What: All Issues : Environment
 Who: All Members : Maine : King, Angus

Click below to see the vote description.

Member's Vote
or not)
Progressive Position
Progressive Result
(win or loss)
Roll Call 26. (S. 1) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment requiring disclosure of political campaign contributions made by individuals who make more than $1 million from development of Canadian “tar sands” oil fields Jan 22, 2015. N N L
Roll Call 25. (S. 1) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment imposing an 8-cent-per-barrel fee on oil transported through the controversial Keystone XL pipeline Jan 22, 2015. N N L
Roll Call 24. (S. 1) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment delaying construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline until federal law had been changed to ensure the oil it carries is taxed like other petroleum products Jan 22, 2015. N N L
Roll Call 22. (S. 1) On an amendment to prevent the developer of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline from using eminent domain powers to take land from private property owners who didn’t want to sell it Jan 22, 2015. Y Y L
Roll Call 21. (S. 1) On an amendment stipulating that during construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, developers could acquire land only in ways consistent with constitutional protections of private property rights Jan 22, 2015. N N L
Roll Call 20. (S. 1) On an amendment putting the Senate on record in opposition to President Obama’s climate pact with China Jan 22, 2015. N N W
Roll Call 19. (S. 1) On an amendment to require Canadian energy companies to pay an 8-cent-per-barrel tax for oil shipped through the proposed Keystone XL pipeline Jan 22, 2015. Y Y L
Roll Call 17. (S. 1) On an amendment to require the federal government to speed up its review of applications to drill for oil and natural gas on public land Jan 22, 2015. N N W
Roll Call 16. (S. 1) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment stating that climate change is a real problem that requires urgent action to prevent “irreparable harm” to the planet Jan 22, 2015. N N L
Roll Call 15. (S. 1) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment stating that climate change is real and human-caused, and calling for investment in “clean fossil fuel” energy technology Jan 22, 2015. N N L
Roll Call 14. (S. 1) On an amendment to limit the federal government’s ability to protect public land from development Jan 22, 2015. Y N W
Roll Call 13. (S. 1) On an amendment endorsing the protection of federal land for environmental and recreational purposes Jan 22, 2015. Y Y L
Roll Call 12. (S. 1) On an amendment to put Congress on record as believing that human activity contributes “significantly” to climate change Jan 21, 2015. Y Y L
Roll Call 11. (S. 1) On an amendment to put Congress on record believing that climate change is real, but that construction of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline would not make it worse Jan 21, 2015. Y Y L
Roll Call 9. (S. 1) On an amendment to give power plants an exemption from the Clean Air Act to burn coal waste that remained after previous mining activities Jan 21, 2015. N N W
Roll Call 8. (S. 1) On an amendment to delay construction of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline until the federal government issued rules on the storage and transportation of petroleum coke Jan 21, 2015. Y Y L
Roll Call 7. (S. 1) On an amendment to limit the attorneys’ fees that can be awarded in cases related to the Endangered Species Act Jan 21, 2015. N N W
Roll Call 4. (S. 1) On a motion to table (kill) an amendment requiring oil companies to sell their petroleum in the United States, rather than on the world market, if it was transported through the controversial Keystone XL pipeline Jan 20, 2015. N N L
Roll Call 3. (S. 1) On a motion aimed at allowing the Senate to formally consider a bill authorizing construction of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline Jan 12, 2015. Y N L