What: All Issues : Aid to Less Advantaged People, at Home & Abroad
 Who: All Members : Minnesota, District 4 : McCollum, Betty

Click below to see the list of votes under the issue subcategory.

Aid to Less Advantaged People, at Home & Abroad SUBCATEGORIES
McCollum, Betty
(house - D)
  Crucial Lifetime Progressive Score (%) Overall Lifetime Progressive Score (%) Rank
Aid to Less Advantaged People, at Home & Abroad 93.65 96.67 20 / 116
America's Poor 93.24 97.03 31 / 116
Children 88.57 96.33 47 / 116
The Chronically Ill 90.91 97.50 51 / 114
The Disabled 75.00 93.75 46 / 97
Famine Relief 100.00 100.00 1TIE / 112
Farmers 83.33 88.57 28 / 114
Immigrants 100.00 100.00 1TIE / 114
Less Affluent Women 100.00 100.00 1TIE / 114
Native Americans 100.00 100.00 1TIE / 97
People in Jails and Prisons 66.67 85.71 19TIE / 97
Poor People in Developing Countries 83.33 93.55 27TIE / 114
Seniors 97.37 97.40 26TIE / 114
The Unemployed 96.77 98.85 14TIE / 116
Veterans 85.71 97.50 31TIE / 116
Victims of Gun Violence 100.00 100.00 1TIE / 55
Victims of Natural Disasters 100.00 92.86 43TIE / 113
Workers Negatively Impacted Upon by International Trade Agreements 100.00 100.00 1TIE / 45