What: All Issues : Family Planning : Availability of Contraceptives
 Who: All Members : Maine : Collins, Susan

Click below to see the vote description.

Family PlanningAvailability of Contraceptives
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 24. (S. 1813) On an amendment to exempt more employers and insurers from a rule aimed at expanding access to contraceptives and other preventive health care Mar 01, 2012. N Y W
Roll Call 60. Final passage of legislation effectively eliminating all federal funding for Planned Parenthood, which provides a wide array of health services for women, including breast cancer screenings, pap smears, and abortions. Apr 14, 2011. N N W
Roll Call 152. S Con Res 13. (Fiscal 2010 budget resolution) Coburn of Oklahoma amendment that would allow for a prohibition on discrimination against health providers who refuse to provide a health service if it would violate their moral or religious beliefs/On agreeing to the amendment Apr 02, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 81. HR 1105. (Fiscal 2009 spending) Wicker of Mississippi amendment that would prohibit funds given to the UN Population Fund from going to organizations that promote certain kinds of abortion programs/On agreeing to the amendment Mar 05, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 19. HR 2. (Children’s health insurance) Martinez of Florida amendment that would reinstate a policy barring aid to international family planning organizations that promote abortions, even if they use non-federal funds to do so/On agreeing to the amendment Jan 28, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 320. HR 2764. (Fiscal 2008 State-Foreign Operations Appropriations) Brownback of Kansas amendment that would delete language allowing U.S. funds to be used for donated contraceptives in developing countries/On agreeing to the amendment Sep 06, 2007. N N W
Roll Call 319. HR 2764. (Fiscal 2008 state and foreign operations appropriations), Boxer of California amendment to repeal a statute that bars international aid groups that perform or promote abortions from receiving federal funds/On the amendment Sep 06, 2007. Y Y W
Roll Call 318. HR 2764. (Fiscal 2008 State-Foreign Operations Appropriations) Brownback of Kansas amendment that would prohibit funds from being used to support organizations that support “coercive abortion or involuntary sterilization”/On agreeing to the amendment Sep 06, 2007. N N L
Roll Call 180. H.R. 1298. Global AIDS Relief/Vote to Eliminate Requirement that One-Third of AIDS Relief Funding Be Used For Abstinence Programs. May 15, 2003. N Y L