Who: All Members : Maine, District 1 : Pingree, Chellie

Click below to see the vote description.

Government Checks on Corporate PowerAgriculture
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 89. (H.R. 1837) On an amendment to require water resources in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to be managed in a way that complies with state and federal law and relies on the best available science Feb 29, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 88. (H.R. 1837) On an amendment to prevent a Republican bill from diverting water supplies intended to protect the environment of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta Feb 29, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 87. (H.R. 1837) On an amendment to require farmers to pay interest on the debt used to construct irrigation projects that benefit them Feb 29, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 86. (H.R. 1837) On an amendment to scrap an attempt to extend and lengthen contracts to ship water from the environmentally sensitive Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta to farms and communities in the San Joaquin Valley of California Feb 29, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 85. (H.R. 1837) On an amendment to put off a change in the management plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta until federal agencies can show the new plan will not harm the quality of the water supply for Delta farmers Feb 29, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 84. (H.R. 1837) On an amendment to put off a change in the management plan for the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta until federal agencies can show the new plan will not harm the safety of the water supply for area residents Feb 29, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 83. (H.R. 1837) On an amendment to put off a change in management of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta unless federal agencies can be sure no jobs in northern California would be lost Feb 29, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 81. (H.Res. 566) On a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to legislation that would alter the management of one of California’s largest waterways to favor agribusiness over environmental and conservation interests Feb 29, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 80. (H.Res. 566) On a motion to end debate and immediately vote on a resolution setting a time limit for debate and amendments that can be offered to legislation altering the management of one of California’s largest waterways to favor agribusiness over environmental and conservation interests Feb 29, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 458. (H.R. 2112) On a motion that would have increased funding by $11.8 million for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Jun 16, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 455. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have eliminated federal subsidies for farmers earning more than $250,000 per year Jun 16, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 452. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have cut $11 million from a program that kills predators of livestock Jun 16, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 443. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have limited federal subsidies provided to farms to $125,000 Jun 16, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 439. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would prohibit funding provided by an agriculture bill from being used to support Brazil’s cotton industry. Jun 16, 2011. Y Y W
Roll Call 426. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have increased funding by $1 million for the Microbiological Data Program, which tests fruits and vegetables for bacteria that can cause food-borne illnesses Jun 15, 2011. N Y L
Roll Call 420. (H.R. 2112) On an amendment that would have provided $1 million to the Food and Drug Administration to combat outbreaks of food-borne illness linked to E. coli. Jun 15, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 276. (H. Con. Res. 34) On an amendment sponsored by House Democrats that would have allowed income tax cuts for the wealthy enacted in 2001 and 2003 to expire, cut Defense Department spending by $89 billion over 10 years, cut agricultural subsidies by $20 billion over 10 years, and preserved Medicare as a guaranteed, government-run health care program for the elderly. Apr 15, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 123. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting federal funds from being used to enforce a federal regulation intended to reduce nutrient pollution (pollution from plant nutrients and fertilizers) in Florida’s lakes, rivers, and streams. Feb 18, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 120. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting federal funds from being used to enforce a federal regulation intended to reduce nutrient pollution (pollution from plant nutrients and fertilizers) in the Chesapeake Bay (which is located in Maryland and Virginia.). Feb 18, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 816. (H.R. 2996): Legislation providing fiscal year 2010 funding for the Department of the Interior and for environmental agencies - - on instructing House Members developing the final version of the bill to insist on a prohibition against funding a regulation monitoring certain greenhouse gas emissions Oct 27, 2009. N N L
Roll Call 789. (H.R. 2442) On final passage of legislation to expand the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water Recycling Program Oct 15, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 788. (H.R. 2442) Legislation to expand the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water Recycling Program - - on whether to table (kill) the appeal of a ruling that prevented consideration of a motion to send the legislation back to committee and add language that would have resulted in the resumption of the previous water flow to the San Joaquin Valley of California Oct 15, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 787. (H.R. 2442) Legislation to expand the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water Recycling Program - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Oct 15, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 786. (H.R. 2442) Legislation to expand the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water Recycling Program - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the bill Oct 15, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 616. Legislation designed to overcome a court decision that reduced the flow of water in the California Central Valley - - on a motion to table (kill) an appeal of a ruling of the chair that a move to bring the legislation to a vote was not in order Jul 23, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 501. (H. R. 2997) On the Broun of Georgia Amendment that would have reduced fiscal year 2010 funding for the Food and Drug Administration by $373 million Jul 09, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 366. (H.R.2847) On the Nunes of California amendment which would have prevented the Marine Fisheries Service from implementing those elements of its plan for the California Central Valley and associated water projects that reduced water flow to farms in the valley Jun 18, 2009. N N W