendment, which would have made a $12,511,000,000 across-the board reduction to the amount in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce and Justice Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 369. (H.R.2847) On the Price of Georgia amendment, which would have reduced the total in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce and Justice by 1% or $644,150,000. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 368. (H.R.2847) On the Burton of Indiana amendment which prohibited any funds in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce to be used to relocate census personnel to the Office of the President. Jun 18, 2009. N N L
Roll Call 367. (H.R.2847) On the Blackburn of Tennessee amendment, which would have decreased by 5% all spending in the bill providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce and Justice that were not legally required to be spent Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 364. (H.R.2847) On the Price of Georgia which would have removed $100 million from the amount of fiscal year 2010 funds provided to the Department of Justice. Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 362. (H.R.2847) On the Tiahrt of Kansas amendment that would have deleted $250 million from the fiscal year 2010 Department of Commerce spending bill and replaced it with the same amount from the previously-passed economic stimulus legislation Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 356. (H.R.2847) On the Roe of Tennessee amendment, which would have reduced funding for the Bureau of Prisons Jun 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 352. (H.Res.552 ) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce and Justice - - on the resolution allowing further debate of the bill Jun 17, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 351. (H. Res. 552) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce and Justice - - on whether to move immediately to a vote on the resolution allowing further debate of the bill Jun 17, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 350. (H. Res. 544) On a procedural vote resulting from the efforts of the Republican minority to express its opposition to the manner in which the Democratic majority was conducting legislative business Jun 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 347. (H. Res. 544) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce and Justice - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Jun 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 346. (H. Res. 544) Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Departments of Commerce and Justice - - on whether to move immediately to a vote on the resolution allowing the House to debate the bill Jun 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 329. (H.R.2346) Legislation providing supplemental fiscal year 2009 spending authority for a number of federal departments and agencies - - on instructing the House Members negotiating the final version of the bill with the Senate conferees to agree both to certain lower Senate-passed spending levels, and to the Senate-passed prohibition on the release of photographs of suspected terrorists being held at the Guantanamo Bay prison Jun 11, 2009. N N L
Roll Call 328. (H.R.2410) On passage of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act providing funding for foreign diplomatic and political operations in the 2010 and 2011 fiscal years Jun 10, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 320. (H.R. 2410) On the Berman of California Amendment, which made a wide range of changes to the bill providing funding for foreign relations operations in the 2010 and 2011 fiscal years Jun 10, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 304. (H.R. 2200) On the Mica of Florida amendment to change the standards for determining when the Transportation Security Administration can issue an emergency regulation or a security directive Jun 04, 2009. N N L
Roll Call 301. (H. Res 474) Legislation funding the Transportation Security Administration Description - - on the resolution setting the terms for debate Jun 04, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 291. (H.R. 915) On passage of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act May 21, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 290. (H.R. 915) A bill providing $70 billion for airport capital improvements and $16.2 billion in airport improvement funding - - on a motion to send the bill back to committee with instructions to add language prohibiting any funds going to the John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport May 21, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 285. (H.Res. 464) A bill providing $70 billion for airport capital improvements and $16.2 billion in airport improvement funding - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill May 21, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 284. (H.Res. 464) A bill providing $70 billion for airport capital improvements and $16.2 billion in airport improvement funding - - on moving to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill May 21, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 273. (H, Res. 456) Legislation designed to establish fair and transparent practices relating to the extension of consumer credit - - on agreeing to the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill May 20, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 242. (H.R. 1729) On passage of legislation was designed to help ensure that lenders only make loans that borrowers will be able to repay May 07, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 241. On the McHenry of North Carolina amendment to exempt “high-cost mortgage loans” from the coverage of the bill designed to help ensure that lenders only make loans that borrowers will be able to repay May 07, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 240. (H.R. 1728) On the Price of Georgia amendment that would have required the Federal Reserve Board to certify that legislation, designed to help ensure that lenders only make loans borrowers will be able to repay, will not reduce the availability or increase the price of credit for qualified mortgages. May 07, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 239. (H.R. 1728)On the Hensarling of Texas amendment that would have deleted the provisions in the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act that make those who either purchase mortgages after they are originated, or package them into securities, liable for deceptive practices engaged in during the original marketing of the mortgage loan May 07, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 238. (H.R. 1728) Frank of Massachusetts amendment eliminating language in the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act prohibiting housing counseling funds being awarded to any organization in which an employee had been indicted for Federal election or voter fraud May 07, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 237. (H.Res. 406) A bill to help ensure that lenders only make loans that borrowers will be able to repay - - on a resolution setting the terms for continued consideration of the bill May 07, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 227. (H.R. 627) A bill to give credit card holders additional rights and to limit the conditions under which credit card issuers could raise interest rates - - on a motion to send the bill back to committee and add language requiring the Federal Reserve Board to study whether the legislation would have an adverse impact on small business Apr 30, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 226. H.R. 627, On the Maloney of New York amendment, which required credit cardholders to agree explicitly before they receive over-the-limit protection and be charged a fee for that protection. Apr 30, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 225. (H.R. 627), On the Slaughter of New York amendment, which limited the amount of credit that card issuers could extend to college students. Apr 30, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 224. (H.R. 627) Legislation giving credit card holders additional rights and protections, and limiting the conditions under which credit card issuers could raise interest rates - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating a bill Apr 30, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 216. (S.Con. Res. 13) On agreeing to budget for fiscal year 2010 Apr 29, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 214. (H. Res. 37) The fiscal year 2010 budget - - on the resolution setting the terms for debate Apr 28, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 213. (H.Res.371) The fiscal year 2010 budget - - on waiving all points of order against the resolution setting the terms for debate Apr 28, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 212. (H.Res.365) The fiscal year 2010 budget - - on a procedural vote to allow the House to consider the resolution setting the terms for debate Apr 28, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 203. (H.R. 1145) On the Shadegg of Arizona amendment, which would have required the identification of state and local water research and development programs that duplicate the effort of federal programs. Apr 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 202. (H.R. 1145) On the Roskam of Illinois amendment, which would have directed the General Accountability Office to identify whether there is duplication in federal water research and development programs. Apr 23, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 192. (H.Con. Res. 85) On passage of the fiscal year 2010 budget resolution. Apr 02, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 191. (H.Con. Res. 85) On approval of the fiscal year 2010 budget proposed by the Republican minority Apr 02, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 190. (H.Con. Res. 85) On approval of the fiscal year 2010 budget proposed by the Congressional Black Caucus Apr 02, 2009. Y Y L
Roll Call 189. (H.Con. Res. 85) On approval of the fiscal year 2010 budget proposed by the Republican Study Committee Apr 02, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 188. (H.Con. Res. 85) On approval of the fiscal year 2010 budget proposed by the Congressional Progressive Caucus Apr 02, 2009. Y Y L
Roll Call 184. (H.Con. Res.316) The budget for fiscal year 2010 - - on agreeing to the resolution setting the terms for debate Apr 02, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 176. (H.Res. 305) The federal budget for fiscal year 2010-- on the resolution setting the terms for debate Apr 01, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 172. (H.Res. 279) On passage of the resolution approving the funding levels for all committees of the House of Representatives for the 111th Congress. Mar 31, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 169. (H.R.1388) On passage of legislation providing funds for local community service and volunteer efforts Mar 31, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 166. (H.Res. 296) Legislation providing funds for local community service and volunteer efforts - - on approving the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Mar 31, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 140. (H.R. 1388) On passage of the “GIVE Act”, which provided funds to AmeriCorps, faith-based organizations and many other local community service and volunteer efforts. Mar 18, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 139. (H.R. 1388) On a motion to add language to a bill funding local community service and volunteer efforts that would prohibit the volunteers from discussing or promoting abortions, and from engaging in lobbying, union organizing, political activity, voter registration or religious teaching Mar 18, 2009. N N L
Roll Call 138. On Agreeing to the Amendment: Amendment 11 to H R 1388 Mar 18, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 137. (H.R. 1388) On the Markey of Colorado amendment to increase funding for AmeriCorps and other national service organizations Mar 18, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 135. (H.R. 1388) On the Roe of Tennessee amendment that would have kept 2010 fiscal year funding for local community service and volunteer efforts at its fiscal year 2008 level Mar 18, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 134. (H.R. 1388) On the Loebsack of Iowa amendment providing additional funds to strengthen local faith-based and other volunteer organizations Mar 18, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 132. (H. Res. 250) A bill providing funds for AmeriCorps, faith-based organizations, and many other local community service and volunteer efforts - - on approving the resolution setting the terms for its debate Mar 18, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 131. (H. Res. 250) A bill providing funds for AmeriCorps, faith-based organizations, and many other local community service and volunteer efforts - - on whether the House should move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debate of the measure Mar 18, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 123. (H.R.1262) On passage of The Water Quality Investment Act of 2009, authorizing billions of dollars for water projects. Mar 12, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 108. (H.J. Res. 38) On a motion to send back to committee a bill providing funds to keep the federal government operating in fiscal year 2009 Mar 06, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 86. H.R.1105 A measure that combined nine fiscal year 2009 appropriations bills covering most of the federal departments and agencies. Feb 25, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 83. (H.Res. 184) Legislation containing nine separate funding measures amounting to over $400 billion for the 2009 fiscal year - - on a procedural vote to determine whether the House should take up the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Feb 25, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 73. (H.R. 44) On passage of a bill increasing compensation for natives of Guam for their suffering during World War II. Feb 23, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 70. (H.R. 1) On passage of the legislation funding the economic stimulus package developed in response to the severe economic downturn of 2008-2009. Feb 13, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 68. (H.R. 1) Legislation funding the economic stimulus package developed in response to the severe economic downturn of 2008 and 2009 - - on a procedural vote to determine whether the House should take up the bill Feb 13, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 67. (H. Res, 168) Legislation funding the economic stimulus package developed in response to the severe economic downturn of 2008 and 2009 - - on the rule providing for the terms under which the House could debate the bill Feb 13, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 66. (H.Res. 168) Legislation funding the economic stimulus package developed in response to the severe economic downturn of 2008 and 2009 - - on the procedural question of whether the House should immediately vote on the resolution permitting it to debate the bill Feb 13, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 63. H. Res. 157. Procedural vote allowing the House to suspend the rules and pass resolutions honoring designated achievements. Feb. 11, 2009. Feb 12, 2009. Absent Y W
Roll Call 52. The Digital Television Delay Act (S.352)/On Passage. Feb 04, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 51. The Digital Television Delay Act (S.352)/Motion to recommit with instructions to retain the effective date for conversion to all-digital television for the portion of the broadcasting spectrum in or near that to be used by first responders. Feb 04, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 46. H.R. 1 Economic stimulus /On passage of the legislation providing more than $800 billion in stimulus spending and tax reductions. Jan 28, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 45. H.R.1. Economic stimulus /Motion to recommit with instructions to add $60 billion in additional highway and water project funding, and to eliminate $164 billion in other funding. Jan 28, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 44. Amendment to H.R.1, the stimulus package proposed by the Democrats. The amendment would substitute the proposed Republican stimulus package that added income tax rate deductions for the bottom two income tax brackets, alternative minimum tax relief, small business deductions and expensing, expanded carry back of net operating losses, improved home buyer credit, unemployment benefit tax exemption, health insurance premium deduction, repeal of the 3 percent withholding requirement for government contractors, extension of unemployment benefits, and a Sense of Congress statement against tax increases to offset outlays. Jan 28, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 42. Neugebauer of Texas amendment that would cut all new spending from the economic stimulus package/On agreeing to the amendment. Jan 28, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 40. Outlining rules for debate (H. Res. 92) on the economic stimulus legislation /On adoption of the resolution. Jan. 28, 2009. Jan 28, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 39. Economic Stimulus/Procedural vote to allow the House to consider the resolution which outlines the rules for debate of the bill containing the economic stimulus package. Jan. 28, 2009. Jan 28, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 38. Economic Stimulus/Procedural vote on whether to take up the economic stimulus legislation (H.R.1) despite the fact that its expenditures violated the Congressional “pay-as-you-go” rule. Jan. 27, 2009. Jan 27, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 35. H Res 88. (Economic stimulus) Providing for consideration of a bill that would provide $815.8 billion for tax cuts and other economic stimulus spending (HR 1)/On passing the bill Jan 27, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 34. H Res 88. (Economic stimulus) Providing for consideration of a bill that would provide $815.8 billion for tax cuts and other economic stimulus spending (HR 1)/On ordering the previous question Jan 27, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 9. HR 11. (Wage discrimination) On passing a bill that would extend the time in which employees could sue for wage discrimination/On passing the bill Jan 09, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 8. HR 12. (Pay equality) On passing a bill that would make it easier for workers to challenge wage discrimination/On passing the bill Jan 09, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 7. HR 12. (Pay equality) Motion to rewrite a pay equality bill to stipulate that employers found liable of pay discrimination would not have to compensate certain legal fees/On the motion Jan 09, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 4. H Res 5. (House organizing resolution) On adopting a resolution setting out the House rules for the 111th Congress/On the motion Jan 06, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 3. H Res 5. (House organizing resolution) Motion to change a resolution outlining the House of Representatives' committee structure to preserve term limits for chairmen/On the motion Jan 06, 2009. N N W