What: All Issues : Government Checks on Corporate Power
 Who: All Members : Florida : Rubio, Marco

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Government Checks on Corporate Power
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 26. (S. 1) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment requiring disclosure of political campaign contributions made by individuals who make more than $1 million from development of Canadian “tar sands” oil fields Jan 22, 2015. Y N L
Roll Call 25. (S. 1) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment imposing an 8-cent-per-barrel fee on oil transported through the controversial Keystone XL pipeline Jan 22, 2015. Y N L
Roll Call 24. (S. 1) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment delaying construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline until federal law had been changed to ensure the oil it carries is taxed like other petroleum products Jan 22, 2015. Y N L
Roll Call 22. (S. 1) On an amendment to prevent the developer of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline from using eminent domain powers to take land from private property owners who didn’t want to sell it Jan 22, 2015. N Y L
Roll Call 21. (S. 1) On an amendment stipulating that during construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, developers could acquire land only in ways consistent with constitutional protections of private property rights Jan 22, 2015. Y N L
Roll Call 19. (S. 1) On an amendment to require Canadian energy companies to pay an 8-cent-per-barrel tax for oil shipped through the proposed Keystone XL pipeline Jan 22, 2015. N Y L
Roll Call 17. (S. 1) On an amendment to require the federal government to speed up its review of applications to drill for oil and natural gas on public land Jan 22, 2015. Y N W
Roll Call 15. (S. 1) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment stating that climate change is real and human-caused, and calling for investment in “clean fossil fuel” energy technology Jan 22, 2015. Y N L
Roll Call 11. (S. 1) On an amendment to put Congress on record believing that climate change is real, but that construction of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline would not make it worse Jan 21, 2015. N Y L
Roll Call 9. (S. 1) On an amendment to give power plants an exemption from the Clean Air Act to burn coal waste that remained after previous mining activities Jan 21, 2015. Y N W
Roll Call 8. (S. 1) On an amendment to delay construction of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline until the federal government issued rules on the storage and transportation of petroleum coke Jan 21, 2015. N Y L
Roll Call 4. (S. 1) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment requiring oil companies to sell their petroleum in the United States, rather than on the world market, if it was transported through the controversial Keystone XL pipeline Jan 20, 2015. Y N L
Roll Call 3. (S. 1) On a motion aimed at allowing the Senate to formally consider a bill authorizing construction of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline Jan 12, 2015. Absent N L
Roll Call 1. (H.R. 26) On an amendment that would have stripped the underlying terrorism-insurance bill of an unrelated provision weakening regulation of financial markets Jan 08, 2015. N Y L
Roll Call 180. (S. 3369) On a motion to end debate and hold a final, up-or-down vote on legislation requiring disclosure of the identity of wealthy donors who help corporations, labor unions, nonprofits, and other organizations influence elections Jul 17, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 179. (S. 3369) On a motion to end debate and hold a final, up-or-down vote on legislation requiring disclosure of the identity of wealthy donors who help corporations, labor unions, nonprofits, and other organizations influence elections Jul 16, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 164. (S. 3240) On passage of legislation that authorizes federal programs to assist farmers and low-income Americans Jun 21, 2012. N Y W
Roll Call 159. (S. 3240) On an amendment to bar the U.S. Environmental Protection Administration from using small manned aircraft to enforce pollution laws Jun 21, 2012. Y N W
Roll Call 158. (S. 3240) On an amendment to allow the U.S. Environmental Protection Administration to continue a controversial practice of using aircraft to enforce pollution laws – as long as it is found to be “cost-effective” and state officials are notified Jun 21, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 155. (S. 3240) On an amendment to require farmers to meet standards for conserving water and soil in exchange for federally subsidized crop insurance Jun 20, 2012. Y Y W
Roll Call 140. (S. 3240) On an amendment aimed at improving the payout organic farmers receive from the federal crop insurance program Jun 20, 2012. N Y W
Roll Call 139. (S.J.Res. 37) On a motion to bring up for consideration legislation overriding new Obama Administration regulations that require coal-fired power plants to cut back on their emissions of toxic pollutants such as mercury Jun 20, 2012. Y N W
Roll Call 124. (S. 3240) On an amendment calling for a study on changing the way the price of milk is determined in the United States Jun 19, 2012. Y Y W
Roll Call 113. (S. 2343) On passage of a bill to prevent the interest rate on student loans from doubling May 24, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 110. (S. 3187) On a motion to kill off an amendment requiring dietary supplement manufacturers to register with the Food and Drug Administration May 24, 2012. Y N L
Roll Call 109. (S. 3187) On an amendment to penalize pharmaceutical companies that are caught overcharging or engaging in fraud May 24, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 108. (S. 3187) On an amendment to allow American consumers to import cheaper prescription drugs from Canada May 24, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 105. (S. 3187) On an amendment to bar prescription drug companies from paying other companies not to produce competing medications May 24, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 89. (S. 2343) On a procedural motion to clear the way for a separate vote on whether the Senate should consider legislation preventing student loan interest rates from doubling May 08, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 76. (S. 1789) On an amendment to repeal a law barring the use of mailboxes for anything other than official U.S. mail Apr 24, 2012. Y N W
Roll Call 63. (S. 2204) On a motion to end debate and set up a final, up-or-down vote on legislation repealing tax breaks for major oil companies and renewing incentives for development of renewable energy and other domestic energy sources Mar 29, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 51. (H.R. 3606) On an amendment aimed at helping small businesses gain access to financial capital Mar 20, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 38. (S. 1813) On an amendment to open up vast new stretches of publicly owned land to oil drilling, force the federal government to allow construction of a controversial oil pipeline, and renew a diverse set of popular tax breaks Mar 13, 2012. N N W
Roll Call 36. (S. 1813) On an amendment to move responsibility for building and maintaining most U.S. highways from the federal government to state governments Mar 13, 2012. Y N W
Roll Call 34. (S. 1813) On an amendment to override the Obama Administration and approve construction of a controversial oil pipeline Mar 08, 2012. Y N W
Roll Call 33. (S. 1813) On an amendment to require that only American-made raw materials be used to build a controversial oil pipeline, and that petroleum products transported using the pipeline be sold only in the United States Mar 08, 2012. N Y L
Roll Call 30. (S. 1813) On an amendment to require the Environmental Protection Agency to delay and rewrite its rules governing pollution from boilers and other industrial incinerators Mar 08, 2012. Y N W
Roll Call 28. (S. 1813) On an amendment to expand offshore oil drilling Mar 08, 2012. Y N W
Roll Call 178. (S. 1726) Legislation that would have repealed a tax law withholding 3% of the government’s payments to contractors and vendors – On ending debate on the motion to bring up the bill Oct 20, 2011. Y N W
Roll Call 172. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have allowed for the importation of pharmaceutical drugs from Canada Oct 20, 2011. N Y L
Roll Call 126. (H.R. 1249) On an amendment that would have clarified that the 60-day period in which companies can apply to extend the term of their patents would begin on the next day—rather than the business day---following the federal government’s decision allowing the patented product to go on the market Sep 08, 2011. Y N W
Roll Call 86. (S. 782) On an amendment that would have delayed for one year a regulation that limited debit card fees charged by banks to retailers Jun 08, 2011. Y N W
Roll Call 73. (S. 953) Legislation that would have required the Secretary of the Interior to approve or deny permits for oil and gas drilling within 30 days of receiving an application – On the motion to bring up the bill May 18, 2011. Y N W
Roll Call 72. (S. 940) Legislation that would have eliminated federal taxpayer subsidies for major U.S. oil and gas companies – On ending debate on the motion to bring up the bill May 17, 2011. N Y L
Roll Call 59. (H. Con. Res. 35) Final passage of legislation effectively defunding the landmark 2010 health care reform law that expanded health insurance coverage to 31 million previously uninsured Americans, and prohibited insurance companies from denying coverage to individuals with pre-existing medical conditions Apr 14, 2011. Y N W