What: All Issues : Government Checks on Corporate Power : Oil & Gas Industry
 Who: All Members : Maine, District 1 : Pingree, Chellie

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Government Checks on Corporate PowerOil & Gas Industry
Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 71. (H.R. 3408) On final passage of Republican legislation that would open vast new stretches of federally owned territory to energy exploration Feb 16, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 70. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to bar oil drilling within five miles of the Great Lakes or the Florida Everglades Feb 16, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 68. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment that would prevent oil companies from drilling in newly opened federal territory if they are exempt from paying royalties for drilling in other federal territory Feb 16, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 67. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to prevent natural gas harvested off the U.S. coast from being sold to foreign countries Feb 16, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 65. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to require stricter safety requirements for offshore oil drilling Feb 16, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 64. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to ensure offshore oil exploration is off limits in northern California Feb 16, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 63. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to require oil companies who want to lease federally owned territory to estimate the impact an oil spill would have on the local economy Feb 15, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 61. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to prevent energy exploration in publicly owned areas off the coast of the northeastern United States Feb 15, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 60. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to prevent oil exploration in publicly owned territory off the coast of California Feb 15, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 59. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to exempt oil shale from a bill that would open vast new expanses of federally owned land to energy development Feb 15, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 57. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to restrict the use of eminent domain during construction of a controversial oil pipeline Feb 15, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 56. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to require that oil imported through the controversial Keystone XL pipeline must be used in the United States Feb 15, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 55. (H.R. 3408) On an amendment to put off approval of the controversial Keystone oil pipeline until a report on its safety is completed Feb 15, 2012. Y Y L
Roll Call 51. (H.Res. 547) On a resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to Republican-designed legislation that would extend programs funding roads, mass transit, and other transportation projects Feb 15, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 50. (H.Res. 547) On a motion to end debate and immediately vote on a resolution setting a time limit and the amendments that could be offered to Republican-designed legislation that would extend programs funding roads, mass transit, and other transportation projects Feb 15, 2012. N N L
Roll Call 553. (H.R. 2354) On an amendment that would have increased funding by $450 million for research and development of clean energy technology (such as wind and solar energy), and would also have cut $450 million from research and development of fossil fuel-based energy (such as oil and gas) Jul 12, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 544. (H.R 2354) On an amendment that would have increased funding by $24 million for renewable energy development programs, and also would have cut $50 million from fossil fuel-based energy (such as oil and gas) research and development Jul 12, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 478. (H.R. 2021) Final passage of legislation that would loosen regulations on air pollution caused by oil and gas drilling, and eliminate the Environmental Appeals Board’s authority to review applications for oil drilling leases. Jun 22, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 477. (H.R. 2021) On a motion that would have required the Environmental Protection Agency to submit a report to Congress determining whether a bill loosening regulations on air pollution caused by oil and gas drilling would lower gas prices for consumers Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 476. (H.R. 2021) On an amendment that would have prohibited oil and gas drilling off the coast of Oregon Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 475. (H.R. 2021) On an amendment that would have required the Environmental Protection Agency to submit a report to Congress determining the extent to which an oil drilling bill would lower gas prices for consumers. Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 474. (H.R. 2021) On an amendment that would have allowed states to impose air pollution regulations on oil and gas drilling that were stricter than the regulations imposed by the federal government Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 473. (H.R. 2021) On an amendment that would have allowed states to appeal decisions approving or denying oil drilling permits in the nearest court of appeals, rather than the D.C. Circuit Court Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 472. (H.R. 2021) On an amendment that would have maintained the Environmental Appeals Board’s authority to review—and approve or deny—applications for oil drilling permits Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 471. (H.R. 2021) On an amendment that would have allowed the Environmental Protection Agency administrator to extend the “public comment” period for oil drilling permits by 30 days (The public comment period refers to the period during which the public can voice support for or opposition to an oil drilling permit prior to that permit being approved.) Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 470. (H.R. 2021) On an amendment that would have required companies applying for oil drilling permits to disclose bonuses received by their executives Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 469. (H.R. 2021) On an amendment that would have required oil and gas companies to disclose all federal subsidies they receive on applications for oil drilling permits Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 468. (H.R. 2021) On an amendment that would have subjected Shell Oil’s “icebreaker” ships (ships that are literally designed to break through ice) to federal air pollution regulations Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 467. (H.R. 2021) On an amendment that would have allowed the Environmental Protection Agency to continue to measure air pollution from oil drilling on both onshore and offshore locations—meaning on water as well as on land. Jun 22, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 465. (H.R. 2021, H.R. 1249) Legislation that would ease air pollution regulations for oil and gas drilling, as well as a separate, unrelated patent reform bill – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills Jun 22, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 464. (H.R. 2021, H.R. 1249) Legislation that would ease air pollution regulations for oil and gas drilling, as well as a separate, unrelated patent reform bill—On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills Jun 22, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 463. (H.R. 2021, H.R. 1249) Legislation that would ease air pollution regulations for oil and gas drilling, as well as a separate, unrelated patent reform bill–On whether to bring up the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills Jun 22, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 320. (H.R. 1231) Final passage of legislation requiring the Secretary of the Interior to auction leases for oil and gas drilling in the most oil-rich regions of the Outer Continental Shelf (specifically, those areas with more than 2.5 billion barrels of oil or 7.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas). May 12, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 319. (H.R. 1231) On a motion that would have required all oil and gas produced as a result of leases authorized by an offshore oil drilling bill to be sold exclusively in the United States. (This requirement was intended to lower domestic gas prices.) The motion would also have required the Secretary of the Interior to reduce the number of “nonproducing offshore oil and gas leases” (leases which were issued to companies, but were not being used by those companies to actively drill for oil and gas) by 50 percent by 2017. May 12, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 318. (H.R. 1231) On an amendment that would have banned oil and gas drilling from taking place off the coast of Washington State without the approval of Washington’s governor and state legislature. May 12, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 317. (H.R. 1231) On an amendment that would have prohibited oil and gas drilling off the Northern coast of California May 12, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 316. (H.R. 1231) On an amendment that would have permanently banned oil drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico May 12, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 315. (H.R. 1231) On an amendment that would have required all oil and gas companies that were issued leases for oil drilling to outline a “worst-case scenario” oil spill stemming from the proposed oil drilling operations. The applicant would also have been required to submit a plan to contain and clean up the damage stemming from this worst-case scenario. May 12, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 314. (H.R. 1231) On an amendment that would have required the Secretary of the Interior to disclose the executive bonuses for any company that was issued a lease for oil and gas drilling May 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 313. (H.R. 1231) On an amendment that would have required oil companies seeking new leases for oil and gas drilling to renegotiate previous leases on which they paid no royalties May 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 312. (H.R. 1231) On an amendment that would have banned oil drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf if such drilling would “impede operations” of the U.S. military May 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 311. (H.R. 1231) Legislation requiring the Secretary of the Interior to auction leases for oil and gas drilling in the most oil-rich regions of the Outer Continental Shelf (specifically, those areas with more than 2.5 billion barrels of oil or 7.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas) – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill May 11, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 310. (H.R. 1231) Legislation requiring the Secretary of the Interior to auction leases for oil and gas drilling in the most oil-rich regions of the Outer Continental Shelf (specifically, those areas with more than 2.5 billion barrels of oil or 7.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas) – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill May 11, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 309. (H.R. 1299) Final passage of legislation requiring the Secretary of the Interior to approve or deny offshore oil drilling leases within 30 days of receiving an application May 11, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 308. (H.R. 1299) On a motion that would have prohibited oil and gas companies from receiving new oil drilling leases if they had been ordered to pay civil or criminal penalties as a result of an oil spill, and had not yet paid the required fines. May 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 307. (H.R. 1299) On an amendment that would have allowed litigators who successfully challenged federal oil drilling policies in court to collect attorneys’ fees May 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 306. (H.R. 1299) On an amendment that would have allowed district courts outside the Fifth Circuit (which included only Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas) to hear civil lawsuits regarding oil-drilling projects in the Gulf of Mexico May 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 305. (H.R 1299) On an amendment that would have required all applications for offshore oil drilling permits to include an estimate of the amount of oil and gas expected to be produced from the well, as well as an estimate of the amount by which crude oil and consumer prices would be reduced if the well yielded the estimated amount of oil and gas. May 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 304. (H.R. 1299) On an amendment that would have prohibited oil companies from receiving offshore oil drilling permits that had not been approved by the Secretary of the Interior if the Interior Department lacked the staff and budget needed to review all applications for such permits May 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 303. (H.R. 1299) On an amendment that would have prohibited oil companies from receiving offshore oil drilling permits that had not been approved by the Secretary of the Interior May 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 302. (H.R. 1229) On an amendment that would have prohibited the Secretary of the Interior from issuing a permit for offshore oil drilling until the secretary has certified that the applicant has calculated a “worst-case scenario” for the proposed oil drilling operations. The applicant would also have been required to demonstrate the ability respond immediately and effectively to this worst-case scenario. May 11, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 301. (H.R. 1299) On an amendment that would have implemented new oil drilling safety standards proposed by a commission on the 2010 BP oil spill disaster, including new standards for blowout preventers (which monitor and control oil wells), as well as requirements for cementing and well design (in which cement seals the well and prevents such blowouts). May 10, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 300. (H.R. 1299) On an amendment that would have required the Secretary of the Interior to consult with an independent drilling safety organization not affiliated with the American Petroleum Institute when reviewing oil-drilling permits May 10, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 299. (H.R. 1299) On an amendment that would have required the Interior Department to ensure that oil-drilling projects comply with all environmental and fisheries laws when reviewing applications for drilling permits May 10, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 298. (H.R. 1230) Final passage of legislation requiring the Secretary of the Interior to conduct oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and off Virginia’s coast that had been cancelled or delayed by the Obama administration. May 05, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 297. (H.R. 1230) On a motion that would have required all oil and gas produced as a result of leases authorized by an offshore oil drilling bill to be sold exclusively in the United States May 05, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 296. (H.R. 1230) On an amendment that would have postponed oil drilling at a site off Virginia’s coast until the Secretary of Defense certified that would not impede naval or other military operations. May 05, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 295. (H.R. 1230) On an amendment that would have required additional environmental studies to be conducted on the impact of offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico May 05, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 294. (H.R. 1229, H.R. 1230) Legislation requiring the Secretary of the Interior to approve or deny offshore oil drilling leases within 30 days of receiving an application, as well as a separate bill requiring the Secretary of the Interior to conduct oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and off Virginia’s coast that had been cancelled or delayed by the Obama administration – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills May 05, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 293. (H.R. 1229, H.R. 1230) Legislation requiring the Secretary of the Interior to approve or deny offshore oil drilling leases within 30 days of receiving an application, as well as a separate bill requiring the Secretary of the Interior to conduct oil and gas lease sales in the Gulf of Mexico and off Virginia’s coast that had been cancelled or delayed by the Obama administration – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills May 05, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 249. (H.R. 910) Final passage of legislation prohibiting the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions Apr 07, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 248. (H.R. 910) On a motion that would have authorized the Environmental Protection Agency to continue to enforce regulations protecting vulnerable children (such as those with asthma) and seniors from air pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Apr 07, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 241. (H.R. 910) On an amendment that would have allowed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to continue to regulate greenhouse gas emissions but would have exempted farms and small businesses from those regulations Apr 06, 2011. Absent Y L
Roll Call 240. (H.R. 910) On an amendment that would have required the Environmental Protection Agency to conduct a study determining if regulating greenhouse gas emissions would harm U.S. efforts to remain economically competitive in the world Apr 06, 2011. Absent Y L
Roll Call 239. (H.R. 910) On an amendment that would have permitted the Environmental Protection Agency to continue to regulate greenhouse gas emissions if the EPA administrator and Secretary of Defense determined that climate change jeopardized national security Apr 06, 2011. Absent Y L
Roll Call 238. (H.R. 910) On an amendment that would have permitted the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to continue to regulate greenhouse gas emissions if the EPA administrator determined that such regulation could reduce the demand for oil. Apr 06, 2011. Absent Y L
Roll Call 237. (H.R. 910) On an amendment that would have permitted the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] to continue regulating greenhouse gas emissions if the EPA administrator determined that such emissions posed a danger to public health. Apr 06, 2011. Absent Y L
Roll Call 236. Number:236 (H.R. 910) On an amendment stating that “Congress accepts the scientific findings of the Environmental Protection Agency that climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for public health and welfare.” Apr 06, 2011. Absent Y L
Roll Call 235. (H.R. 910) On an amendment that would have allowed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to continue to provide assistance to states that had chosen to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. Apr 06, 2011. Absent Y L
Roll Call 234. (H.R. 910) On an amendment that would have allowed the Environmental Protection Agency to continue to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. This amendment also would have required the EPA—prior to issuing new regulations relating to greenhouse gases—to hold a 30 day “public comment period” in which industries affected by such regulation (such as oil and gas) could raise concerns with EPA officials. Apr 06, 2011. Absent Y L
Roll Call 233. (H.R. 910) On an amendment that would have allowed the Environmental Protection Agency to continue to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. This amendment would also have required the EPA to conduct a study on the long-term effects of banning regulation of greenhouse gas emissions. Apr 06, 2011. Absent Y L
Roll Call 231. (H.R. 910) Legislation prohibiting the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions – On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Apr 06, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 230. (H.R. 910) Legislation prohibiting the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions – On bringing to a final vote the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to the bill Apr 06, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 108. (H.R. 1) On an amendment that would have prohibited federal funds from being used to enforce a law which gave the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC—which regulates interstate transmission of electricity, oil, and natural gas) exclusive authority to govern the operations, building, or expansion of liquid natural gas terminals. Natural gas terminals are essentially ports for natural gas that has been turned into liquid for the purposes of storage and transportation. Feb 18, 2011. Y Y L
Roll Call 94. (H.R. 1) On an amendment prohibiting federal funds from being used by the Environmental Review Board (which reviews permits relating to oil drilling) to invalidate a permit issued by the Environmental Protection Agency to drill for oil in the Arctic Outer Continental Shelf. Feb 18, 2011. N N L
Roll Call 513. (H.R.3534) Final passage of legislation imposing new safety regulations on companies engaging in oil drilling, repealing the $75 million cap on oil companies’ liabilities relating to oil spills, and requiring oil companies to pay royalties on oil that was discharged from a well (including spilled oil) Jul 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 512. (H.R. 3534) On a motion to recommit (which is the minority's opportunity to torpedo or significantly change a bill before a final up-or-down vote on the measure) that would have ended a moratorium on offshore oil drilling in the Gulf Coast area of the United States Jul 30, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 511. (H.R. 3534) On an amendment (to legislation which imposed new safety regulations on companies engaging in offshore oil drilling) that removed a moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf Coast region of the United States for companies that meet safety standards issued by the Secretary of the Interior Jul 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 510. (H.R. 3534) On an amendment (to legislation which imposed new safety regulations on companies engaging in offshore oil drilling) allowing the Natural Resources Damages Fund (a fund established to protect and restore natural resources on federal land) to be used for acquiring additional natural resources (meaning new federal land) as a remedy for environmental destruction in cases where the damaged resource is unlikely to be restored Jul 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 507. (H.R.3534) On an amendment (to legislation which imposed new safety regulations on companies engaging in offshore oil drilling) requiring oil companies to pay royalties on oil that was discharged from a well (including spilled oil), and requiring a study of the effects of oil and gas drilling on marine mammals Jul 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 506. (H.R. 5851) Final passage of legislation prohibiting employers involved in offshore oil drilling from discriminating against who report suspected safety violations to federal or state officials Jul 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 505. (H.R. 5851) On a motion to recommit (which is the minority's opportunity to torpedo or significantly change a bill before a final up-or-down vote on the measure) that would have eliminated new protocols requiring the Labor Department to investigate all complaints by oil company employees who claim they have been discriminated against for reporting safety concerns. Jul 30, 2010. N N W
Roll Call 500. (H.R. 3534, H.R. 5851) Legislation imposing new safety regulations on companies engaging in oil drilling and repealing the $75 million cap on oil companies’ liabilities relating to oil spills, as well as separate legislation prohibiting employers involved in offshore oil drilling from discriminating against who report suspected safety violations to federal or state officials.– On the resolution setting a time limit for debate and determining which amendments could be offered to both bills Jul 30, 2010. Y Y W
Roll Call 875. (H.R. 2868) On passage of legislation designed to extend and enhance the authority of the Department of Homeland Security to protect against acts of terrorism aimed at chemical facilities Nov 06, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 872. On the Dent of Pennsylvania amendment that would have eliminated the requirement that designs and techniques that constitute “inherently safer technology” be required in all U.S. chemical facilities. Nov 06, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 871. On the Dent of Pennsylvania amendment that would have maintained the existing Department of Homeland Security federal chemical facility security regulations, rather than imposing new ones Nov 06, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 870. On the Barton of Texas amendment that would have allowed new federal chemical facility regulations to supersede stricter state and local laws and rules Nov 06, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 869. On the Thompson of Mississippi amendment clarifying the kind of information about chemical facility security that the Department of Homeland is obligated to disclose Nov 06, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 857. (H.Res. 885) Legislation to extend and enhance the authority of the Department of Homeland Security to protect against acts of terrorism aimed at chemical facilities - - on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Nov 05, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 856. (H.Res. 885) Legislation to extend and enhance the authority of the Department of Homeland Security to protect against acts of terrorism aimed at chemical facilities - - on a motion to move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debating the legislation Nov 05, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 709. (H.R. 3221) On passage of the bill providing funding for the development of more energy efficient and environmentally cleaner technologies for vehicles manufactured in the U.S. Sep 16, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 708. (H.R. 3221) Legislation providing funding for the development of more energy efficient and environmentally cleaner technologies for vehicles manufactured in the U.S. - - on the motion to insert language preventing the spending of any additional funding authorized by the legislation until all other federal funds for that had previously been authorized for the development of similar vehicle energy technologies had been spent. Sep 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 705. (H. R. 3246) On to the Hall of Texas amendment that would have frozen, at the fiscal year 2010 level through fiscal year 2013, a funding program for the development of more energy efficient and environmentally cleaner technologies for vehicles manufactured in the U.S. The amendment would also have eliminated that funding in fiscal year 2014. Sep 16, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 477. (H.R. 2454) On passage of the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, which contained the new cap and trade program; that program mandated significantly reduced emission levels, and permitted higher emitting companies to purchase pollution credits from lower emitters. Jun 26, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 476. (H.R. 2454) On the Forbes of Virginia amendment to the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009; the amendment called for a public-private commission to develop a national energy plan and set seven energy independence goals. Jun 26, 2009. N N W
Roll Call 466. (H. Res. 587) A major energy bill containing the “cap-and-trade” plan, which permits ccompanies emitting higher pollution levels than the law would ordinarily allow to continue those emissions by purchasing pollution “credits” from entities emitting lower levels - -on the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill Jun 26, 2009. Y Y W
Roll Call 465. (H. Res. 587) A major energy bill containing the “cap-and-trade” plan, which permits ccompanies emitting higher pollution levels than the law would ordinarily allow to continue those emissions by purchasing pollution “credits” from entities emitting lower levels - -on whether the House should move to an immediate vote on the resolution setting the terms for debate of the bill Jun 26, 2009. Y Y W