What: All Issues
 Who: All Members : Maine, District 1

To explore a particular member's voting record, click on his or her score of an issue subcategory.

Collins, Susan
(Sen - R)
King, Angus
(Sen - I)
Pingree, Chellie
(house - D)
All issues 40.26 85.50 97.18
Aid to Less Advantaged People, at Home & Abroad (17 subcategories) 40.27 N/A 95.82
Corporate Subsidies (15 subcategories) 55.10 91.67 100.00
Education, Humanities, & the Arts (3 subcategories) 28.95 N/A 98.28
Environment (16 subcategories) 58.67 89.47 97.83
Fair Taxation (6 subcategories) 25.47 100.00 96.36
Family Planning (2 subcategories) 75.68 N/A 100.00
Government Checks on Corporate Power (35 subcategories) 37.96 85.71 99.62
Health Care (17 subcategories) 32.55 N/A 98.15
Housing (2 subcategories) 40.00 N/A 98.57
Human Rights & Civil Liberties (11 subcategories) 36.29 N/A 98.80
Justice for All: Civil and Criminal (7 subcategories) 32.43 100.00 91.84
Labor Rights (8 subcategories) 34.48 100.00 100.00
Making Government Work for Everyone, Not Just the Rich or Powerful (25 subcategories) 37.37 100.00 96.28
War & Peace (24 subcategories) 25.37 N/A 93.29